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'Ecstatic is an understatement': stolen Perth puppy returned to family

A 10-week-old pet puppy stolen from a Canning Vale home on the weekend has been returned to her family after her owners pleaded for her return. 

Canning Vale man Simon Batters told WAtoday his family had been left shaken when they found their home had been broken into and ransacked while they slept on Saturday night.

"The entertainment draws were wide open... the Xbox, Playstation and heaps of games were gone," he said.

"My wallet and keys were missing... straight away I knew we'd been robbed."

Opportunistic thieves robbed the family of a stereo system, clothing items, an alarm system and Mr Batters' 2009 Ford Falcon.

However, the family soon found something far more devastating had also been taken during the robbery.


"I checked Gypsy's bed and blankets, and she wasn't there," he said.

"I clapped my hands and slapped my knee and that usually gets her to come, and she didn't.

"I checked her little plastic kennel and she wasn't there either.

"My heart just sunk."

American staffy puppy Gypsy was missing for three days, and her loss had devastated Mr Batters young daughters.

"My seven-year-old just cried and cried, she had a sleepless night," he said.

"She was talking about going door-knocking in the rain."

As the family came to terms with losing their little family member, Mr Batters went out to dinner with his partner in an attempt to forget about the ordeal. 

"We were sitting at dinner and my partner kept saying she didn't think we were going to get her back," he said.

"I started to get a bit mad she was talking like that, and then not even 10 minutes later her phone went off."

Mr Batters' partner received the text her family had been praying for – Gypsy had been found, and she was ready to be returned to her family.

While Mr Batters is unable to share the details of Gypsy's return due to an ongoing police investigation, he said his girls had were "ecstatic" to hear they would be getting their puppy back.

"They haven't seen her yet," he said.

"They've gone to school knowing that she's home, and they're very happy about it."

Mr Batters credits social media with Gypsy's safe return, and said he had never given up on getting her back.

"We would like to thank everyone who viewed and shared our posts over numerous pages of Facebook and the help of 9 News Perth- with all your shares and prayers we got a message this evening to say that someone believed they had our dog and we could pick her up," he said.

"To say we are ecstatic is an understatement."

As for Gypsy, she is currently living a life of luxury as her family celebrate her return - but she isn't without her own scars.

"She slept in bed with us last night, and she's been acting a little unsettled. She hasn't been too forthcoming with her food and hid in her kennel for awhile," he said.

"We've taken her for a vet check and she's all physically okay.

"We're just thankful she's back."