Vince Colosimo had ice in system and lied to police, court papers allege

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This was published 7 years ago

Vince Colosimo had ice in system and lied to police, court papers allege

By Adam Cooper

Actor and Underbelly star Vince Colosimo allegedly had ice in his system and lied about taking the drug to police, according to court documents.

Mr Colosimo, 50, is interstate and did not appear in Melbourne Magistrates Court on Thursday to answer to his latest charges, which frustrated a magistrate who was asked to again adjourn the case.

Police allege Mr Colosimo tested positive to ice when pulled over in Melbourne's Exhibition Street about 5.40pm on March 5, and denied taking the drug when asked by an officer.

He was charged with recording a positive drug test and driving while suspended.

The court was told that Vince Colosimo was interstate and wanted his case adjourned.

The court was told that Vince Colosimo was interstate and wanted his case adjourned.Credit: Eddie Jim

According to documents released by the court, Mr Colosimo's licence was suspended for six months on February 24, after he accumulated too many demerit points.

Police allege that when asked why he was driving while suspended, the actor said: "Sorry. I didn't believe it was suspended."

Mr Colosimo, who famously starred as murdered gangster Alphonse Gangitano in the Underbelly television series, could fight charges, the court heard.

Magistrate Ross Maxted said Mr Colosimo was set to plead not guilty to the charge of driving while suspended, but the magistrate did not refer to the charge of recording a positive drug test.


Defence counsel Tara Hartnett said she did not have instructions on how Mr Colosimo planned to plead.

Mr Colosimo could face jail time if found guilty of the charges, having been put on a 12-month good behaviour bond earlier this year after admitting he had a small quantity of ice in his car when pulled over in September last year.

The actor was legally entitled to not appear in court on Thursday, as he was charged on summons. Ms Hartnett said he was interstate.

But the slow progress in the case was not welcomed by Mr Maxted when Ms Hartnett asked for an adjournment.

"That's the problem with this court, there are too many adjournments," the magistrate said.

"Justice delayed is justice denied.

"This is a relatively straightforward matter. I am wondering why it is so complex."

The matter was adjourned to November 3.

Mr Colosimo, who is also known for his roles in Lantana and the Leonardo DiCaprio films The Great Gatsby and Body of Lies, was in 2014 fined $1000 for driving while suspended.

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