- published: 10 Mar 2016
- views: 128
Solas may refer to:
Survey may refer to:
Admiralty law or maritime law is a distinct body of law that governs maritime questions and offenses. It is a body of both domestic law governing maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private entities that operate vessels on the oceans. It deals with matters including marine commerce, marine navigation, marine salvaging, shipping, sailors, and the transportation of passengers and goods by sea. Admiralty law also covers many commercial activities, although land based or occurring wholly on land, that are maritime in character.
Admiralty law is distinguished from the Law of the Sea, which is a body of public international law dealing with navigational rights, mineral rights, jurisdiction over coastal waters and international law governing relationships between nations.
Although each legal jurisdiction usually has its own enacted legislation governing maritime matters, admiralty law is characterized by a significant amount of international law developed in recent decades, including numerous multilateral treaties.
SOLAS VGM Requirement: American Shipper Survey by Eric Johnson
Classification Societies in the Maritime World
SOLAS MO42 Seminar Review 20160407
IACS explained international association of classification societies)
How Maritime Law is controlled by organizations, flag states and port states
MARPOL: Oil Pollution Regulations & the Oil Record Book (Part 2)
International Maritime Law, the history
APM Terminals - What is SOLAS?
Are you ready for the 1st July? #SOLAS #VGM #MOBILECONTAINER WEIGHING
Verified Gross Mass and the Implementation of SOLAS
Classification societies in the maritime world are there since 1760. LR started with rating ships for the merchants and underwriters. Nowadays a classification society is mandatory by Solas. An overview of different classification surveys and flag state inspections are given including the basic intervals of surveys. More information and text on http://www.maritime-mea.com
Update on the SOLAS Verified Weighing Seminar and the findings of a recent survey of exporters and transport operators, which included mis-declarations of container weight. Presented by Michael Pal of Fremantle Ports at the WAPOTF meeting 7 April 2016. Meeting minutes can be found at: http://www.fremantleports.com.au/Operations/Landside/Pages/wapotf.aspx
IACS, maritime international association of classification societies. Classification societies nowadays do more then just classifying ships. IACS however is only for the maritime sector. IACS has 12 members, like ABS, LR, BV, DNV-GL, RS, RINA, NK and their big achievement are the unified interpretations of the international regulations, which comes from the members of IMO. Interpretations about new regulations in Solas, Marpol Loadline etc are developed by IACS and handed over to IMO for worldwide acceptance. Besides this interpretations, IACS developed common structural rules for double hull tankers and bulk carriers. These books are free of charge available on their website. Aslo the blue book can be downloaded free of charge. IACS further has some book for sale about hull repairs an...
This video will explain simple and in short the correlation between maritime rules and regulations, the international organizations as IMO and ILO, the flag states, the classification societies. Next to the role of these organization, all their different kind of auditors, inspectors and surveyors will be mentioned shortly. On the website: http:www.maritime-mea.com the video is divided into 8 subjects with an explanation for each on a different page. The IMO main tasks are to organise conventions and look after the ratification by her members. Another task of the IMO is to publish the conventions. The Maritime Labour Convention MLC is by origin from the ILO but organized by the IMO. Class Societies started in 1760 and are mandatory by the Solas. Nowadays there are 50 different societ...
Produced by MEBA.
How we try to prevent maritime accidents by http://www.maritime-mea.com. A crash course of the history on international maritime rules and regulations , how maritime accidents spawned the different conventions and how these conventions turn into international and national law. The IMO ( international maritime organization) and the origins of conventions like Solas and Marpol are mentioned. But also Class Societies like DNV-GL, BV, Lloyds Register will pass the revue. The video will be displayed on the website of Maritime-MEA including the text.
On July 1, 2016, the new Safety Of Life At Sea Rule (SOLAS) will go into effect. As the impending date draws near, the maritime industry converged for the 16th Annual TPM Conference to talk about the inherent issues for shippers and potential trade disruptions that could occur. Peter Tirschwell, senior director of IHS Maritime and Trade gives a brief synopsis on what the industry can expect.
Classification societies in the maritime world are there since 1760. LR started with rating ships for the merchants and underwriters. Nowadays a classification society is mandatory by Solas. An overview of different classification surveys and flag state inspections are given including the basic intervals of surveys. More information and text on http://www.maritime-mea.com
Update on the SOLAS Verified Weighing Seminar and the findings of a recent survey of exporters and transport operators, which included mis-declarations of container weight. Presented by Michael Pal of Fremantle Ports at the WAPOTF meeting 7 April 2016. Meeting minutes can be found at: http://www.fremantleports.com.au/Operations/Landside/Pages/wapotf.aspx
IACS, maritime international association of classification societies. Classification societies nowadays do more then just classifying ships. IACS however is only for the maritime sector. IACS has 12 members, like ABS, LR, BV, DNV-GL, RS, RINA, NK and their big achievement are the unified interpretations of the international regulations, which comes from the members of IMO. Interpretations about new regulations in Solas, Marpol Loadline etc are developed by IACS and handed over to IMO for worldwide acceptance. Besides this interpretations, IACS developed common structural rules for double hull tankers and bulk carriers. These books are free of charge available on their website. Aslo the blue book can be downloaded free of charge. IACS further has some book for sale about hull repairs an...
This video will explain simple and in short the correlation between maritime rules and regulations, the international organizations as IMO and ILO, the flag states, the classification societies. Next to the role of these organization, all their different kind of auditors, inspectors and surveyors will be mentioned shortly. On the website: http:www.maritime-mea.com the video is divided into 8 subjects with an explanation for each on a different page. The IMO main tasks are to organise conventions and look after the ratification by her members. Another task of the IMO is to publish the conventions. The Maritime Labour Convention MLC is by origin from the ILO but organized by the IMO. Class Societies started in 1760 and are mandatory by the Solas. Nowadays there are 50 different societ...
Produced by MEBA.
How we try to prevent maritime accidents by http://www.maritime-mea.com. A crash course of the history on international maritime rules and regulations , how maritime accidents spawned the different conventions and how these conventions turn into international and national law. The IMO ( international maritime organization) and the origins of conventions like Solas and Marpol are mentioned. But also Class Societies like DNV-GL, BV, Lloyds Register will pass the revue. The video will be displayed on the website of Maritime-MEA including the text.
On July 1, 2016, the new Safety Of Life At Sea Rule (SOLAS) will go into effect. As the impending date draws near, the maritime industry converged for the 16th Annual TPM Conference to talk about the inherent issues for shippers and potential trade disruptions that could occur. Peter Tirschwell, senior director of IHS Maritime and Trade gives a brief synopsis on what the industry can expect.
Parte 1 de este documental fascinante. En Español de España, lastimosamente no está en Latino. Y no, no quiero debates sobre el doblaje, je je. Para tener en tu pc el documental completo en una sola parte: http://ouo.io/76S5uH (no fake, no surveys, mediafire) Disfrute, saludos.
Books by Robert Godfrey John Calvin: http://amzn.to/2fMXeu5 Reformation Sketches: http://amzn.to/2fN0bum A Survey of Church History: http://amzn.to/2fMVikW Sola Scriptura!: http://amzn.to/2g8pWXd The Legacy of Luther: http://amzn.to/2gHAAb2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to leave a like on the video if you enjoyed it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- → FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/CT2crh → WEB: http://reformedaudio.org → YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/q3HhOJ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Our goal is to create a resource for thoughtful Christians that provides high quality audio versions of some of the best Christian theological literature. In addition, we also offer p...
If God is Good, How Could He Command Holy War? | Derek Thomas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ68tLM7Eug -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Books by Robert Godfrey John Calvin: http://amzn.to/2fMXeu5 Reformation Sketches: http://amzn.to/2fN0bum A Survey of Church History: http://amzn.to/2fMVikW Sola Scriptura!: http://amzn.to/2g8pWXd The Legacy of Luther: http://amzn.to/2gHAAb2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to leave a like on the video if you enjoyed it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- â FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/CT2crh â WEB: http://reformedaudio.org â YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/q3HhOJ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Our goal is to create a resource for thoughtful Christ...
In this episode, Jeoff Solas and Janette Toral will about the Fascinate Advantage Report. Generated from the Fascinate survey quiz Janette gave out two weeks ago. Those who took it found out their personality archetype and their Fascination Advantage. Jeoff and Janette will share their insights about the report and give inputs as well to those who took the test and have shared their result to Janette.
Berlin-Island: EMPIRICAL SURVEY ON A HERITAGE | CAGLIARI Opening: 1 Marzo 2013 - 18.00h è un progetto di mostra d´ arte contemporanea che presenta le opere e gli artisti che hanno partecipato a tre diversi esperimenti Culturali iniziati a Berlino nel 2010. Contribuisci al progetto qui: www.friendfund.com/pool/P3P1.BERLIN-ISLAND-Cultural-experiment-EMPIRICAL-SURVEY-ON-A-HERITAGE?view=1#.UNrHEli_Z7M.facebook Questa esperienza ha la cultura sarda come oggetto di indagine, l'arte contemporanea come strumento e Berlino come campo da gioco. Può l'arte contemporanea, attraverso progetti artistici, verificare e controllare lo stato di salute di una cultura ? Un progetto del Sardisches Kulturzentrum di Berlino Ideato e coordinato da Giovanni Casu Curato da Giusy Sanna I tre esperimenti: G...
Berlin-Island: EMPIRICAL SURVEY ON A HERITAGE | CAGLIARI Opening: 1 Marzo 2013 - 18.00h è un progetto di mostra d´ arte contemporanea che presenta le opere e gli artisti che hanno partecipato a tre diversi esperimenti Culturali iniziati a Berlino nel 2010. Contribuisci al progetto qui: www.friendfund.com/pool/P3P1.BERLIN-ISLAND-Cultural-experiment-EMPIRICAL-SURVEY-ON-A-HERITAGE?view=1#.UNrHEli_Z7M.facebook Questa esperienza ha la cultura sarda come oggetto di indagine, l'arte contemporanea come strumento e Berlino come campo da gioco. Può l'arte contemporanea, attraverso progetti artistici, verificare e controllare lo stato di salute di una cultura ? Un progetto del Sardisches Kulturzentrum di Berlino Ideato e coordinato da Giovanni Casu Curato da Giusy Sanna I tre esperimenti: G...