NRL Live Pass could be the worst streaming service ever

I grew up in the land of XXXX Gold and king hits, and I relish a bit of athletic thuggery ... but only if I can actually ...
I grew up in the land of XXXX Gold and king hits, and I relish a bit of athletic thuggery ... but only if I can actually see the players Getty Images

How's this for a rort?!

Imagine one has staggered through the front door on a Wednesday evening, with a dim plan to watch the State of Origin, indulge in some boxed wine (one is trying to save) and power through 400 expenses because one's corporate card has been suspended. 

In a house sans TV, one half-heartedly skims the web for a free stream of the football game, but comes up empty handed. No matter, one will sign up to the NRL Live Pass, which boasts access to every NRL game every week! Across multiple compatible devices ... Premium content! 

One is only moderately excited by the gleeful offerings, given NRL is a simple game played by, dare I say it, simple men. But one grew up in the land of XXXX Gold and king hits, and so relishes a bit of athletic thuggery. 

Also the pass is free for the first week and costs only $3.99 a week after that. I figure I can cancel immediately after Queensland thumps NSW. One enters credit card details (yes, I realise this is potentially contravening the savings plan, but the cancel plan remember?) and subscribes to that most perplexing of codes. 

Then begins the most frustrating, limited and downright bossy experience one has experienced since Tracey Grimshaw annoyingly refused to play down Matthew Johns' confusion that group sex involving a 19-year-old woman, with a swag of player spectators, could like, cause her trauma. 

Anyway, back to the doleful Live Pass experience. 

Firstly, the window is tiny, the size of a YouTube window and it cannot, I repeat, cannot get any bigger. I don't know how Telstra managed to piss the NRL off so much that their broadcast agreement restricts the display of live match videos to that of a moving postage stamp, but they did and it is. 

Connecting the laptop to the living room projector, via HDMI cable, and re-opening the streaming window seems logical ... "The encoding of this product is not compatible". Fiddling around with their MacBook Pro settings ... everything seems in order, but even the volume is mute; as if the AUX cable is not receiving any signal. 

One takes a solid swig of Stanley shiraz cabernet before succumbing to the murky realm of the Frequently Asked Questions.

Luckily, it seems I'm not the only person who is perplexed that they've just agreed to pay actual money for a service that is laughably inadequate and tinged with unwarranted arrogance. One gets the vibe the NRL is primly suggesting, you're lucky to even get this much golden football spectacle!

Presumably, they think I'm a rabid fan abroad, sinking Flor de Caña in some Nicaraguan beach town, desperate to watch the ritual of Queensland utterly humiliating their southern cousins and am grateful to squint at minute players. But I'm not, I'm in the middle of Sydney and I just want to stream a game of football. That I'm willing to pay for! 

The FAQ's are white-lipped and rigid in their authority. 

No, you cannot live stream from the NRL Match Centre to a TV or Monitor via Airplay, Airplay Mirroring or direct cable connection (e.g. HDMI, VGA etc). 

No, you cannot view a live match video in full screen size. 

No, you cannot watch live video via the Match centre on a PC. 

There is a moment where I almost throw a tantrum and go across to the pub like any other normal person, but the $9 price tag attached to a glass of wine in this town (and the hefty pile of receipts) forces me to stay put. I must admit, it didn't occur to me to go to the pub and not have a glass of wine until now.

I prop my laptop up in front of my expenses and basically use the livestream as a radio service, given I can barely see the players, and proceed to thoroughly enjoy the inspired crushing of the NSW Blues, simultaneously making impressive inroads into some of Stanley's finest and accounting for a staggering amount of taxi receipts.