Book review: The Tempest Tossed Church

Author Gerard Windsor provides an insider's view of the Catholic Church.
Author Gerard Windsor provides an insider's view of the Catholic Church. Mathew Lynn

The Catholic Church needs advocates like Gerard Windsor right now. With Cardinal George Pell’s trial on child sex abuse charges about to start as BOSS went to press, the Church’s reputation has never been lower in Australia.

Windsor puts his own case for Catholicism, and why it can still be a force for good in the world, in a manner that may appeal to those who have tuned out from the right-wing traditionalists who control the Church.

He ignores debates about same-sex marriage or stem-cell research, calling them “ethical” matters. Windsor's concern here is religion: how you get it, how it can inspire and sustain you, how it can flummox you too. He explores the problems of Christianity’s insistence on an incarnate God, and the pitfalls of expecting a personal relationship with Jesus, who, he says, on a closer reading of the Bible is "not what we’d call a lovable figure".

Yet this transposing of the divine into daily life is also Christianity’s great genius, in Windsor’s view. “When the terrible storms of injustice and loss and meaningless hit us, Christianity offers that abiding image of … the mother with the tortured, lifeless body of her son across her lap,” he writes. “It doesn’t guarantee comfort, but it does say this God has known this horror too … We at least live in hope of an explanation.”

In the meantime, in the Catholic rendering of the faith, there is always a saint whom you can ask for directions or consult on where you left your keys.

For those Generation X-ers who are mostly into Catholicism for the schools -  and Windsor has watched them disappear from the pews once their child has secured a place - this book is an entertaining primer, or reminder, of what they may be missing out on.

The author makes no excuses for the Church’s sexual abuse scandal, but does provide an insider’s view into the culture that made it possible. He spent seven years training to become a Jesuit and confirms that "assisting young men to cope with their sexuality, with the prospect of a lifetime of celibacy, was not on the syllabus".

Windsor makes his statement of faith in a moderate, over-the-fence style, admitting his flaws and sharing his struggles and causes for inspiration along the way. Pell’s successor atop Australia’s Catholic Church, Archbishop Anthony Fisher – who notoriously told sexual abuse survivors to "stop dwelling crankily on old wounds" – should take speaking notes.

The Tempest-Tossed Church: Being A Catholic Today by Gerard Windsor, NewSouth

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