- published: 24 Feb 2017
- views: 671
Welten is a village in Heerlen, still retaining its village like appearance.
A couple of landmarks remain in Welten, including a church dating back to the 11th century though restored in the 19th century, and the Weltermolen (Weltermill), a watermill powered by the Geleenbeek.
The Weltermolen dates back to at least the 14th century.
Coordinates: 50°52′26″N 5°57′54″E / 50.87389°N 5.96500°E / 50.87389; 5.96500
Daniel Schmidt is a composer and builder of American gamelan. He currently teaches gamelan and instrument building at Mills College. He is also a long-time collaborator with Paul Dresher.
Schmidt has helped build many American gamelans, including Si Darius/Si Madeleine with Lou Harrison and Bill Colvig, and the aluminum gamelan that is used by Gamelan Pacifica in Seattle. He is currently working on an aluminum gamelan, "Gift", in collaboration with students at Mills College. "Gift" uses the same tuning and extended range as the instruments Si Darius/Si Madeleine, and finished instruments are used in performance with Si Darius/Si Madeleine.
Recording, vinyl, "In My Arms, Many Flowers" will be released in the spring of 2016.
Nicholas Peter John "Nick" Hornby (born 17 April 1957) is an English novelist, essayist, lyricist, and screenwriter. He is best known for his novels High Fidelity and About a Boy. Hornby's work frequently touches upon music, sport, and the aimless and obsessive natures of his protagonists. His books have sold more than 5 million copies worldwide as of 2009.
Hornby was born in Redhill, Surrey, the son of Sir Derek Peter Hornby, the chairman of London and Continental Railways, and Margaret Audrey Hornby (née Withers). He was brought up in Maidenhead, and educated at Maidenhead Grammar School and Jesus College, Cambridge, where he read English. His parents divorced when he was eleven.
Hornby published his first book in 1992, a collection of essays about American Writers such as Tobias Wolff and Ann Beattie, titled Contemporary American Fiction. Hornby's second book, Fever Pitch, also published in 1992, is an autobiographical story detailing his fanatical support for Arsenal Football Club. As a result, Hornby received the William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award. In 1997, the memoir was adapted for film in the UK, and in 2005 an American remake was released, following Jimmy Fallon's character's obsession with the Boston Red Sox, a baseball team. With the book's success, Hornby began to publish articles in the Sunday Times, Time Out and the Times Literary Supplement, in addition to his music reviews for the New Yorker.
Cube World is an open world RPG video game in development by Picroma for Microsoft Windows. Wolfram von Funck began developing the game in June 2011, and was later joined by his wife Sarah von Funck. An early alpha version of the game was released on July 2, 2013. However, as of July 2015, the game is unavailable for purchase and has not received any updates since July 23, 2013. A significant lack of communication by the developer about the game's current development has fueled speculation about its future. In October 2015, Von Funck tweeted that he was currently adding music to Cube World.
In Cube World, the player explores an endlessprocedurally generated "voxel-like" world. This world contains randomly generated dungeons, including underground caverns and over-world castles, as well as separate biomes including grasslands, snowlands, deserts, and oceans. Players can use items such as hang gliders and boats to traverse the world more quickly.
Players can create multiple characters, with character creation, which involves the player first choosing a race then customizing the look of the character. The player then chooses one of four classes: warrior, rogue, ranger, or mage. The world is populated with monsters and creatures which can be killed for experience, which results in stronger statistics and abilities and allows players to choose specializations which best suit their in-game aims. These specialization choices include warriors being able to choose between focusing on damage or defensive abilities, or mages focusing on damage or healing abilities. Players can also tame animals, such as sheep or turtles, which fight alongside them, or, in some cases, can be ridden by them to travel more quickly.
John Crowley /ˈkraʊli/ (born December 1, 1942) is an American author of fantasy, science fiction and mainstream fiction. He studied at Indiana University and has a second career as a documentary film writer.
He is best known as the author of Little, Big (1981), which received the World Fantasy Award for Best Novel and has been called "a neglected masterpiece" by Harold Bloom and his Ægypt series of novels which revolve around the same themes of Hermeticism, memory, families and religion.
Crowley writes the bi-monthly "Easy Chair" essay in Harper's Magazine.
John Crowley was born in Presque Isle, Maine, in 1942; his father was then an officer in the US Army Air Corps. He grew up in Vermont, northeastern Kentucky and (for the longest stretch) Indiana, where he went to high school and college. He moved to New York City after college to make movies, and did find work in documentary films, an occupation he still pursues. He published his first novel (The Deep) in 1975, and his 17th volume of fiction (Four Freedoms) in 2009. Since 1993 he has taught creative writing at Yale University. In 1992 he received the Award in Literature from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters.
WELTEN / Comida Italiana
10 Mysteriöse, vergessene Welten der Erde
Fremde Welten Der Kosmos
WoW Legion Patch 7.3 PTR - Invasionsrisse der Brennenden Legion zu anderen Welten
INNERE WELTEN ÄUSSERE WELTEN - Full Movie Deutsch - Cosmic Angel Nominee 2014
Entdecke die PLAYMOBIL-Welten im XXL-Format
WELTEN in WÜRFELN!! (Minecraft Cube World Mod) [Deutsch]
Brooklyn – Eine Liebe zwischen zwei Welten | Trailer | Deutsch German HD (John Crowley, Nick Hornby)
Welten-Angst und Welten-Liebe - Andreas Beutel
WELTEN live am 21.2.17 Comida Italiana (Valentin Mühlberger) feat. Bertram Burkert Valentin Mühlberger: wurlitzer & moog Lukas Backs: flöte Laurenz Welten: sax Jonas Petry: schlagzeug Kamera: Magdalena Roth Video und Ton: Lukas Backs jazz aus leipzig. webseite: welten-band.com
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Mit dem kommenden WoW Legion Patch 7.3 wird es auf Argus diverse Invasionsrisse der Brennenden Legion zu anderen Welten geben. In unserer PTR Vorschau werfen wir einen ersten Blick auf das "neue" Feature. Zum Artikel: Zur Übersicht: https://wow.mmozone.de/wow-legion-patch-7-3-uebersicht-zu-inhalten/ Freunde werden? Facebook, Twitter und Twitch. ----------------------------------------------------------- ► Facebook: http://goo.gl/erKemz ► Twitter: https://goo.gl/Vovys1 ► Twitch: http://goo.gl/bTIj9U Unterstützt uns durch einen Kauf bei unserem Partner RandyRun ----------------------------------------------------------- ► WoW Legion CD-Key günstig kaufen: http://goo.gl/B1Ydn9 ► 60-Tage Gametimecard für WoW: http://goo.gl/WRnDl2 ► WoW-Gold günstig und sicher über das Auktionshaus kaufen: h...
INNERE WELTEN - ÄUSSERE WELTEN Nominee Cosmic Angel Award 2014 -- 4. Platz Cosmic Angel Award Audience Choice und 5. Platz Cosmic Angel Grand Jury Prize http://www.cosmic-cine.com • http://www.facebook.com/CosmicCine SPENDEN / UNTERSTÜTZEN Mache per Paypal eine Spende an Awaken the World. Diese Initiative hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Menschheit zu einer höheren Bewusstseins-Ebene zu erwecken, indem sie Filme produziert und sie kostenlos zur Verfügung stellt. Für jede Spende ab 100 US$ erhältst du optional ein phantastisches Poster mit der Blume des Lebens (ca. 90 mal 90 cm). Wählen diese Option um ein Poster zu bekommen. http://www.innereweltenfilm.de/index.cfm?page=donate KAUFEN Hier bekommst du deine Blu-ray / DVD: http://www.innereweltenfilm.de/index.cfm?page=purchase VERBREITE...
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► Die Cube World Mod lässt Biome in Würfeln generieren! Erlebe ein ganz neues Abenteuer mit neuen Challenges! ► Kostenlos abonnieren: http://goo.gl/ExzZ7I --- Links --- ► Download Cube World Mod: https://goo.gl/HZjnjA ► Mein PC/Mikrofon/Hard- und Software: http://goo.gl/zUrVvk ------ Social Gebimsel ------- ► Facebook: http://www.lekoopa.de/fb.htm ► Twitter: http://www.lekoopa.de/tw.htm ► Instagram: http://www.lekoopa.de/in.htm ► Infos zum Spiel Minecraft Open-World-Spiel vom Entwicklerstudio Mojang AB. Offizielle Internetseite: http://www.minecraft.net/ ► Music (epidemicsound.com & Kevin MacLeod)
BROOKLYN - EINE LIEBE ZWISCHEN ZWEI WELTEN' - Jetzt nur im Kino. Offizieller deutscher Trailer. Abonniert uns ➤ http://bit.ly/foxkino BROOKLYN erzählt die bewegende Geschichte der jungen Eilis Lacey (Saoirse Ronan), einer jungen irischen Immigrantin, die in den 1950er Jahren versucht, in Brooklyn Fuß zu fassen. Von den Versprechungen Amerikas angelockt, verlässt Eilis nicht nur Irland sondern auch das behagliche Heim ihrer Mutter, um in New York ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Anfangs leidet die junge Frau unter großem Heimweh, doch das verfliegt schnell als sie sich von einer Liebesromanze mitreißen lässt. Aber schon bald wird ihr neues Leben auf eine harte Probe gestellt und sie muss sich nicht nur zwischen zwei Ländern sondern auch zwischen zwei ganz unterschiedlichen Lebensentwürfen ent...
Götz Wittneben im Gespräch mit Autor und Forscher Andreas Beutel Warum sollten wir in den Horizonten des Herzens eine Sendung dem Thema Angst widmen? Und dann auch noch die ultimative Form Weltenangst? In der Sendereihe Horizonte des Herzens erfühlen Götz Wittneben und Andreas Beutel den Puls der Zeit und beleuchten mit dem versöhnenden Blick des Herzens aktuelle Themen. Manche drängen sich schnell auf, andere ergeben sich erst kurz von Sendungsbeginn. In der Vorbereitung dieser Sendung kamen die beiden Gesprächspartner darauf, daß das Thema Angst so stark in der Luft liegt, daß sie sie einfach benennen mußten, um wieder Luft zum Atmen zu haben. Alle Seiten der Gesellschaft spielen mit den Ängsten der Menschen. Angst vor Überfremdung vs. Angst vor erstarkendem Nationalismus, um nur ein B...
Auf den Spuren des "Mannes im Salz" im ältesten Salzbergwerk der Welt Der Besuch der Salzwelten Hallstatt ist eine unvergessliche Zeitreise für große und kleine Entdecker und Hobbyforscher. Mit der Salzbergbahn geht es zunächst ins Hallstätter Hochtal, wo Sie bereits der Weg über das berühmte prähistorische Gräberfeld in eine längst vergangene Epoche entführt. An der Kasse erhalten alle Kinder eine Schatzkarte -- mit Ihrer Hilfe lässt sich das Hochtal ganz leicht erkunden und am Schluss wartet eine kleine Belohnung. Im Knappenhaus tauchen Sie dann ein in die Welt unter Tage und in die Geschichte des legendären „Mannes im Salz", der 1734 tief im Hallstätter Salzbergwerk gefunden wurde. Auf zwei langen Bergmannsrutschen gelangen Sie schwungvoll in die Tiefen des uralten Salzbergwerkes bis z...
Die Mongolei ist ein riesiges, weites Land, fast viermal so groß wie Deutschland. In der Hauptstadt Ulan Bator pulsiert das Leben, die weite Steppe ist hingegen nur sehr spärlich besiedelt.Der Film zeigt die gewaltigen Unterschiede zwischen der Stadt, in der mongolische Tradition auf moderne Großstadtmenschen prallen, und dem weiten Land, in dem Nomaden noch immer weitestgehend isoliert umherziehen.Da sind zum Beispiel Tsogbajr und seine Frau Zolzaja. Die beiden sind Anfang 30, haben zwei Kinder und scheinen ein ganz normales modernes Stadtleben in Ulan Bator zu führen.
http://www.expedia.com/Las-Vegas.d178276.Destination-Travel-Guides Step out of the ordinary world and into the glittering, wild spread of “Sin City,” better known as Las Vegas, Nevada. Test your luck in the numerous casinos lining the city and then indulge in some Las Vegas sightseeing – will you win big or head home empty-handed? The main drag, also called “The Strip,” is lined with exotic resorts sure to leave an impression on you. These gigantic venues aren’t just about the gambling, though you’ll find craps, poker, and other games running at all hours of the day and night. A trip to one of these extraordinary establishments is a journey unto itself, filled with luxury and excitement. Take in the dancing fountains at the Bellagio, or watch knights jousting at the Excalibur. Explore s...
Uruguay is emerging as one of South America’s favorite destinations. Its capital Montevideo has a warm, temperate climate, pleasant sea breezes and miles of boulevards. From Montevideo’s Telecommunications Tower you can see the hill that gave the city its name. Another tower, the Palacio Salvo looms high above the Plaza Independencia in the City Center. Under this square is the mausoleum for the country’s revolutionary hero José Artigas. Nearby Plaza Matriz is the city’s oldest square and home to the 18th-century Metropolitan Cathedral, the focal point of Uruguay’s Old Town. Soccer is big here and in 1930 Uruguay hosted and won the first-ever FIFA World Cup in the Estadio Centenario. Another proud local tradition is “parrilla" and the best way to try it is to buy cuts of meat in the M...
https://www.expedia.com/Singapore.d180027.Destination-Travel-Guides Small and heavily populated, Singapore is an easy place to explore; nothing in the city is more than an hour from the business district. Thanks to modern construction and outstanding architecture, Singapore is rapidly becoming a powerhouse trade city, but it maintains ties to its Asian roots through traditional temples and many cultural hotspots, like Little India and Kampong Glam. Your Singapore tour must include the Botanical Gardens and Orchid Gardens, both beautiful and notable places to visit. If you’re a fan of exotic animals, stop by the Singapore Zoo and check in with its 300-plus species that take up residence there. You can also take a “bumboat” from Changi Beach to Pulau Ubin, set away from the bustling city,...
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Heading back to Finland - and specifically Helsinki - was our greatest surprise this summer. As the capital city, it has the attractions any big city offers, yet it somehow retains plenty of small town charm. One of the main reasons is that you're never far from nature. Hop on a bicycle or kayak and you within a few kilometers you'll feel as though you're all alone at one with nature. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpacker/ facebook:...
Reisen Sie mit TP Erlebnisreisen von South Dakota durch Wyoming bis nach Montana. Mitten in den USA liegen die indianischen Reservationen wie kleine Welten für sich: Mit anderen Werten, anderen Zielen und Hoffnungen. Auf dieser Reise bekommen wir sehr persönliche Einblicke in diese Welt und ihren Menschen, den „Native Americans“. Wir begegnen ihnen von Herz zu Herz mit viel Zeit für persönliche Gespräche und gemeinsame Erlebnisse. Reiseleiterin Corinna Veit reist seit über 20 Jahren in die USA und hat „Freunde“ in vielen indianischen Nationen, sie ist die Türöffnerin und ermöglicht tiefe, echte Begegnungen. Die Reise beginnt in South Dakota. Auf der Pine Ridge Reservation besuchen wir mit unserem Lakota Guide den Ort des tragischen Massakers Wounded Knee, das indianische Radio Kili. Natü...
Lima is one of the most dynamic cities in South America and we're thrilled to showcase some of the top attractions and things to do in the city in this video guide. Our 30 things to do Lima, Peru travel guide highlights some of the top foods to eat in Lima (including Peruvian street food), museums worth checking out and must see attractions along with off-the-beaten track suggestions. We delve deep into neighborhoods such as Miraflores and Larcomar and offer up suggestions for travel adventure junkies such a paragliding, surfing and biking. To satisfy our taste buds we sample Peruvian cuisine including ceviche, anticuchos, salchipapas, lomo saltado, chifa, nikkei and whole lot more as part of our Lima food guide. Unfortunately, a lot of tourists skip Lima and head straight for Machu Pi...
A stór, a stór, a ghrá
A stór, a stór an dtiocfaidh tú?
A stór, a stór, a grhá
An dtiocfaidh tú nó an bhfanfaidh tú?
Bhí me lá breá samhraidh i mo sheasamh ar an mhargadh
'S is iomai fear a dúirt lion: "Monuar, gan tú sa bhaile agam".
Gheall mo ghrá domsa cinnte go dtiocfadh si
Ni raibh a culaith Déanta agus sin an rud a choinnigh i
Thart tóin an gharrai, a Mháire, bhfuil an fhidil leat?
Aicearra na bprátai go dtéimid' sair an fhidileoir
Mhí mise lán den tsaoil is bhi cion amuigh is istigh orm
Nach mór a dáthraigh an saol nuair nach bhfuil eion ag duine ar
bith orm?
One fine summers day as I stood there in the market place
Many a fine young man remarked, “I’m sad you are not home with me.”
My darling, my darling, my love
My darling, my darling, will you come with me
My darling, my darling, my love will you come with me or settled be.
My true love promised kindly that she would surely come with me
Her wedding dress not ready, delayed her in joining me.
We have got water from the Eirne, and green grass from the heaven’s stems
Cows udders are near rending from the overflow of milk in them.
By the bottom of the garden, a Mary, is the fiddle there?
The shortcut by the praties, we’ll hasten to the fiddler.
At one time in my life I was dearly loved by everyone