3 August 2017

Trump announces plan to cut legal immigration in half

By our reporter, 3 August 2017

Defending the move at a press conference, Trump’s fascistic aide Stephen Miller denounced CNN for having a “cosmopolitan bias” in a thinly-veiled anti-Semitic attack.

Democrats advise concerned immigrant community to prepare for deportation

By Anthony del Olmo, 3 August 2017

Congressman Juan Vargas hosted an Immigration Town Hall in San Diego that amounted to advice on how to ensure a smooth deportation.

Video released of 2013 incident
Border agents urged 16-year-old boy to drink liquid meth, resulting in his death

San Diego teacher detained by Border Patrol at internal immigration checkpoint

American nightmare: Nine immigrants suffocate to death in trailer left in Texas parking lot

More on North American immigration issues »

“I’ve read about revolutions. If you ignore the lower class long enough they’ll rise up”
Amazon Jobs Day applicants speak out

By our reporters, 3 August 2017

Reporters from the World Socialist Web Site and International Amazon Workers Voice spoke to applicants in Illinois, Wisconsin, New Jersey, New York and Ohio.

Amazon Jobs Day: A Tale of Two Americas

Sign up for the International Amazon Workers Voice »

Trump approves new sanctions against Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 3 August 2017

With relations between Washington and Moscow worse than at anytime since the height of the Cold War, predominant sections of the US establishment are pressing for a further escalation of tensions.

The US sanctions drive and the danger of war

US Congress overwhelmingly passes sanctions bill targeting Russia

Grenfell survivors homeless while local mansions remain empty

By Paul Mitchell, 3 August 2017

Across London, 19,845 homes, worth some £9.4 billion ($12 billion), sat idle for over six months in 2016.

Anger grows over failure to prosecute those responsible for Grenfell Tower inferno

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Over 1,000 organisations targeted by UK police undercover spying operations

By Steve James, 3 August 2017

In 2015, the Socialist Equality Party published an Open Letter to the Pitchford inquiry for “the immediate release of the names of all undercover police operatives, especially those active in the Workers Revolutionary Party (and its forerunners and successor organisations).”

Video documents torture of teen in Tennessee jail

By Keisha Gibbs, 3 August 2017

Released in late July, surveillance video shows 18-year-old Jordan Norris being restrained and repeatedly tased while in a Cheatham County, Tennessee jail.

San Diego State University professor attacked over Facebook post criticizing Senator John McCain

By Jill Lux, 3 August 2017

Threats have been made against Professor Jonathan Graubart, who denounced the effusions of sympathy for the the long-time war-monger who was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Canada: BC’s new NDP premier pledges to work closely with Trudeau

By Roger Jordan, 3 August 2017

Premier Horgan has hailed Trudeau, whose government is hiking military spending and launching a privatization drive.

Contradictions mount in latest Australian terrorism scare

By Mike Head, 3 August 2017

The release of one of the detained men without charge raises further questions about lurid claims of a supposed “aeroplane plot.”

Terrorist plot allegedly prevented in Australia

Papua New Guinea prime minister re-installed

By John Braddock, 3 August 2017

O’Neill has been returned to office with a reduced majority following an election marked by widespread fraud and attacks on democratic rights.

After the Papua New Guinea election: The way forward for the working class and rural poor

New in Spanish

Los cambios de cartera de la Casa Blanca: pasos hacia el autoritarianismo

Por Patrick Martin, 2 agosto 2017

La colocación del general marine de EE. UU., John Kelly, como jefe de personal de la Casa Blanca es parte de un giro más amplio del presidente Trump hacia el aparato militar y de inteligencia.

¿Escribe el WSWS sobre León Trotsky? No según Google

Por Joseph Kishore, 2 agosto 2017

La búsqueda en Google de “¿Quién es León Trotsky?” en inglés no lleva a artículos del sitio trotskista más leído del mundo.

El jefe de los ingenieros de búsqueda de Google legitima el nuevo algoritmo de censura

Por Andre Damon, 2 agosto 2017

Usando el pretexto fraudulento de bloquear el acceso a las “noticias falsas”, Google ha implementado un programa vastamente expandido de censura en Internet.

New in Russian

Ученые предупреждают о «биологической аннигиляции», поскольку на Земле ускоряется массовое вымирание

Джош Варлин, 2 aвгустa 2017 г.

Научное исследование, опубликованное 10 июля, приходит к выводу, что планета уже переживает шестое массовое вымирание видов — первое с момента появления человека.

New in French

Le nouveau protocole de recherche de Google restreint l'accès à 13 importants sites web socialistes, progressistes et antiguerre

Par Andre Damon et David North, 3 août 2017

Le World Socialist Web Site et d'autres publications de gauche largement suivies sur Internet ont connu une baisse massive du trafic provenant des recherches Google.

La France lance une attaque contre les droits des réfugiés et des travailleurs immigrés

Par Athiyan Silva, 3 août 2017

Macron prépare un assaut sur les droits démocratiques des immigrés en France et des camps de concentration pour empêcher les réfugiés africains d’arriver en Europe.

Des navires de guerre canadiens participent à des exercices de «liberté de navigation» en mer de Chine méridionale

Par Roger Jordan, 3 août 2017

La Marine royale canadienne participe à des exercices organisés par les États-Unis et ses principaux alliés de l’Asie-Pacifique dans le but de menacer une guerre contre la Chine et de s'y préparer.

«Le syndicat, c’est pas compliqué, c’est comme la mafia, tu fermes ta gueule et tu payes!» – un délégué syndical
Entrevue avec un travailleur de la construction du Québec

Par Nos correspondants, 3 août 2017

Dans une entrevue accordée au World Socialist Web Site, un travailleur ayant vécu la grève de mai dernier dans la construction québécoise raconte les véritables conditions de travail, l'étendue de l'assaut patronal et le rôle anti-ouvrier des syndicats.

New in German

Das US-Sanktionsregime und die Kriegsgefahr

Alex Lantier, 2. August 2017

Angesichts der zunehmenden innenpolitischen Krise und des Zusammenbruchs alter Bündnisse verschärfen die USA ihre militärischen Drohungen gegen die Atommächte Russland und China gleichermaßen.

Europa verschärft Abwehr von Mittelmeerflüchtlingen

Marianne Arens, 2. August 2017

Durch Schikanen gegen Hilfsorganisationen, die Errichtung von Konzentrationslagern in Nordafrika und die Entsendung von Truppen nach Libyen und in die Sahelzone wollen die europäischen Regierungen die Zahl der Flüchtlinge reduzieren.

Turbulenzen im Weißen Haus gehen auch unter General Kelly weiter

Patrick Martin, 2. August 2017

Die erste Amtshandlung des pensionierten Generals als Stabschef des Weißen Hauses bestand darin, Anthony Scaramucci zu entlassen, der erst vor weniger als zwei Wochen von Trump zum Kommunikations-Chef ernannt worden war.

Wahlveranstaltungen der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei
Gegen Militarismus und Krieg! Für Sozialismus!

der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei (SGP), 2. August 2017

Die SGP startet die heiße Phase des Bundestagswahlkampfs mit Veranstaltungen in mehreren deutschen Städten.

Nach Nepal abgeschobene Bivsi Rana kann nach Duisburg zurückkehren

Elisabeth Zimmermann, 2. August 2017

Anfang letzter Woche wurde bekannt, dass das 14-jähruge Mädchen, das am 29. Mai von Beamten der Duisburger Ausländerbehörde aus dem Unterricht heraus geholt und nach Nepal abgeschoben worden war, mit ihren Eltern nach Duisburg zurückkehren kann.

Vortrag zum 100. Jahrestag der Russischen Revolution
Lenins Rückkehr nach Russland und die Aprilthesen

James Cogan, 2. August 2017

Wir veröffentlichen hier einen Vortrag von James Cogan, dem nationalen Sekretär der Socialist Equality Party Australiens, vom 6. Mai 2017. Es ist der fünfte in einer Reihe internationaler Online- Vorträge anlässlich des einhundertsten Jahrestags der Russischen Revolution von 1917.

Diese Woche in der Russischen Revolution
31. Juli – 6. August: Albtraum in Flandern

2. August 2017

Die Dritte Ypernschlacht wird auf Generationen hinaus zum Symbol für die Sinnlosigkeit und Barbarei des Kriegs. Während der Widerstand gegen den Krieg nicht verstummt, ist in Russland die Konterrevolution in vollem Gang.

Other Languages


Tens of thousands line up at Amazon job fairs as Dow tops 22,000

3 August 2017

The long lines of job-hungry workers encircling buildings and stretching across parking lots recall scenes from the Great Depression.

Earlier Perspectives »

Google Censorship

Google’s new search protocol is restricting access to 13 leading socialist, progressive and anti-war web sites

By Andre Damon and David North, 2 August 2017

RT interviews Andre Damon: Google becoming "censorship engine"

1 August 2017

Google’s chief search engineer legitimizes new censorship algorithm

By Andre Damon, 31 July 2017

Does the WSWS write about Leon Trotsky? Not according to Google

By Joseph Kishore, 29 July 2017

Google rigs searches to block access to World Socialist Web Site

New Google algorithm restricts access to left-wing, progressive web sites


The anti-socialist politics of the Democratic Socialists of America

By Tom Hall, 3 August 2017

Despite the left-sounding rhetoric that will be on display this week at its national convention, the Democratic Socialists of America is a pro-capitalist organization steeped in a tradition of anti-communism and bitterly opposed to the political independence of the working class.

As worker anger over UAW corruption scandal grows, union president defends sellout contracts

By Jerry White, 3 August 2017

With the corruption scandal threatening to ensnare wider layers of the UAW bureaucracy, union president Dennis Williams is trying to contain the growing anger of autoworkers.

US study shows uninsured twice as likely to suffer from opioid abuse

By Genevieve Leigh, 2 August 2017

The opioid epidemic in the US: A national health emergency

Washington’s sanctions against Venezuela and the dead-end of Chavismo

By Eric London, 2 August 2017

Google’s new advertising program tracks offline shoppers, violates privacy

By Josh Varlin, 2 August 2017

Left Party leader supports Germany’s great power interests

By Johannes Stern, 2 August 2017

White House upheaval continues as General Kelly takes the reins

Embattled Trump plays homophobia card to strengthen his fascistic base

Canada’s pseudo left groups seek to revive right-wing NDP

Mélenchon denies France’s responsibility for the Nazi-era deportation of the Jews


Ceremony: The journey of a statue of Friedrich Engels from Ukraine to Manchester

By Margot Miller, 3 August 2017

Despite the shortcomings of Ceremony, there is a genuine and positive significance to the placement of a statue of Engels in Manchester, as well as the popular response.

Battlefield 1 and war video games: Old lies for a new generation

By Carlos Delgado, 3 August 2017

The popular video game depicts a highly romanticized version of the First World War.

Sam Shepard, American playwright and actor, dies at 73

By David Walsh, 2 August 2017

DL Menard (1932-2017): The voice of Cajun music

The Handmaid’s Tale: Resistance is not futile

Kathryn Bigelow’s Detroit: Mind-numbing violence and racial politics

Citizen Jane: Battle for the City—Documentary on the life and times of urban activist Jane Jacobs

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon CEO Bezos makes $1.4 billion Thursday morning, briefly becoming world’s richest person

By Evan Blake, 28 July 2017

Amazon to seize the land of freed slaves’ descendants to lay power lines

Government gives Amazon millions in free money for Romulus, Michigan warehouse

Amazon and the CIA: a match made in hell
Part One: Amazon cashes in on war crimes and mass surveillance

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
July 31—August 6: The nightmare in Flanders

31 July 2017

Perhaps more than any other battle in world history, the Third Battle of Ypres will endure for generations as a symbol of pointless and fratricidal barbarism. While popular moods continue to turn against the war, counterrevolution is in full swing in Russia.

From the archives of the Russian Revolution
Letter to the Provisional Government

By Leon Trotsky, 31 July 2017

This is a new translation of an open letter Trotsky addressed to the Provisional Government on the arrest of Bolshevik leaders, which took place during the crackdown that followed the July Days.

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders (Part I)

By David North, 30 June 2017

Maruti Suzuki

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

By our reporters, 1 August 2017

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

Five years since company-provoked incident used to frame up Maruti Suzuki workers

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Socialist Equality Party

Meetings in Australia and New Zealand discuss international significance of Grenfell Tower disaster

By our reporters, 1 August 2017

“You have to be rich to have a voice”
SEP meeting attendees speak on the Grenfell Tower tragedy

By our reporters, 1 August 2017

UK public meetings:
Grenfell Fire—Social Murder: A crime against the working class

21 July 2017

Independent Inquiry Committee holds meeting on Sri Lankan garbage dump collapse

By our correspondent, 26 July 2017

Workers Struggles

Railroad workers at CSX face the dictates of Wall Street

By Jeff Lusanne, 1 August 2017

Sri Lankan government deploys army to break oil workers’ strike

The Australian Education Union’s 2017 campaign of misinformation and censorship

Featured Video

Video: Immigrants die in sealed truck in San Antonio

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Watch: CEO pay was 271 times worker pay in 2016

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Watch: The Grenfell Inferno - A timeline of social murder

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Fifty years since the Detroit rebellion
Part one: An uprising of the oppressed

By Barry Grey, 21 July 2017

The WSWS is posting a three-part series originally published in July of 1987 under the title “Twenty years since the Detroit rebellion.”

Mehring Books

Preface to the Turkish edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 23 June 2017

A Turkish language edition of The Heritage We Defend by David North will be released next month by Mehring Yayıncılık, the publishing house of the Socialist Equality Group (Toplumsal Esitlik), the Trotskyist organization in Turkey working in political solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International. The Heritage We Defend was originally published in 1988. We are posting the preface for the Turkish edition written by David North.