Sunday, August 06, 2017

The Jim Mitchells & Friends

Yeah, don't worry, we're still going to post more of our Ice Cream Man compfaves, but we just now discovered Sydney band The Jim Mitchells over at Little Indie Blogs, did a little more digging, found three free and legal downloadables at triple j unearthed, and want to post them before shutting down for some shuteye.

You can read more about them at triple j unearthed and Facebook, but we wanted to mention that after already being hooked, we noticed they cite as influences The Beatles, Ty Segall, White Fence, and the band formerly known as Thee Oh Sees (now simply yclept Oh Sees). So in addition to great sounds, they've got great taste.

First up is their recently released single, "Ankle Deep," the one we found at LIB.

Next we have two songs from their 2016 EP, Planet Absorbed. (Hear the whole EP, plus much more at SoundCloud.)

Here's the highly entertaining video of "Ankle Deep," our first introduction to the band.

Now, what about their friends (or perhaps should we say, "influences?")? Although you'll have to pay for it (which we gladly did), here's our favorite from Ty Segall's new EP, Fried Shallots, followed by the whole caboodle, available at Bandcamp.

You've maybe heard of British band, "The Beatles?" They're new to us, but we've been learning a ton about them via the superb podcasts by Robert Rodriguez and Richard Buskin over at Something About The Beatles

For Oh Sees, we send you to perhaps their most devoted fan in this particular universe, M. Thibault over at Still in Rock.

And finally, there's no way we're mentioning White Fence without posting our favorite song by one of our very favorite bands of the last several years.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Fave Flaves from Ice Cream Man's Latest Compilation (Phase 2***): Colour Me Wednesday, The Buzz, First In Space, Mainline, Richard Turgeon, Budgie City FC, Walker Brigade, Glenn Robinson, Rob Clarke and The Wooltones, The Bookends

Hello and behold the second batch of our favorite songs from Ice Cream Man Wayne Lundquist Ford's fabulous compilation, Rocking Road. As before, we'll post the entire 126-song comp, followed by our second set of favorites. If you'd rather go straight to the relevant Bandcamp page, click here. Again, many thanks to The Cool One and the wonderful musicians for making these songs available for free download.

We're longtime fans of this West London band. Check out our previous posts (with free downloadables and a much-played, much-enjoyed video of "Purge Your Inner Tory.")







Click here to see previous posts with free downloads from this Providence R. I. rocker.

Click here to see previous posts featuring this excellent band of Liverpudlians.


***in which the oats get Doris

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Fave Flaves from Ice Cream Man's Latest Compilation (Phase 1***): Jose Estragos, Spygenius, The Ace, The Brigadier, Tommy Sistak, Angostura Bitters, Vista Blue, Goldstoned, The Four Chords, The Smart Folk

For the third summer in a row, Ice Cream Man Wayne Lundquist Ford has dropped a superb compilation of powerpop, poppsych, janglerock, and various other genres for free download. Rocking Road (get it: Rocky Road . . . ice cream, yepsir) has 126 lickalicious songs, and earlier today we sampled them all and compiled a playlist of our 40 favorites. We'll do a series of posts highlighting these favorites, and you take it from there.

We're suggesting several options.

1. If you'd prefer to go straight to the compilation's Bandcamp page, click here. You can listen to each song and download the ones you like individually or go ahead and download the whole caboodle.
2. Listen to all 126 songs in the first widget below. Download the entire compilation by clicking "download."
3. Check out the ten individual favorites we posted below. If you like one, click the "bc" logo and go to the compilation page to download.
4. Come up with your own plan or none at all.

We already hailed him on Facebook but want to thank Wayne again for the hard work, thoughtfulness, and generosity that went into this project. We also thank the talented artists for making their songs available for free download. Be sure to check out Wayne's Ice Cream Man blog here and listen to podcasts of his excellent weekly radio show. See our previous posts of Ice Cream Man faves here, here, and here.











***in which Doris gets her oats.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Free as a Bee: Knightingale, Cheap Horse, Animal Camera, Phenomenal Cat, Buried Feather, Glenn Robinson, ipreferguitars, No Museums, The Loblaws, Vista Blue, Deco Auto, undone

Almost exactly how we feel at this precise moment.

Well, it appears the only way we're getting another post done is to eschew verbiage and get right to free and legal downloadables we've found and loved. Like Antonio, we know we're personally "your bad entertainment" but trust the music won't be.


This Singapore band's debut LP was one of our favorites from 2016, We bought six songs off it but recently found it available for name-your-price download. In addition to the first song cued up above, we also bought #3, 5, 6, 7, & 9. Keen-eared visitors might remember we embedded their latest single in our Faves of the Faves Playmoss Playlist in a recent post. In case you missed it, here it is.

Cheap Horse

Many thanks to longtime friend/visitor johnnybgoode for the headsup on this Santa Cruz band. We also particularly liked #13. And speaking of johnnyb., we remember he kind of liked this next band, who've recently put out some good newstuff.

Animal Camera

We also liked-to-loved #2, 3, 5, & 8. When we got word about this Burien, WA band's recent LP, we looked back at our first Animal Camera post and found to our horror that all the songs had been removed at Bandcamp. But after contacting him, head Animal (or Camera?) Gianni Aiello kindly restored the songs in a comprehensive collection, posted below. We begin with our favorite and note that the others we particularly like are #5, 6, 12, & 13, but do please feel free to listen to them all. (Big of us, sure, but, hey, whatever.)

Phenomenal Cat

This and #12, 14, & 20 are our favorites from the Kentish band's rock opera, Pop Wasteland. Perhaps it's a bit naughty to pick out but four faves from a concept album, but the whole work is available in the widget above. In the widget below you will find "Ramshackle Heart," a favorite we previously posted, along with beaucoup more for your consideration. Just a thought, but perhaps Animal Camera might want to arrange a photoshoot of Phenomenal Cat. AWS, just a thought. Oh, and also too, maybe Cheap Horse. Or Buried Feather. This post is wearing us out.

Buried Feather

Highly diggable Melbourne psych! More here.

Glenn Robinson

Actually we are quite impressed indeed. You probably noticed this particular song features ace powerpoprocker Kurt Baker. We also especially like #5 on this hot lil LP. You can find previously posted free and legals by this Providence, RI rocker here. Suddenly we're writing short, punchy sentences. What gives with that?


Thanks to Powerpopaholic for the headsup on this Hamburg/Stockholm/Warsaw band.

No Museums

We were not previously tuned in to the Edmonton surfer scene but sure are now. We also particularly like #1 & 4. Thanks to our Bandcamp friend thorsten sideboard for the headsup.

The Loblaws & Vista Blue

We also really enjoyed #1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 by The Loblaws and #9, 10, 11, & 12 by Vista Blue, both bands courtesy of Radiant Radish.

Deco Auto

Gotta thank The Well WishersJeff Shelton for the headsup on this rocker outta Kansas City. Click here to see our previously posted freely/legally downloadable by DA.


Scope ye out this fine band of Macedonians.

We could keep going in this vein, but you get the drift. We hope to return soon with more free and legals. In the meantime, don't forget to check our Powerpopulist Currents Playmoss widgets up in the right-hand corner of this page for constant updates of songs we like that are not free but definitely legal and downloadable (for nominal fees).

Saturday, July 08, 2017

Faves of the Faves - June & May 2017: Superchunk, Wellingtons, Johnny Kills, Alvvays, Triptides, Ride, Wesley Fuller, Warm Soda, Primitives, Well Wishers, Violet Swells, Bopp, Pinact, etc., etc., etc. . . .

Image result for linn koch-emery - forever sounds  Image result for warm soda-i don't wanna

In addition to the Currents 2 Playlist in the upper right-hand corner of this page, we've also been keeping monthly playlists at Playmoss since early this year. For the past several months we've been going through them at the end of each month and curating our very favorites for each month. Below are our Faves of the Faves playlists for June and May of this year. You can see the full lists for each month by clicking the following: June 2017 & May 2017.

As sometimes happens with Playmoss, some of the artists are not identified in the widgets, so we've done so further below. The songs in each playlist are listed in the order we found them each month. We hope you find lots to like or love, 'cause we sure did.


#1 - Linn Koch-Emmery - Forever Sounds
#7 - Johnny Kills - Let's Talk About Me
#18 - The Naturals - Billy
#23 - Luster - You've Got The Heat


#3 - The Lovebirds - Filled With Hate
#14 - The Prefab Messiahs - Everything U No
#16 - Baby Strange - Play Me
#21 - Black Sonic Revolver - So Many Ways

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Rockin' Robyn Pops Again with Bob of the Pops Vol. 2

Robyn Gibson of Leicester band The Junipers has just released a second volume of fab covers for free download via Futureman Records. Here are but a few of our favorites from Free! Bob of the Pops Vol. 2. The entire comp is available here.

The Soft Boys cover

Matthew Sweet cover

The Move cover

The Who cover

Flamin Groovies cover

ABBA cover

The Byrds cover

And in case you missed it, here's the superb Bob of the Pops Vol. 1, also available for free download.

For what it's worth, our favorites are #3, 5, 6, 8, 10, & 13, but the whole comp is quite spectacular.

Thursday, June 08, 2017

Catchup, cont'd: The Regulars, Ringo Deathstarr, Nicotine Nerves, Sans Parents, Pete Kosanovich & The Pale Blue Eyes, Neighbors, Michael Harrell, The Candy Strypers, Dinosaur Jr.

We recently bemoaned our not keeping up-to-date on posting fab music we're finding. So let's continue to play catchup on recent, recentish, and not-particularly-recent-at-all finds available for free & legal download, shall we? Ta.

From: Brisbane - Facebook

From: Austin - Facebook - This capital band has made pretty much its whole discography available for name-your-price download at Bandcamp. Oversight? We don't know, but act quickly. On this particular LP, name o' Colour Trip, we're also particularly fond of #1 & 5.

From: Aarhus - Facebook - Click here for another.

From: Brisbane - Facebook - Two more f&ls are available at Triple J. - To download, click here and then click the + sign and then Download.

From: London (UK) - Facebook - We also particularly like #9.

From: Seattle? (Quite likely, duh.)

From: Nashville - More here, here, & here.

From: Manchester - Facebook - We posted some other fine f&ls by The Candy Strypers here.

And here's a long-cherished number found at Epitonic. Click to download. Three other DJ numbers are available there, including the more-than-ready "Almost Ready."

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Recentish Finds: Wyatt Blair, Moondogs, Captain Wilberforce, Carlos, Dangüs Tarküs, Brat Farrar, daysee, Starwheel

Our Powerpopulist Acquisition Department has done a rather decent job of hunting down and stockpiling high quality, free and legally downloadable tuneage. Unfortunately our Distribution Department sucks. We'd fire his ass if that didn't entail the simultaneous elimination of the Acquisition Department. Anyway, here are some recent and fairly recent finds for your consideration. We might have to do some more posts of this ilk to catch up.

We also very much liked #2.

We liked #1 a lot, too. Thanks to dear friend Wub-Fur (aka "Bo") for the headsup on this Oakland band.

We also loved #3, 5, 7, & 8. Tip of the chapeau to Still in Rock for the headsup.

We also liked #2 a ho' ho' lot.

Friday, May 12, 2017

April 2017 Faves of the Faves Playlist

Sweet indeed, for April showered us with a nourishing bounty of musical discovery. But, hey, enough poetry, wot?

We added 81 mostly new-to-us titles to our Playmoss April 2017 playlist and from that list have widgeted 31 of our very favorites below. We've thought about launching a radio show to share our discoveries but find these Playmoss playlists preferable for several reasons: A) You don't have to hear our voice. B) It's easy for you to drop the needle from song to song, skipping ahead should you - Fod gorbid - not be enjoying a song. C) You seldom need to wonder which artist or song you're listening to. D) Other reasons we don't care to mention.

We indicated you need not be in doubt as to Artist or Songtitle, but sometimes Playmoss does not display one or more of those useful pieces of information. In the widget below, that applies to the following:

#3 - So Many Wizards - Just Poison
#5 - jellyskin - Eater
#10 - Sugarmen - SOLD
#31 - Matthew Sweet - Trick

And sometimes Playmoss simply refuses to ingest a song at all. This month a hideous injustice might have been done when "Mossy" refused to display any of the songs off of Peachfuzz's fabulous Pop Of The World LP. Fortunately, we posted that free and legally downloadable LP here, along with some other Peachfuzzes "Mossy" wouldn't accept. We love Playmoss very much, but sometimes . . . sheesh.

Finally, we might mention that we've been creating more Playlists you might like to check out, particularly the one called "Powerpop - From Dec2016 ---->." You can check out our entire Powerpopulist Playmoss Playlist Collection here

Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, April 2017 Faves of the Faves.

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Comp Faves: Prince Rupert's Drops, Chemtrails, Marvelous Beauhunks, The Embrooks, Chris Comey, Car Crash Sisters, Kindling, Heaters, Michael Carpenter, Jericho, Caramel Snow, Doug Tuttle

Below you can hear and download some favorite songs we've found and loved on various compilations. Most of them are available on a name-your-price basis. One is available on a reasonably priced comp, as in, one (1) measly dollar (USA) for all twelve (12) songs.

Here are our three favorites from this typically fabulous Ice Cream Man comp, but there are plenty more we loved as well. Check out the Cool One's fabulous weekly powerpop radio show, either live or on Podomatic.

Okay, here's the one that will set you back $1 for the entire compilation. We loved Doug Tuttle's set at the 2014 Austin Psych Fest and even got to chat with him briefly while strolling through the ranchgrounds afterwards. Check out his forthcoming LP, Peace Potato, streaming at Noisey.

Sorry we didn't write more in this post. Or maybe we should say, "You're welcome."

Friday, April 21, 2017

Not Peeved at The Peeves, No, No, Far From

For some reason some body just followed us on Twitter, and through them we were led to a really fun power pop radio show blasting out of Northwestern University's WNUR in Evanston/Chicago. It's called The Power Pop Shoppe Radio Show, and make no mistake, DJ Gil serves pretty pure platters of the double p.

We were arrested midshow by Chicago band The Peeves and found it necessary to track them down and see if they'd cooked up any downloadables. Well, guess what: we found the very one that got us chuffed and cuffed, along with three more name-your-pricers, all available within the widget below .

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Three Compilations by "The Burger Guy": Baroque Pop, Psych Pop, & Bubblegum Pop

We have our reasons for using this picture, but we're opting not to reveal them at this time. 

Frankly, we don't exactly remember how we discovered these compilations by Sean Bohrman of Burger Records. It probably has something to do with the periodic updates Burger sends us. Ultimately it matters even less than these words we're writing. (Yes, these words, not words like "Sean," "Bohrman," "Burger,," "Records," and "periodic," for those words matter very much indeed.)

Anyway, Sean has put together at least four compilations over at Bandcamp, and we're posting our favorites from three of them. (We opted out of his Tiny Tim comp for the time being.) We encourage you to read his informative, droll comments at Bandcamp, but for now, we're focusing on the music. All the comps are available for name-your-price download.

Baroque Pop Compilation

Psych Pop Compilation

Bubblegum Pop Compilation

Thursday, April 06, 2017

New PEACHFUZZ Puts Us On Pop Of The World (No Pun Intended)

Ever since Absolute Powerpop first turned us on to PEACHFUZZ back in 2007, the Malibu powerstonerpop flower trio have been one of our very favorite bands. We've bought tons of their songs, repeatedly recommended them to friends, put them in oodles of faves mixes, and happily posted on them back in 2008 when we found some freebies at (no longer available).

Imagine our excitement, then, when within the last hour we received word that their just-released-today LP, On Pop Of The World, has been made available for name-your-price download via Peachpoint Productions and Outstanding Unit Records. That's right, you can't, but that's okay because here it is for your listening, downloading pleasure.

For what it's worth, our favorites are #1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, & 8.

At Bandcamp you can also buy PEACHFUZZes on Catch Your Snap, the LP on to which AbPow first turned us. Here's a little sampling of some of our faves.

Here's a few we recently purchased and love from their 2012 LP, Fall Down Dreaming.

And here's another longtime fave, the title cut from their 2003 LP, About a Bird. It's available at Amazon, eMusic, and iTunes.

Doublechecking those links reminded us of a quandary we and some friends encountered years ago when tracking down PEACHFUZZ songs. There is another band called Peachfuzz, from London, Angleland. They're pretty good, too, but definitely not the same band. We'll give you their Bandcamp link so you can distinguish between the two bands and hear and buy whatever you like.

Finally, here's one more particular fave from About a Bird:

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