- published: 21 Mar 2012
- views: 5924
A gate or gateway is a point of entry to a space enclosed by walls, or a moderately sized opening in some sort of fence. Gates may prevent or control the entry or exit of individuals, or they may be merely decorative. Other terms for gate include yett and port. The word derives from the old Norse "gata", meaning road or path, and originally referred to the gap in the wall or fence, rather than the barrier which closed it. The moving part or parts of a gateway may be called "doors", but used for the whole point of entry door usually refers to the entry to a building, or an internal opening between different rooms.
A gate may have a latch to keep it from swinging and a lock for security. Larger gates can be used for a whole building, such as a castle or fortified town, or the actual doors that block entry through the gatehouse. Today, many gate doors are opened by an automated gate operator.
Types of gates include:
蘋果動新聞: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/template/apple/art_main.php?iss_id=20120321&sec;_id=4104&art;_id=16175632&av;_id=16176053 【本報訊】廉潔是港人的核心價值,但香港的廉潔受到特首曾蔭權的貪腐和特首候選人的連串醜聞拖累。政經風險顧問發表最新廉潔度調查,結果顯示,香港失去保持多年的三甲位置,跌至第五位,甚至被一直在中游徘徊的澳門追貼,新加坡則連續四年蟬聯榜首。受訪者對香港政治領袖和公務員的廉潔觀感轉差,顧問相信是曾蔭權和兩名建制派特首候選人的連串醜聞所致。記者:張婷婷
兩人挑戰拿ICC團隊高手10人成就之「英雄:瘟疫工坊(10人)」的腐臉部分與「與軟泥共舞」。因為之前就拿過了,所以影片裡沒有跳成就。 -- zh-tw.twitch.tv/asukachikaru/c/1748976&utm;_campaign=archive_export&utm;_source=asukachikaru&utm;_medium=youtube