- published: 26 Nov 2015
- views: 139
Tyuleniy Island or Tyuleniy Islands may refer to:
The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed inland body of water on Earth by area, variously classed as the world's largest lake or a full-fledged sea. It is in an endorheic basin (it has no outflows) located between Europe and Asia. It is bounded to the northeast by Kazakhstan, to the northwest by Russia, to the west by Azerbaijan, to the south by Iran, and to the southeast by Turkmenistan. The Caspian Sea lies to the east of the Caucasus Mountains and to the west of the vast steppe of Central Asia. Its northern part, the Caspian Depression, is one of the lowest points on Earth. The ancient inhabitants of its coast perceived the Caspian Sea as an ocean, probably because of its saltiness and large size.
The sea has a surface area of 371,000 km2 (143,200 sq mi) (not including its detached lagoon of Garabogazköl Aylagy) and a volume of 78,200 km3 (18,800 cu mi). It has a salinity of approximately 1.2% (12 g/l), about a third of the salinity of most seawater.
The word Caspian is derived from the name of the Caspi, an ancient people who lived to the south-west of the sea in Transcaucasia.Strabo wrote that "to the country of the Albanians belongs also the territory called Caspiane, which was named after the Caspian tribe, as was also the sea; but the tribe has now disappeared". Moreover, the Caspian Gates, which is the name of a region in Iran's Tehran province, possibly indicates that they migrated to the south of the sea. The Iranian city of Qazvin shares the root of its name with that of the sea. In fact, the traditional Arabic name for the sea itself is Bahr al-Qazwin (Sea of Qazvin).
Caspian can refer to:
Tyuleniy Seals
Tyuleniy Island East Russia
Adorable seal pup's captivating look
NASA MAJOR BLAST Mysterious lines show up in the Caspian Sea
20130607海鳩回島(guillemot fly back to it`s rest groung)
Una foca albina encuentra casa (con piscina) en el Mar Negro
Whodunit Mystery Lines Show Up in Satellite Image of Caspian Sea
Caspian Sea, Baku Region, Azerbaijan, Eurasia
Two Days Camping With The Surmar People
Остров Тюлений
On a recent Ponant cruise to the Russian Far East I had the opportunity to revisit a location that I'd been to 3 years earlier. It's the tiny island of Tyuleniy in the Sea of Okhotsk and at that time we could land and explore the island. This time however it was a different situation completely with the island and the surrounding waters teeming with Fur Seals. Landing was out of the question so we enjoyed the antics of these wonderful animals as we navigated slowly past the islands in zodiacs. This is a 360˚ video taken during that visit. See if you can see the seal that deliberately splashes me! (hint it's at 1:12)
One of the most incredible wildlife experiences. We came in through a thick early morning fog in the zodiacs and could smell the island well before going ashore....and our clothes and cameras smelled bad for some hours after.
A rare albino seal pup with ginger-colored fur was abandoned by the colony in Tyuleniy Island, Russia. He was hiding beneath logs when the photographer spotted him. "The poor seal is almost blind and so was unlikely to survive in the wild," said the photographer, who was with staff from a dolphinarium who took it into their care.
NASA MAJOR BLAST Mysterious lines show up in the Caspian Sea www.worldsourcemedia.com So nasa just sent out a massive text asking what causes lines near TyuleniyArchipelago? A chaotic pattern of scour marks in the Tyuleniy Archipelago has been photographed by a NASA satellite. First noticed by scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center last month, the peculiar lines criss-crossing the world's largest inland body of water have proven rather perplexing. Captured using the Operational Land Imager on the Landsat 8 satellite, the photograph shows an area of the Caspian Sea that looks like it has been scoured using a Brillo Pad. The answer, as it turns out, is a process known as ice gouging. The water in this region of the Caspian Sea is actually very shallow - only around 10ft deep...
La famosa foquita albina Nafania, rechazada por sus congéneres por no tener el pelaje negro y por sus aletas rosadas y ojos azules, se encuentra sana y salva en su nuevo 'apartamento' con piscina en la ciudad rusa de Sochi. El cachorro fue abandonado de pequeño por su familia y buscó refugio en isla de Tyuleniy (Lejano Oriente ruso), donde fue creciendo sin cariño hasta que los vecinos locales le salvaron de una muerte inminente. Un día el animalito, único en su especie según los científicos, fue encontrado por el fotógrafo Anatoly Strákhov. Las fotos dieron la vuelta el mundo y centenas de miles de personas en la red se dispusieron a salvar a la foca albina de su oscuro destino. Primero le dieron asilo en la región rusa de Primorie (Lejano Oriente ruso) y después se organizó un c...
Humans can cause similar-looking patterns. Propellers have scarred seagrass in the Everglades in Florida, and ships that fish by bottom trawling can bulldoze swaths of the seafloor with their nets. In the Caspian, though, the ice is almost certainly the predominant cause of these scours, according to the Earth Observatory. A look at a comparison image taken in January, when the ice was thick, shows chunks of ice at the ends of scour marks — the geoscience equivalent of a smoking gun. The image also shows dark green coloration, which is likely seagrass or algae. The island in the image, Novyy Island, is the easternmost island of the Tyuleniy Archipelago, a group of islands in the northeastern part of the Caspian Sea that belong to Kazakhstan. The Caspian is the largest inland sea in the wor...
The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed inland body of water on Earth by area, variously classed as the world's largest lake or a full-fledged sea. The sea has a surface area of 371,000 km2 (143,200 sq mi) (not including Garabogazköl Aylagy) and a volume of 78,200 km3 (18,800 cu mi). It is in an endorheic basin (it has no outflows) and is bounded to the northwest by Russia, to the west by Azerbaijan, to the south by Iran, to the southeast by Turkmenistan, and to the northeast by Kazakhstan. The ancient inhabitants of its coast perceived the Caspian Sea as an ocean, probably because of its saltiness and seeming boundlessness. It has a salinity of approximately 1.2%, about a third the salinity of most seawater. The Caspian Sea, like the Aral Sea and Black Sea, is a remnant of the ancient Par...
Three of us joined Marius Coetzee from Oryx Photo Safaris for two days with the Surmar people in a remote part of the Omo Valley. these are some moments of magic...from our arrival to the kids blocking our way to the village. Having your photo taken is a form of business and business was good.
Маленькая научная экспедиция на остров Тюлений (Каспийское море)
How can I belong to this place when everywhere I look I'm left feeling alone? Your words are failing. I want to see our leaders hanging- Decaying. Humanity is killing humanity. Humanity it destroying everything. There's a way I'm facing and you're chasing me away. Your words are failing, so stop saying things will be okay. Baby, Baby, I'm not okay, today. Baby, Baby, I'm not okay, today. Today.