
Money features

Downsizing apartment buyers Steve and Sharon Cook in Melbourne.

Downsizing proposals for retirees simple and sensible

Treasury draft consultation papers on super legislation changes rarely provide pleasant reading for those affected by the changes. However, the clarity and sensible provisions of the proposal to allow downsizing home owners to deposit up to $300,000 each in their superannuation account can only be welcomed by older Australians.

Owning a house places retirees in a much more favourable situation than having a large super balance.

Why super has lost its lustre

Having money in super provides cold comfort when there are pressing bills to pay or in the event of redundancy or marriage breakdown.

Former prime minister and treasurer Paul Keating was the architect of superannuation and the dividend imputation system.

Get ready for dividend season

Is there any sweeter (virtual) sound than the digital tinkling of dividends as they fall into your bank account?