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Thursday, 3 August 2017

Twice lucky for woman’s family as trees fall on their home

KOTA KINABALU: Lady Luck may be smiling down on a 38-year-old woman and her family after they escaped unhurt when a tree fell onto their house in Sandakan for the second time in weeks.

In yesterday’s incident, the woman who did not want to be identified, said the tree damaged the roof of her house.

Two weeks ago, her house was partially damaged when it was also hit by a falling tree.

The woman is grateful that none of her family members were hurt in both incidents.

Civil defence officials, who were called in to remove the tree following the 8.06am incident, used chain saws to cut it before disposing off the trunk.

Sandakan civil defence officer Lt Ahmad Roslan Mohd Kamel said the operation ended at 10.48am.

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