Parliament House is currently

Plan your visit

Opening hours

Parliament House is open every day except Christmas Day.


Non-sitting days 9am-5pm

Sitting days Monday-Thursday 9am-6pm

Queen's Terrace Café 9am-4.30pm

How to get to Parliament House

Parliament House is located at Parliament Drive, Canberra

By car

It's easy to get to Parliament House by car. If you are travelling from the City Centre, take Commonwealth Avenue to Parliament Drive. If you are travelling from the south, take Adelaide Avenue to State Circle and turn right at Federation Mall.




Parking is available most days in the Forecourt Basement car park—parking here is free on weekends, public holidays and for the first two hours on weekdays. View weekday parking fees


Please note that parking is limited on sitting days and public holidays—but additional car parks are located within walking distance of Parliament House.


By public transport

Don't have a car? You can catch an ACTION bus to Parliament from Civic Centre and other bus stations around Canberra. The closest bus stops are located on Federation Mall, about 200 metres from the public entrance at the front of Parliament House.

A taxi rank is located in the Forecourt Basement car park, which is serviced by all of the Canberra taxi companies. More information

By rideshare 

Parliament House is a popular drop off location for Uber—your driver can leave you in the public car park.

On foot or by bike

Feeling active? You can walk or ride your bike from the City Centre across Lake Burley Griffin to Parliament House. The Parliament House Walk starts at the Jolimont Centre bus station at 65/67 Northbourne Avenue, and takes about 50 minutes on foot or 15 minutes by bike.


Bike racks are available in the Forecourt Basement car park. Please note that bikes may not be brought inside Parliament House.

Accessibility at Parliament House

Getting around the building

All of the public areas of Parliament House are fully accessible by wheelchair. Please note that Parliament House has a variety of floor coverings, including polished stone and wood, and high-pile carpets.


Accessible parking is available in the underground car parks, close to the public lifts.

Bus stops

The public entrance to Parliament House is located about 200 metres away from each of the bus stops. Please note that much of the forecourt is covered with gravel.


Tours run for about 45-60 minutes and cover both public levels of the building. Our Visitor Services Officers can direct you to the nearest rest stops and accessible amenities. Please feel free to leave a tour at any time.

Free wheelchairs and strollers

You can borrow wheelchairs and strollers at no charge from the information desk in the marble foyer. Please note that photo ID is required. Please email or call us on 02 6277 5399 for more information.

Hearing loops

Hearing loops are available in the following locations when Parliament is sitting:

  • Viewing galleries in both chambers and the Great Hall
  • Main Committee Room and committee rooms 1R3, 2R2 and 2S2
  • The theatre

Guide dogs and assistance animals

You’re welcome to bring your guide dog or other assistance animal into all public areas of Parliament House. Please email or call us on 02 6277 5399 if you have any questions.

Other accessibility needs

If you have any other accessibility needs that we haven't covered here, please email or call us on 02 6277 5399 ahead of your visit so that we can make your time with us as enjoyable as possible.

Visitor facilities

Free wifi: To access free Wi-Fi at Parliament House, simply connect to 'WiFiParliament' on your device. 

First Aid: First Aid is provided to visitors by the Parliamentary Security Service. Parliamentary Security Service Officers and Visitor Services Officers are located at various locations within the building. Should you require first aid assistance, please let them know.

Parents' room: A baby change room and parents’ room are both located on the first floor adjacent to the Queen’s Terrace Café.

ATM and EFTPOS: Visitors can access the ATM located on the first floor, adjacent to Members’ Hall. EFTPOS facilities are also available in all retail outlets at Parliament House.


Conditions of entry

  • Visitors must go through security screening and inspection of personal possessions.
  • Prohibited or offensive implements, drugs, or other substances are not permitted and must be surrendered to the Parliamentary Security Service Officer.
  • Visitors must comply with any reasonable directions given by a Parliamentary Security Service Officer or member of the Australian Federal Police.
  • Facial identification may be required upon request by a Parliamentary Security Service Officer or member of the Australian Federal Police before entry.
  • Demonstrations or protests are not permitted within the parliamentary precinct. The Australian Parliament has a Demonstration Policy with which all visitors must comply.
  • Visitors to private areas must be accompanied and must present appropriate photo identification.

Security screening

Security screening ensures a safe environment for both visitors and parliamentary staff. The time that this takes varies with the number of people waiting to come in, but please allow at least 15 minutes when planning your visit. If you require any assistance with the security screening process, please ask a Parliament House Security officer.


Please note that bicycles may not be brought through security screening and into Parliament House. Bike racks are available in the Forecourt Basement car park.


If you have any specific accessibility needs or concerns with security screening, please email or call us on 02 6277 5399 ahead of time so we can best accommodate your visit.

Photo ID for tours

If you wish to take a Behind the Scenes tour, you need to bring current photo identification.


No smoking

Smoking is not permitted in Parliament House.

Photos and video

You are welcome to take photos or video in the public areas of Parliament House, provided they are for private use and not for publication.


However, please note that no photography or filming of security arrangements or chamber proceedings is allowed. Please follow any direction provided by our friendly security staff.

No Smoking
No Loud Music