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Last updated: Monday, 26 June 2017 at 9:41 AMNo updates available

Draft House Minutes

No. 64

Thursday, 22 June 2017

- 9:30:25 AM

 1The House met, at 9.30 am, pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker (the Honourable A. D. H. Smith) took the Chair, made an acknowledgement of country and read Prayers.

- 9:32:19 AM

 2Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry—STATEMENT BY SPEAKER

The Speaker made the following statement: Members will recall the statement I made to the House on 10 October 2016 regarding the records of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry.

The Commission was established in May 1986 to investigate whether any conduct of the late Justice Lionel Keith Murphy, a Senator for New South Wales from 1962 to 1975 and a judge of the High Court of Australia from 1975 to 1986, had been such as to amount to ‘proved misbehaviour’ within the meaning of section 72 of the Constitution.

The Commission’s inquiry was brought to an end in September 1986 when it became known that Justice Murphy was suffering a terminal illness.

The Parliament enacted the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (Repeal) Act of 1986, dividing the records into two categories: ‘Class A documents’ comprising records relating to Justice Murphy’s conduct; and ‘Class B documents’ consisting of all other Commission records including those relating to the interpretation of section 72 of the Constitution.

The Act strictly prohibited access to the Class A documents for thirty years, that being until 26th September 2016, and after that date required that the Presiding Officers determine the access or otherwise of the documents.  The Class B documents could be accessed at any time by written approval of the Presiding Officers.

On 13 December 2016, the President of the Senate and I, taking into account the advice of our officials, authorised publication of the Class B records of the Commission. These records were duly published on the Parliament’s website on 19 December 2016.

In my statement to the House last year, I announced that the President and I had authorised the Clerks of the Senate and the House, and a small number of other officials from our departments, to examine the Commission’s Class A records and advise us how the records might be handled from now on.

The independence of this process was important to us. Neither the President nor I personally reviewed the documents prior to making any decisions about granting or withholding wider access to them. I said in October that the process would be thorough and may take some time, and that we would await advice on the contents of the records before determining a way forward.

The President and I have now made a decision in relation to the Class A documents.  In making our decision, following this independent advice, we have taken into account the following matters:

(a)that the records contain a significant amount of personal information relating to Justice Murphy and other persons;

(b)that the information potentially pertains to illegal behaviour;

(c)the time that has elapsed since the establishment of the Commission of Inquiry; and

(d)the decision taken by the Parliament in 1986.

In relation to the last matter, that is the decision taken by the 34th Parliament when dealing with the Class A documents, we note two key issues:

First; the Parliament by way of legislation preserved the documents for thirty years and did not order the destruction of them in 1986;

Second; the Parliament, significantly, did not provide for an automatic release after thirty years, but strictly empowered the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives to make a decision about the release, or otherwise, of the documents.

Then Senator Gareth Evans, who was at that time the Minister for Resources and Energy and who led the debate for the Hawke Government in the Senate, acknowledged that there would be legitimate historical interest in the records in the future.

During debate on the bill in the Senate on 21 August 1986, Senator Evans told the Senate that:

‘It is appropriate that basic archival rules apply … and that in 30 years’ time the basic ground rules for Commonwealth documentation generally apply, subject to such exemptions as apply to this sort of material, which can properly be administered by the Presiding Officers.’

The President and I have approached this important decision in exactly this spirit.

It is important to recognise that the records of the Commission reflect an incomplete process, insofar as it could not fulfil its ultimate purpose of formulating and reporting to the Parliament its conclusions regarding the conduct of Justice Murphy. Of course the privacy or reputation of all people impacted by the documents was a factor that was carefully considered in deciding whether or not to release the records.

However, these concerns had to be weighed against the considerable public interest in having access to information relating to important concerns about the integrity of the High Court and, more broadly, about serious issues of public governance and accountability at the time of the Commission's investigations. In seeking to serve this public interest, the President and I took into account the fact that the general and specific nature of the allegations relating to Justice Murphy and others are widely known and, after 30 years, are historical in nature. We also took into account the non-partisan, focused and highly credible nature of the investigative processes employed by the Commission, which is reflected in the character of its records.

At the time it was wound up, the Commission had provided Justice Murphy with a number of specific allegations to which he had been invited to respond, but the judge's unfortunate prognosis meant that a response was never to be received.

I now advise the House that the President and I have decided to approve the publication of the Class A documents.

Now that we have made our decision public, the President and I will request that the Clerks of both Houses, where possible and appropriate, advise persons named in the records, and the closest living relatives or legal representatives of deceased persons, of the forthcoming publication of the Class A documents.  To enable sufficient time for this to happen, we have ordered that the Class A documents be scanned and published in electronic form on Monday July 24th at 10 am.

A small amount of personal information, including signatures and addresses of unrelated persons, will be redacted from the published versions.

In concluding my remarks, I wish to reiterate the deep sense of responsibility that the President and I have felt in executing the task that was bequeathed to us by the 34th Parliament.

- 9:38:53 AM

 3Social Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform) Bill 2017

Mr Porter (Minister for Social Services), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to family assistance, social security, paid parental leave and student assistance, and for related purposes.


Mr Porter presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:39:30 AM

Mr Porter moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:05:25 AM

Debate adjourned (Ms Rishworth), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:05:48 AM

 4Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer) Bill 2017

Mr Fletcher (Minister for Urban Infrastructure), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend legislation relating to telecommunications, and for other purposes.


Mr Fletcher presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:06:09 AM

Mr Fletcher moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:16:57 AM

Debate adjourned (Ms Rishworth), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:17:26 AM

 5Telecommunications (Regional Broadband Scheme) Charge Bill 2017

Mr Fletcher (Minister for Urban Infrastructure) presented a Bill for an Act to impose a charge to support the funding of fixed wireless broadband and satellite broadband, and for related purposes.


Mr Fletcher presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:17:56 AM

Mr Fletcher moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:20:45 AM

Debate adjourned (Ms Rishworth), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:21:17 AM

 6Education and Training Legislation Repeal Bill 2017

Mrs K. L. Andrews (Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to repeal certain obsolete Acts relating to education and training, and for related purposes.


Mrs K. L. Andrews presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:21:39 AM

Mrs K. L. Andrews moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:25:57 AM

Debate adjourned (Ms Rishworth), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:26:16 AM

 7Public Governance and Resources Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2017

Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to the governance, performance and accountability of, and the use and management of resources by, the Commonwealth, Commonwealth entities and Commonwealth companies, and to deal with consequential and transitional matters in connection with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, and for other purposes.


Mr McCormack presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:26:58 AM

Mr McCormack moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:28:53 AM

Debate adjourned (Ms Rishworth), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:29:21 AM

 8Statute Update (Smaller Government) Bill 2017

Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to make various amendments of the statute law of the Commonwealth to abolish statutory bodies, and for other purposes.


Mr McCormack presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:29:42 AM

Mr McCormack moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:33:11 AM

Debate adjourned (Ms O’Neil), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:33:39 AM

 9Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Bill 2017

Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business) presented a Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to taxation, and for related purposes.


Mr McCormack presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:34:07 AM

Mr McCormack moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:39:13 AM

Debate adjourned (Ms O’Neil), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:39:58 AM

 10PUBLIC WORKS—PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEEREFERENCE OF WORKAustralian War Memorial, Treloar E Large Technology Objects Store Project, Mitchell, ACT

Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, the following proposed work be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works for consideration and report: Australian War Memorial, Treloar E Large Technology Objects Store Project, Mitchell, ACT.

- 10:41:49 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 10:42:30 AM


Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, the following proposed work be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works for consideration and report: Explosive Ordnance Logistics Reform Program Project.

- 10:44:00 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 10:44:23 AM

 12PUBLIC WORKS—PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEEREFERENCE OF WORKJP2008 Phase 5B2 Wideband Satellite Capability—Satellite Ground Station—East Facilities Project

Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, the following proposed work be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works for consideration and report: JP2008 Phase 5B2 Wideband Satellite Capability—Satellite Ground Station—East Facilities Project.

- 10:47:00 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 10:47:21 AM


Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, the following proposed work be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works for consideration and report: HMAS Cerberus redevelopment, Western Port Bay, Victoria.

- 10:48:59 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 10:49:23 AM

 14PUBLIC WORKS—PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEEREFERENCE OF WORKIP Australia Accommodation Project: Building Refresh, Discovery House, Woden, ACT

Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, the following proposed work be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works for consideration and report: IP Australia Accommodation Project: Building Refresh, Discovery House, Woden, ACT.

- 10:50:54 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 10:51:06 AM

 15Privileges and Members’ Interests CommitteeDOCUMENT

Mr Vasta (Chair) presented the following document:

Privileges and Members’ Interests CommitteeRegister of Members’ Interests—Notifications of alterations of interests received during the period 29 March 2017 and 20 June 2017.

- 10:51:46 AM


Mr Hill (Deputy Chair) presented the following document:

Public Accounts and Audit—Joint CommitteeReport 462: Commonwealth infrastructure spending: Inquiry based on Auditor-General’s reports 14 (2015-16) and 38 (2016-17)Report, June 2017.

In accordance with standing order 39(e) the report was made a Parliamentary Paper.

- 10:52:09 AM

Mr Hill, by leave, made statement in connection with the report.

- 10:59:45 AM

Mr Hill moved—That the House take note of the report.

- 10:59:50 AM

In accordance with standing order 39, the debate was adjourned, and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:59:54 AM

Mr Hill moved—That the order of the day be referred to the Federation Chamber for debate.

- 11:00:07 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 11:00:12 AM


Mr Hill presented the following documents:

Executive Minutes on reports Nos 451, 452, 456, 457 and 458.

- 11:00:44 AM


Mr Christensen (Chair) presented the following document:


The Publications Committee reports that it has met in conference with the Publications Committee of the Senate.

The Committee, having considered documents presented to Parliament since 1 June 2017, recommends that the following be made Parliamentary Papers:

Australian Human Rights Commission—Reports—

No. 111—BA v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration and Border Protection).

No. 112—AX v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration and Border Protection).

No. 113—Gentleman v Linfox Australia Pty Ltd.

No. 114—Mr BF on behalf of Master BG v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration and Border Protection).

No. 115—BW v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration and Border Protection).

Australian Law Reform Commission—Report No. 131—Elder AbuseA National Legal Response—

Final report, May 2017.

Summary report, May 2017.

Australian National University—Report for 2016.

Commonwealth Ombudsman—Activities in monitoring controlled operations conducted by the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity, the Australian Crime Commission and the Australian Federal Police—Report for 2015-16.

Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse—Royal Commission—

Report of Case Study No. 36—The response of the Church of England Boys’ Society and the Anglican Dioceses of Tasmania, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney to allegations of child sexual abuse, May 2017

Report of Case Study No. 41—Institutional responses to allegations of the sexual abuse of children with disability, May 2017.

Productivity Commission—Report No. 83—Telecommunications universal service obligation, 28 April 2017.

George Christensen


22 June 2017

- 11:01:11 AM

On the motion of Mr Christensen, by leave, the report was agreed to.

- 11:01:28 AM

 18Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Enterprise Incentives No. 1) Bill 2017

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—And on the amendment moved thereto by Dr Leigh, viz.—That all words after “That” be omitted with a view to substituting the following words:

The House declines to give this bill a second reading and calls on the Government to explain why it is desperate to legislate additional tax concessions for large businesses while pursuing a $50 billion tax cut for big banks and multinationals.

Debate resumed.

Mr McCormack 11:02:01 AM.
- 11:04:28 AM

Question—That the amendment be agreed to—put.

- 11:04:54 AM

Division 240

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr A. D. H. Smith, in the Chair)—

AYES, 69

Mr Albanese

Mr Danby

Mr Jones

Ms O’Toole

Dr Aly

Mr Dick

Ms Keay

Ms Owens

Mr Bandt

Mr Dreyfus

Dr M. J. Kelly

Mr Perrett*

Ms Bird

Mrs Elliot

Mr Keogh

Ms Plibersek

Mr Bowen

Ms Ellis

Mr Khalil

Ms Rishworth

Ms Brodtmann

Mr Feeney

Ms C. F. King

Ms Rowland

Mr Burke

Mr Fitzgibbon

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Ryan*

Ms Burney

Dr Freelander

Ms Lamb

Mr Shorten

Mr M. C. Butler

Mr Georganas

Dr Leigh

Mr Snowdon

Ms T. M. Butler

Mr Giles

Ms McBride

Ms Stanley

Mr Byrne

Mr Gosling

Ms Macklin

Ms Swanson

Dr Chalmers

Mr Hammond

Mr Marles

Ms Templeman

Mr Champion

Mr Hart

Mr B. K. Mitchell

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms L. M. Chesters

Mr Hayes

Mr R. G. Mitchell

Ms Vamvakinou

Mr Clare

Mr Hill

Mr Neumann

Mr Watts

Ms Claydon

Ms Husar

Mr O’Connor

Mr J. H. Wilson

Ms Collins

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Mr Zappia

Mr Conroy

NOES, 76

Mr Abbott

Mr Falinski

Ms M. L. Landry

Mr Pyne

Mr Alexander

Mr Fletcher

Mr C. A. S. Laundy

Mr Ramsey*

Mrs K. L. Andrews

Ms Flint

Mr Leeser

Mr Robert

Mr K. J. Andrews

Mr Frydenberg

Ms Ley

Ms Sharkie

Ms Banks

Mr Gee

Mr Littleproud

Mrs Sudmalis

Ms Bishop

Dr Gillespie

Mr McCormack

Mr Sukkar

Mr Broad

Mr Goodenough

Ms McGowan

Mr Taylor

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hartsuyker

Dr McVeigh

Mr Tehan

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hastie

Mrs Marino

Mr Tudge

Mr D. J. Chester

Mr Hawke

Mr Morrison

Mr Turnbull

Mr Christensen

Ms Henderson

Mr Morton

Mr van Manen

Mr Ciobo

Mr Hogan

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Vasta

Mr Coleman

Mr Howarth

Mr L. S. O’Brien

Mr Wallace

Mr Coulton

Mr Hunt

Mr O’Dowd

Mrs Wicks

Mr Crewther

Mr Irons

Mr Pasin

Mr R. J. Wilson

Mr Drum*

Mr Joyce

Mr Pitt

Mr T. R. Wilson

Mr Dutton

Mr Keenan

Mr Porter

Mr Wood

Mr Entsch

Mr C. Kelly

Mrs Prentice

Mr Wyatt

Mr Evans

Mr Laming

Ms Price

Mr Zimmerman

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 11:13:20 AM

Question—That the bill be now read a second time—put.

- 11:13:29 AM

Division 241

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr A. D. H. Smith, in the Chair)—

AYES, 76

Mr Abbott

Mr Falinski

Ms M. L. Landry

Mr Pyne

Mr Alexander

Mr Fletcher

Mr C. A. S. Laundy

Mr Ramsey*

Mrs K. L. Andrews

Ms Flint

Mr Leeser

Mr Robert

Mr K. J. Andrews

Mr Frydenberg

Ms Ley

Ms Sharkie

Ms Banks

Mr Gee

Mr Littleproud

Mrs Sudmalis

Ms Bishop

Dr Gillespie

Mr McCormack

Mr Sukkar

Mr Broad

Mr Goodenough

Ms McGowan

Mr Taylor

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hartsuyker

Dr McVeigh

Mr Tehan

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hastie

Mrs Marino

Mr Tudge

Mr D. J. Chester

Mr Hawke

Mr Morrison

Mr Turnbull

Mr Christensen

Ms Henderson

Mr Morton

Mr van Manen

Mr Ciobo

Mr Hogan

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Vasta

Mr Coleman

Mr Howarth

Mr L. S. O’Brien

Mr Wallace

Mr Coulton

Mr Hunt

Mr O’Dowd

Mrs Wicks

Mr Crewther

Mr Irons

Mr Pasin

Mr R. J. Wilson

Mr Drum*

Mr Joyce

Mr Pitt

Mr T. R. Wilson

Mr Dutton

Mr Keenan

Mr Porter

Mr Wood

Mr Entsch

Mr C. Kelly

Mrs Prentice

Mr Wyatt

Mr Evans

Mr Laming

Ms Price

Mr Zimmerman

NOES, 69

Mr Albanese

Mr Danby

Mr Jones

Ms O’Toole

Dr Aly

Mr Dick

Ms Keay

Ms Owens

Mr Bandt

Mr Dreyfus

Dr M. J. Kelly

Mr Perrett*

Ms Bird

Mrs Elliot

Mr Keogh

Ms Plibersek

Mr Bowen

Ms Ellis

Mr Khalil

Ms Rishworth

Ms Brodtmann

Mr Feeney

Ms C. F. King

Ms Rowland

Mr Burke

Mr Fitzgibbon

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Ryan*

Ms Burney

Dr Freelander

Ms Lamb

Mr Shorten

Mr M. C. Butler

Mr Georganas

Dr Leigh

Mr Snowdon

Ms T. M. Butler

Mr Giles

Ms McBride

Ms Stanley

Mr Byrne

Mr Gosling

Ms Macklin

Ms Swanson

Dr Chalmers

Mr Hammond

Mr Marles

Ms Templeman

Mr Champion

Mr Hart

Mr B. K. Mitchell

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms L. M. Chesters

Mr Hayes

Mr R. G. Mitchell

Ms Vamvakinou

Mr Clare

Mr Hill

Mr Neumann

Mr Watts

Ms Claydon

Ms Husar

Mr O’Connor

Mr J. H. Wilson

Ms Collins

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Mr Zappia

Mr Conroy

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 11:19:36 AM

—bill read a second time.

- 11:19:56 AM

Leave granted for third reading to be moved immediately.

On the motion of Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business), the bill was read a third time.

- 11:20:20 AM

 19 Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Enterprise Incentives No. 2) Bill 2017 

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

Mr Bowen 11:21:09 AM.
- 11:36:48 AM

Debate resumed by Mr Bowen who moved, as an amendment—

That all words after “That” be omitted with a view to substituting the following words:

“whilst not declining to give the bill a second reading, the House condemns the Government for its failure to implement a Director Identification Scheme to detect and deter fraudulent phoenix activity”.

Debate ensued.

Mr Ted O’Brien 11:39:25 AM. Dr Leigh 11:53:54 AM. Ms T. M. Butler 12:03:27 PM. Mr Husic 12:16:23 PM. Ms Owens 12:23:17 PM. Mr McCormack 12:37:51 PM.
- 12:42:20 PM

Amendment negatived.

- 12:42:31 PM

Question—That the bill be now read a second time—put and passed—bill read a second time.

- 12:42:44 PM

Leave granted for third reading to be moved immediately.

On the motion of Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business), the bill was read a third time.

- 12:43:05 PM

 20 Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Amendment (Support for Commonwealth Entities) Bill 2016

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

Debate resumed.

Mr Clare 12:43:19 PM. Mr C. Kelly 12:53:22 PM. Point of order, Mr Conroy. 1:02:57 PM. Mr C. Kelly 1:03:06 PM. Mr Conroy 1:08:36 PM. Mr T. R. Wilson 1:23:37 PM.
- 1:30:12 PM

Mr T. R. Wilson addressing the House—

- 1:30:15 PM

It being 1.30 pm, the debate was interrupted in accordance with standing order 43Mr T. R. Wilson was granted leave to continue his speech when the debate is resumed, and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a later hour this day.

- 1:30:19 PM


Members’ statements were made.

Mr O’Connor 1:30:26 PM. Mrs Sudmalis 1:31:56 PM. Ms L. M. Chesters 1:33:36 PM. Mr O’Dowd 1:35:28 PM. Mr Husic 1:37:00 PM. Mr Leeser 1:38:41 PM. Ms Claydon 1:40:17 PM. Mr Vasta 1:41:49 PM. Dr Aly 1:43:21 PM. Mrs Wicks 1:45:02 PM. Ms Ryan 1:46:37 PM. Mr R. J. Wilson 1:48:15 PM. Ms Brodtmann 1:49:42 PM. Mr T. R. Wilson 1:51:17 PM. Mr R. G. Mitchell 1:52:48 PM. Mr Wood 1:54:42 PM. Mr Watts 1:56:16 PM. Mr Zimmerman 1:57:49 PM. Mr Champion 1:59:24 PM.
- 2:01:20 PM

 22DEATH OF FORMER MEMBER (the Honourable Concetto Antonio (Con) Sciacca)

Mr Turnbull (Prime Minister) referred to the death of the Honourable Concetto Antonio (Con) Sciacca AO, and moved—That the House record its deep regret at the death, on 21 June 2017, of the Honourable Concetto Antonio (Con) Sciacca AOa former Minister and Member of this House for the Division of Bowman, 1987-1996 and 1998-2004, place on record its appreciation of his long and meritorious public service, and tender its profound sympathy to his family in their bereavement.

Mr Shorten 2:04:05 PM. Mr Laming 2:08:31 PM.
- 2:09:51 PM

Mr Shorten (Leader of the Opposition) having seconded the motionand Mr Laming having addressed the House in support thereof, and all Members present having risen, in silence—

- 2:10:11 PM

Debate adjourned (Mr PyneLeader of the House), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 2:10:29 PM

Mr Pyne, by leave, moved—That the order of the day be referred to the Federation Chamber for debate.

- 2:10:51 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 2:10:58 PM


- 2:11:07 PM

 (1)Mr Shorten to Mr Turnbull (Prime Minister)

- 2:14:41 PM

 (2)Mr Crewther to Mr Turnbull (Prime Minister)

- 2:18:13 PM

 (3)Ms Plibersek to Mr Turnbull (Prime Minister)

- 2:21:46 PM

 (4)Mr Hogan to Mr Joyce (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources)

- 2:25:41 PM

 (5)Ms Plibersek to Mr Frydenberg (Minister representing the Minister for Education and Training)

- 2:28:14 PM

Distinguished visitor announced.

- 2:28:17 PM

 (6)Ms McGowan to Ms Bishop (Minister for Foreign Affairs)

- 2:32:17 PM

 (7)Mr Vasta to Mr Dutton (Minister for Immigration and Border Protection)

- 2:35:52 PM

 (8)Mr Shorten to Mr Turnbull (Prime Minister)

- 2:38:49 PM

Mr Shortensought leave to present a document. Leave not granted..

- 2:39:12 PM

Distinguished visitor announced.

- 2:39:15 PM

 (9)Mr Ted O’Brien to Mr Pyne (Minister for Defence Industry)

- 2:42:43 PM

 (10)Ms Plibersek to Mr Turnbull (Prime Minister)

- 2:44:03 PM

 (11)Mr Irons to Mr Morrison (Treasurer)

- 2:47:17 PM

 (12)Mr Snowdon to Mr Turnbull (Prime Minister)

- 2:48:50 PM

Member directed to leave

At 2.49 pm the Member for Burt (Mr Keogh) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for continuing to interject after a warning had been given by the Chair and he accordingly left the Chamber.

- 2:48:59 PM

Questions without notice continuing—

Mr Turnbull 2:49:01 PM.
- 2:49:58 PM

 (13)Mr Leeser to Mr Keenan (Minister for Justice)

- 2:53:43 PM

 (14)Mr Shorten to Mr Turnbull (Prime Minister)

- 2:56:24 PM

Member directed to leave

At 2.56 pm the Member for Braddon (Ms Keay) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for continuing to interject after a warning had been given by the Chair and she accordingly left the Chamber.

- 2:56:36 PM

Questions without notice continuing—

Mr Turnbull 2:56:39 PM.
- 2:58:52 PM

 (15)Mrs Wicks to Mr Ciobo (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment)

- 3:01:10 PM

Member directed to leave

At 3.01 pm the Member for Rankin (Dr Chalmers) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for interjecting and he accordingly left the Chamber.

- 3:01:39 PM

Questions without notice continued.

Mr Ciobo 3:01:42 PM.
- 3:03:11 PM

 (16)Mr Bowen to Mr Turnbull (Prime Minister)

- 3:06:24 PM

 (17)Mr Wood to Mr D. J. Chester (Minister for Infrastructure and Transport)

- 3:10:11 PM

 24Auditor-General's Reports

The Speaker presented the following documents:

Auditor-General—Audit reports of 2016-2017Performance audits

No. 56—Pesticide and veterinary medicine regulatory reform: Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.

No. 57—Department of Health's coordination of communicable disease emergencies: Department of Health.

Reports ordered to be made Parliamentary Papers.

- 3:10:59 PM


The following documents were presented: 

Surveillance Devices Act 2004—Report on the operation of the Act for 2015-16.

Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992—Report under section 34A for 2016.

TreatyMultilateralText, together with national interest analysis—Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Kigali, 15 October 2016).

- 3:11:23 PM

 26Leave of absence to all Members

Mr Pyne (Leader of the House), movedThat leave of absence be given to every Member of the House of Representatives from the determination of this sitting of the House to the date of its next sitting.

- 3:11:40 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 3:11:46 PM

 27Suspension of standing orders 31 and 33

Mr Pyne (Leader of the House), pursuant to notice, movedThat standing order 31 (automatic adjournment of the House) and standing order 33 (limit on business) be suspended for the sitting on Thursday, 22 June 2017.

- 3:15:32 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 3:15:46 PM


The Speaker presented the following document:

Committee reports—Schedule of outstanding Government responses to reports of House of Representatives and joint committees, also incorporating reports tabled and details of Government responses made in the period between 1 December 2016, the date of the last schedule, and 21 June 2017 at 5 pm.

- 3:16:11 PM

 29Selection Committee

The Speaker presented the following document:

Report No. 13 relating to the consideration of bills introduced 19 June to 22 June 2017.

- 3:16:56 PM


Mr Burke (Manager of Opposition Business) raised questions of the Speaker concerning the immunity available to Members under section 14 of the Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987.

The Speaker stated that he would consider the matter and report to the House at a later time.

- 3:18:51 PM

Personal explanation, Mr Bowen.

- 3:19:33 PM


The House was informed that Mr Shorten (Leader of the Opposition), had proposed that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely, “The harm that will be inflicted on Australians in just nine days”.

- 3:19:43 PM

The proposed discussion having received the necessary support—

- 3:19:47 PM

Mr Shorten addressed the House.

- 3:29:54 PM

Discussion ensued.

Mr Hawke 3:29:59 PM. Ms Plibersek 3:40:02 PM. Ms Henderson 3:45:09 PM.
- 3:46:26 PM

Ms Pliberseksought leave to present a document. Leave not granted..

Ms Henderson 3:46:27 PM. Mr Bowen 3:50:23 PM. Mr Hogan 3:55:32 PM. Mr O’Connor 4:00:41 PM. Mr Irons 4:05:48 PM. Mr M. C. Butler 4:10:57 PM. Mr C. Kelly 4:16:01 PM.
- 4:21:04 PM

Discussion concluded.

- 4:21:40 PM


Message No. 18422 June 2017, from the Senate was reported returning the Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measures No. 3) Bill 2017 without amendment.

- 4:21:48 PM

 34 Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Amendment (Support for Commonwealth Entities) Bill 2016

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

Debate resumed.

Ms Templeman 4:21:56 PM. Mr Thistlethwaite 4:28:17 PM. Ms Owens 4:37:17 PM. Mr Hill 4:45:20 PM. Ms Keay 4:51:06 PM. Mr Ciobo 4:56:57 PM.
- 5:05:49 PM

Question—put and passed—bill read a second time.

- 5:06:04 PM

Consideration in detail

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

- 5:06:21 PM


Mr Ciobo (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) presented a supplementary explanatory memorandum to the bill.

- 5:06:31 PM

On the motion of Mr Ciobo, by leave, Government amendments (1) to (3) were made together, after debate.

Mr Clare 5:08:54 PM. Mr Katter 5:10:51 PM. Mr Ciobo 5:15:56 PM.
- 5:20:46 PM

Bill, as amended, agreed to.

Consideration in detail concluded.

- 5:21:16 PM

Leave not granted to move to the third reading.

- 5:22:08 PM

Mr Ciobo, pursuant to contingent notice, movedThat so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent the motion for the third reading being moved without delay.

- 5:22:36 PM

Division 242

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr A. D. H. Smith, in the Chair)—

AYES, 71

Mr Abbott

Mr Falinski

Mr C. A. S. Laundy

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Alexander

Mr Fletcher

Mr Leeser

Mr Robert

Mrs K. L. Andrews

Ms Flint

Ms Ley

Ms Sharkie

Mr K. J. Andrews

Mr Gee

Mr Littleproud

Mrs Sudmalis

Ms Banks

Dr Gillespie

Mr McCormack

Mr Sukkar

Ms Bishop

Mr Goodenough

Ms McGowan

Mr Taylor

Mr Broad

Mr Hartsuyker

Dr McVeigh

Mr Tehan

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hastie

Mrs Marino

Mr Tudge

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr Morrison

Mr Turnbull

Mr D. J. Chester

Ms Henderson

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr van Manen

Mr Christensen

Mr Hogan

Mr L. S. O’Brien

Mr Wallace

Mr Ciobo

Mr Howarth

Mr O’Dowd

Mrs Wicks

Mr Coleman

Mr Hunt

Mr Pasin

Mr R. J. Wilson

Mr Coulton

Mr Irons

Mr Pitt

Mr T. R. Wilson

Mr Drum*

Mr Keenan

Mr Porter

Mr Wood

Mr Dutton

Mr C. Kelly

Mrs Prentice

Mr Wyatt

Mr Entsch

Mr Laming

Ms Price

Mr Zimmerman

Mr Evans

Ms M. L. Landry

Mr Pyne

NOES, 59

Mr Albanese

Mr Danby

Mr Husic

Mr O’Connor

Dr Aly

Mr Dick

Mr Jones

Ms O’Toole

Mr Bandt

Mr Dreyfus

Ms Keay

Ms Owens

Ms Bird

Mrs Elliot

Dr M. J. Kelly

Mr Perrett*

Mr Bowen

Ms Ellis

Mr Keogh

Ms Plibersek

Ms Brodtmann

Mr Feeney

Mr Khalil

Ms Rowland

Mr Burke

Mr Fitzgibbon

Ms C. F. King

Ms Ryan*

Ms Burney

Dr Freelander

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Shorten

Ms T. M. Butler

Mr Georganas

Ms Lamb

Ms Stanley

Mr Byrne

Mr Giles

Dr Leigh

Ms Templeman

Dr Chalmers

Mr Gosling

Ms McBride

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Champion

Mr Hart

Ms Macklin

Mr Watts

Ms L. M. Chesters

Mr Hayes

Mr Marles

Mr J. H. Wilson

Mr Clare

Mr Hill

Mr B. K. Mitchell

Mr Zappia

Ms Collins

Ms Husar

Mr Neumann

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 5:32:12 PM

 Mr Ciobo moved—That the bill be now read a third time.

- 5:32:28 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 5:32:32 PM

—bill read a third time.

- 5:32:43 PM

 35Response to question from the Manager of Opposition Business—STATEMENT BY SPEAKER

The Speaker made the following statement: After question time the Manager of Opposition Business raised some questions with me concerning the immunity available to Members under section 14 of the Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987. The provisions in the Act provide, in part, an immunity for a Member from being required to attend a court within 5 days, before and after, a meeting of the House. The purpose of the immunity is that Members should reasonably be available to attend to their responsibilities to the House. I make a few points in response to the Manager of Opposition’s questions.

the Act refers to a day on which the House ‘meets’. The reasonable interpretation of this is that, should the House meet tomorrow for an extended sitting, that would be a ‘meeting’ of the House;

the immunity applies to a Member personally, not to representatives who may appear before a court on behalf of a Member;

a Member does not need to exercise the immunity;

finally, the exercise of the immunity is one for individual Members to assert, although as Speaker I can issue a certificate relating to a day on which the House will meet.

- 5:34:16 PM

Mr Pyne (Minister for Defence Industry)made a statement in relation to the sittings..

- 5:35:21 PM

Suspension of sitting

At 5.35 pm, the Speaker left the Chair.

- 12:00:21 AM

Resumption of sitting

At 12 am, the Speaker resumed the Chair.

The House continuing to sit until after midnight—

Friday, 23 June 2017

- 12:00:52 AM


Messages from the Senate22 June 2017, were reported:

- 12:00:52 AM

No. 185—informing the House that Senator Farrell had been appointed a member of the Joint Committee on the Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings.

- 12:00:52 AM

No. 186informing the House that:

Senator Back had been discharged from attendance on the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, and Senator Smith had been appointed a member of the committee;

Senator Back had been discharged from attendance on the Joint Standing Committee on Migration, and Senator Reynolds had been appointed a member of the committee;

Senator Back had been discharged from attendance on the Joint Standing Committee on the Parliamentary Library, and Senator Williams had been appointed a member of the committee;

Senator Bushby had been discharged from attendance on the Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth, and Senator Hume had been appointed a member of the committee; and

Senator Back had been discharged from attendance on the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, and Senator Bushby had been appointed a member of the committee.

- 12:00:52 AM

No. 187—informing the House that Senators Duniam, Moore and Siewert had been appointed as members of the Joint Select Committee on oversight of the implementation of redress related recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, and Senators Di Natale, Hanson-Young, Ludlam, McKim, Rhiannon, Rice, Waters and Whish-Wilson had been appointed participating members of the committee.

- 12:01:17 AM

 39MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR-GENERALAustralian Education Amendment Bill 2017

Message No. 8521 June 2017, from His Excellency the Governor-General was announced recommending an appropriation for the purpose of amendments, to be made on motion moved by a Minister of a Bill for an Act to amend the Australian Education Act 2013, and for related purposes.

- 12:01:37 AM

 40MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Australian Education Amendment Bill 2017

Message No. 18822 June 2017, from the Senate was reported returning the Australian Education Amendment Bill 2017 with requests for amendments.

- 12:02:04 AM

Mr Pyne moved—That the amendments requested by the Senate be considered immediately.

- 12:02:32 AM

On the motion of Mr Pyne (Leader of the House), the requested amendments were made, after debate.

Ms Plibersek 12:02:40 AM.
- 12:04:48 AM

Suspension of sitting

At 12.05 am, the Speaker left the Chair.

- 1:45:11 AM

Resumption of sitting

At 1.45 am, the Speaker resumed the Chair.

- 1:45:26 AM

 41MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Australian Education Amendment Bill 2017

Message No. 18923 June 2017, from the Senate was reported returning the Australian Education Amendment Bill 2017 with amendments.

- 1:45:50 AM

Mr Pyne moved—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 1:46:04 AM

Mr Pyne (Leader of the House) moved—That the amendments be agreed to.

- 1:46:11 AM

Debate ensued.

Ms Plibersek 1:46:14 AM.
- 1:51:26 AM


- 1:51:40 AM

Division 243

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr A. D. H. Smith, in the Chair)—

AYES, 71

Mr Abbott

Mr Falinski

Mr C. A. S. Laundy

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Alexander

Mr Fletcher

Mr Leeser

Mr Robert

Mrs K. L. Andrews

Ms Flint

Ms Ley

Ms Sharkie

Mr K. J. Andrews

Mr Gee

Mr Littleproud

Mrs Sudmalis

Ms Banks

Dr Gillespie

Mr McCormack

Mr Sukkar

Ms Bishop

Mr Goodenough

Ms McGowan

Mr Taylor

Mr Broad

Mr Hartsuyker

Dr McVeigh

Mr Tehan

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hastie

Mrs Marino

Mr Tudge

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr Morrison

Mr Turnbull

Mr D. J. Chester

Ms Henderson

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr van Manen

Mr Christensen

Mr Hogan

Mr L. S. O’Brien

Mr Wallace

Mr Ciobo

Mr Howarth

Mr O’Dowd

Mrs Wicks

Mr Coleman

Mr Hunt

Mr Pasin

Mr R. J. Wilson

Mr Coulton

Mr Irons

Mr Pitt

Mr T. R. Wilson

Mr Drum*

Mr Keenan

Mr Porter

Mr Wood

Mr Dutton

Mr C. Kelly

Mrs Prentice

Mr Wyatt

Mr Entsch

Mr Laming

Ms Price

Mr Zimmerman

Mr Evans

Ms M. L. Landry

Mr Pyne

NOES, 64

Mr Albanese

Mr Danby

Mr Jones

Ms O’Toole

Dr Aly

Mr Dick

Mr Katter

Ms Owens

Mr Bandt

Mr Dreyfus

Ms Keay

Mr Perrett*

Ms Bird

Mrs Elliot

Dr M. J. Kelly

Ms Plibersek

Mr Bowen

Mr Feeney

Mr Keogh

Ms Rishworth

Ms Brodtmann

Mr Fitzgibbon

Mr Khalil

Ms Rowland

Mr Burke

Dr Freelander

Ms C. F. King

Ms Ryan*

Ms Burney

Mr Georganas

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Shorten

Mr M. C. Butler

Mr Giles

Ms Lamb

Ms Stanley

Ms T. M. Butler

Mr Gosling

Dr Leigh

Ms Templeman

Mr Byrne

Mr Hammond

Ms McBride

Mr Thistlethwaite

Dr Chalmers

Mr Hart

Ms Macklin

Ms Vamvakinou

Mr Champion

Mr Hayes

Mr Marles

Mr Watts

Ms L. M. Chesters

Mr Hill

Mr B. K. Mitchell

Mr Wilkie

Ms Claydon

Ms Husar

Mr Neumann

Mr J. H. Wilson

Ms Collins

Mr Husic

Mr O’Connor

Mr Zappia

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 2:02:10 AM


Mr Pyne (Leader of the House) moved—That the House do now adjourn.

Question—put and passed.

And then the House, at 2.02 am, adjourned until 12 noon on Tuesday, 8 August 2017.

- 11:59:59 PM


 The following documents were deemed to have been presented on 22 June 2017 (An explanatory statement has been presented with each instrument unless otherwise indicated by an asterisk)

 Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976—Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Township) Regulations 2017 [F2017L00696].

Aged Care Act 1997—Aged Care (Subsidy, Fees and Payments) Amendment (July Indexation) Determination 2017 [F2017L00714].

Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997—Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) (Subsidy and Other Measures) Amendment (July Indexation) Determination 2017 [F2017L00716].

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998 and Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001—Treasury Laws Amendment (Agricultural Lending Data) Regulations 2017 [F2017L00706].

Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing and Other Measures) Regulations 2017 [F2017L00697].

Corporations Act 2001—Corporations Amendment (Crowd-sourced Funding) Regulations 2017 [F2017L00710].

Currency Act 1965—Currency (Royal Australian Mint) Determination (No. 3) 2017 [F2017L00717].

Defence Act 1903—Determination under section 58B—Post indexesamendment—2017/20 [F2017L00702].

Federal Financial Relations Act 2009

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial assistance) Determination No. 98 (May 2017) [F2017L00708].

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership payments) Determination No. 119 (May 2017) [F2017L00707].

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997 and Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993—Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2017 [F2017L00704].

Industry Research and Development Act 1986—Industry Research and Development (Digital Earth Australia Program) Instrument 2017 [F2017L00713].

Legislation Act 2003—Legislation (Product Stewardship (Oil) Instruments) Sunset-altering Declaration 2017 [F2017L00701].

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986

Veterans’ Affairs Pharmaceutical Benefits Schemes (Updating Incorporated Documents) Amendment Instrument 2017—2017 No. R14/MRCC14 [F2017L00705].

Veterans’ Affairs (Treatment PrinciplesUpdating of Fee Schedules for Medical Services and Other Matters) Amendment Instrument 20172017 No. R21/MRCC21 [F2017L00711].

National Health Act 1953—Continence Aids Payment Scheme Amendment 2017 [F2017L00718].

Product Stewardship Act 2011—Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) Amendment (Product Codes) Regulations 2017 [F2017L00703].

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013—Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Infrastructure and Project Financing Agency and Other Measures) Rules 2017 [F2017L00700].

Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988—Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Weekly Interest on the Lump Sum) Notice 2017 [F2017L00698].

Social Security Act 1991—Social Security (Experiencing a Personal Financial Crisis) Instrument 2017 [F2017L00712].

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999—Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (Declaration Deferral Period) Declaration 2017 [F2017L00699].

Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986

Veterans’ Entitlements (Counselling) Extended Eligibility Determination (No. 2) 2017—2017 No. R19 [F2017L00709].

Veterans’ Entitlements (Expanded Access to Non-Liability Health Care for Mental Health Treatment) Determination 2017—2017 No. R24 [F2017L00715].

- 2:03:00 AM


All Members attended (at some time during the sitting) except *Ms O’Dwyer and Mr Swan.

* On leave
