Not your average job: Team member explains the machine behind La Machine

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French street-performance company La Machine had the city of Ottawa under its spell on the weekend. On Wednesday, the crew behind the giant dragon-horse and spider were at the Canadian Space and Aviation Museum, taking Long Ma and Kumo apart by hand and getting ready to return home to France. 

The Citizen was curious about how the team of robot operators does its job, and caught up with Yves Rollot, who is one of the conductors of Long Ma the dragon-horse.

Q: This is not your average job; how does someone become qualified for a position on the La Machine team?

A: “There’s a lot of knowledge on the team. There’s a lot of people working on wood, a lot of people working on the steel and welding and painting also to design the body (of the animal) and computation. The skills are very large so anyone can send a CV.”

However, in order to be an operator you should preferably be a technician or someone who understands robotics and engineering. But there are a variety of jobs that make up La Machine.

Q: How did you get your job with La Machine?

A: “I was lucky, in fact, because I was a researcher in a French institute, and I was a little bored doing research and all that stuff, and I called François (Delarozière) one day and he said, ‘Maybe we can meet because we are building an elephant, which has to be automatic for the motion, and maybe we can meet,’ because I am a roboticist.”

Kumo, the spider from La Machine, on the Notre Dame Cathedral in Ottawa on July 27, 2017. Jean Levac / Postmedia

Rollot worked as a researcher in Paris for about four years before quitting his job and joining the team of Delarozière, La Machine’s art director. Rollot was familiar with Delarozière’s work with Royal de Luxe, the street performance company behind the giant marionettes that marched through Montréal in May. Rollot has been with La Machine for 12 years. 

The first project that Rollot worked on with La Machine was an elephant. Drawing the animal is Step 1 in building the creatures that move, walk and have personalities.

Q: What is going through your mind when you are trying to make a drawing come to life?

A: “It’s a lot of discussion with François: What is the animal? What is its way of thinking? Is it a nervous animal or a calm one? Man or a woman? There are many discussions to make the right motions (of the creature), and after that it’s a lot of computing.”

The La Machine performance in Ottawa was the first time the production company had performed in North America. Despite Long Ma’s wings, the giant creatures were shipped to Canada and then driven to Ottawa in shipping containers. Rollot and his team travel with Long Ma from the boat to the truck and vice versa to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Q: The level of interaction that you have with certain people (Long Ma spraying people who are standing on their balconies in the ByWard Market), that has to be improvised, right? 

A: “Yeah, because you look around and you say, ‘OK, what can we do here?’ But at this specific moment we looked around and saw the people and said, ‘Oh, there’s one!’ Long Ma was wandering around the city and looking around, so if you imagine a dragon just walking like this (we) try to imagine what the dragon would do. It was also very hot days so we have to spit water on people because that’s funny.”

Long Ma, the horse-dragon, sprays people watching from a parking complex on Clarence Street. Darren Brown / Postmedia

Q: From a public perspective, crowd control was an issue — people wanted to get really close. You’re manipulating this 10-ton machine; I know you’re inside concentrating on what you’re doing, but what are you thinking when you’re in there watching where that spider leg is coming down?

A: “We are quite used to making shows with a big crowd. We are not afraid by crowds like this. The city of Ottawa was afraid of this. People and police were very afraid of this, but we know that the motion of the machine is, it’s not fast, and people can see the machine from far away.”

Q: How long does it take to put Long Ma and Kumo together? What is the process?

A: “It takes a lot of time and a lot of energy. To put Long Ma (together) from its parts to one piece, it takes four days. After, there is one day of tests to make it move to make sure everything is correct or not — all the effects, all the motions, the neck, the legs, the mouth, the eyes. We check everything and then after we can start the rehearsals. All the people who make Long Ma move, like me, or the legs, we are also technicians and we put the parts together, there is not another team. The manipulation team is the technician team for Long Ma and for the spider its the same.”

During his time in Ottawa, Rollot said he had maybe one day off, which he spent biking on Petrie Island.


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