Author Archives: freehichamyezza

New website

The campaign website has been fully transferred to and this page will soon redirect to that website. We have retained all previous posts and comments.

For the latest information, to write a comment, or to visit the new blog, please visit

Watch Hich perform at the One World Festival!

Hich will take part in his first public performance since his arrest tomorrow (on Sunday May 14) as part of the Al Zaytouna Theatre and Dance troupe of which he is a founding member. The performance will take place at 12pm and at 2.30pm in Nottingham’s Old Market Square as part of the event One City One World.
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Musician releases song ‘Magna Carta’ about Hich

A musician and spoken word artist, Guy C, has released a song called ‘Magna Carta – A Song for Hich’. You can hear it here. The song includes excerpts from an interview that Hicham gave at the University of Nottingham Civil Liberties Conference on April 19, 2008, where he chaired the concluding session. Hich’s role in the Peace Movement featured prominently in his interrogation by counter-terrorism police.

Guy and Hich have been close friends for over ten years.

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Breaking News – Bail Hearing, Monday 16 June

Following the last-minute cancellation of Hicham’s removal by the Home Office, initially scheduled for June 1, Hicham is now preparing to fight his case on the outside having spent a whole month in detention, as of this Saturday.

Despite overwhelming evidence testifying to Hicham’s good character and strong links to the Nottingham student and local community, the Home Office has inexplicably and persistently refused to release Hicham while his case is ongoing. A hearing for bail will therefore take place in London on Monday 16 June. We are confident of a successful outcome, which will allow Hicham to be released from detention so he can defend himself properly.

A Message from Hich (30/05/08)

Hich says: “To all my supporters and comrades: I have been overwhelmed by the show of support and solidarity that I have received via dozens of faxes, postcards and letters from all over the country and beyond. I would like everyone to know that I am receiving your messages, even if I’m unable to respond. I truly hope that I will be given the chance to thank every one of you when I am released.

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More Nottingham Residents Facing Deportation

Hich’s case has attracted an unusual amount of attention due to the nature of his original arrest, but, in a political climate increasingly hostile to migrants, the horrific way he has been treated by the immigration authorities is all too common. This week alone, two asylum seekers living in Nottingham, Mary-Jane Mutetsi and Amdani Juma have been detained.

Amdani, a supporter of the Free Hich campaign (he was at Wednesday’s demo), is currently being held at Campsfield Detention Centre, where Hich was briefly held and has received his deportation notice and will be removed on Wednesday 4th June on Kenya Airways flight KQ101 (Terminal 4, Heathrow). Supporters are organising two demonstrations in support of his right to remain: The first on Saturday 31st May at 1pm, and the other at 5pm on Monday 2nd June, both in Nottingham’s Market Square.

Petition here:

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Press Release – Removal Directions Cancelled (30/05/08)


At 12.30 hours today, an application to the High Court in London was issued seeking a judicial review of the decisions of the Home Office in this matter.

The removal directions set for Sunday 1st June have now been cancelled by the Home Office, and an application will be made to them this afternoon for Mr Yezza to be released while his case is reconsidered.

David Smith, of Cartwright King solicitors in Nottingham, says “We hope and trust that the Home Office will now release Mr Yezza and reconsider his case properly and in accordance with the law; we will proceed vigorously with the High Court action unless they agree to do so.”