Small Business


The businesses ensuring you never need to leave your desk

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Need a manicure, counselling session or kinesiology but don't have the time to duck out of work at lunch? No problem.

In the scramble for work-life balance, a rising number of savvy small businesses are delivering services direct to your desk.

From yoga to massages, dry cleaning and dance lessons, operators are capitalising on the age of convenience and transforming the modern workplace.

The advent of food delivery companies such as UberEats, Foodora and Deliveroo is already changing the traditional lunch break, with workers increasingly ordering food at the tap of an app and eating "al desko".

But health experts have expressed caution about the potential for life to revolve around the office.

'Me time' through a mani-pedi 

Purely Polished mobile manicures and pedicures has been sending nail technicians to a range of offices and co-working spaces in Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast since May last year, including L'Oréal, Salesforce, Travelex and Tiffany & Co.


Iman Davamoni was inspired to set up Purely Polished on maternity leave, kissing goodbye to a 15-year career in human resources.

She initially wanted to target home-based mums who struggled to get to a salon, but noticed a gap in the market for workplace visits.

Davamoni now averages three in-office bookings a week for men and women, and is considering adding other beauty services as demand grows.

"We started getting enquiries about office visits through the website before we'd even started the marketing and that got the ball rolling," Davamoni says.

"In London and the US it's very common, but Australia is still opening up in terms of companies seeing manicures as a wellness offering. It allows staff to take time out of work for some "me time". You can't touch your phone, so you have to switch off and relax and have some quiet time with the nail technician."

The bootstrapped business-on-wheels was started with Davamoni's maternity leave payout and turned over $60,000 in the first year.

It allows staff to take time out of work for some 'me time'.

She says some companies cover the cost of the 15 or 30-minute manicures in a bid to build loyalty and retain staff, while others require employees to pay.

"Most of these employers who book us want to increase employee engagement, productivity and enthusiasm – it leaves staff feeling good," Davamoni says.

"They are also just wanting a service that's convenient – it can be hard to book an appointment for a manicure in the CBD at lunchtime. We have CEOs who are strapped for time who book us and we go into their private office."

She says her eyes have been opened to the plethora of mobile businesses being welcomed by progressive workplaces, including masseuses and even barbers.

Mini massages

While Davamoni has tapped into a niche market, mini-massages have long been a popular recruitment tool at some of Australia's biggest banks and corporates.

But Andrew Ward, the founder of 3 Minute Angels, says demand can fluctuate with the economy, and staff massages are often the first thing to go in lean times.

The business, which started in 2002 and offers five-minute corporate and event massages, was turning over a $1 million a year before the global financial crisis hit.

After hitting a low point of $640,000 two years ago, business is on the up and 3 Minute Angels turned over $840,000 last year.

Ward says his staff perform 70,000 five-minute massages a month for departments within companies including Adobe, Westpac, Commonwealth and Macquarie banks.  

"When corporates have money and value employees, like during a skills shortage, that is when they will pay for things like massages to keep staff," he says.

"But it's not seen as a necessary spend. It's the first thing to go when companies tighten their belts."

He says the wellness movement has helped turn around the fortunes of 3 Minute Angels as more companies jump on the bandwagon.

Even a quick shoulder rub can make a difference to stress levels, he says, and their clients fill out a survey to rate the change in their mood.

"It's usually 'very happy' or 'divine', and we deliver that back as a report, which gives the service tangibility," he says.

On-site chiropractor 

At employment marketplace SEEK – renowned for its perks – staff have access to a concierge to book services such as on-site car washes, manicures and dry cleaning.

Chiropractor Dr Ian Northeast visits the St Kilda Rd office once a week to treat workers on a portable table in a private room, saying many find it hard to squeeze personal appointments into the working week.

"It's so convenient for them," says Dr Northeast, who recently set up his own practice.

"They don't need to try and juggle their appointment with work and book at 8-9am or after 5pm."

SEEK Group human resources director Kathleen McCudden says staff also have access to massage and counselling services during their work day.

"We appreciate juggling work and personal lives can be difficult, which is why we offer our employees a range of concierge services in the workplace to help them have more free time after hours and at the weekend to do activities they enjoy, instead of chores and appointments," she says.

Clinical psychologist Kirsten Bouse says it is important for workers to change their environment during the day, like taking a walk at lunch, both for their mental health and productivity.

"It's positive when a workplace wants to create a wellness culture, but if everything comes to you, at the end of the day there's going to be no reason to leave the home or office," she says.

"If we keep going down that slippery slope we are going to be living very isolated and unconnected lives.

"You hear about what Google is like, with sleep pods and restaurants, and it keeps them in the workplace longer. It's all part of that bigger conversation."

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