Labor signals push to more independent, values-based foreign policy

Senator Penny Wong.
Senator Penny Wong. Alex Ellinghausen

Labor has signalled a shift to a more independent foreign policy that better reflects national values, as well as interests, and more actively asserts Australia's support for an international rules-based order.

In a speech to be delivered in Brisbane on Thursday, Labor's foreign policy spokeswoman Penny Wong argues foreign policy must be based not just on national interests, or "transactional" diplomacy, but on the values that define the country.

She argues that this will be crucial at a time of unprecedented disruption around the globe, and criticises the Turnbull government for running a too responsive foreign policy.

While the speech does not directly address relationships with other countries, it sets up arguments that seem certain to develop into a foreign policy stance that is clearly seen to be more independent of the United States in future.

Senator Wong notes that Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said during last year's election campaign that "in our pragmatic approach to foreign policy we deal with the world as it is, not as we would wish it to be".

"Of course we have to deal with the world as it is," Senator Wong says, "but advancing Australian interests and values matters.

"We deal with the world as it is, and we seek to change it for the better – to shape, as best we can, the world in which we live.

"Australian interests and values should not be dismissed as wishful thinking. They are what give our foreign policy purpose and direction. They enable us to understand what we want to do and why we want to act."

Senator Wong's speech comes as the US has been withdrawing from its previous role in global affairs and as President Donald Trump has repeatedly signalled a retreat from multilateralism, leaving Europe as the only major power bloc to champion the international rules based-order.

Labor's Senate leader says Australia needs "a foreign policy that is both transactional – that deals with the day-to-day issues – and transformational – that addresses the longer-term strategic opportunities and challenges the nation faces".

"Democratic governments have a particular responsibility to bring the values that underpin their polities into their engagement with the world in which the hopes of their citizens are realised," she says.

"The alternative to a values-inspired foreign policy is a purely power-based foreign policy, where, far from materialising hope, the 'dog eat dog' law of the jungle destroys it.

"In the world of the deal, 'beggar thy neighbour' might look like a smart way to do business. But it certainly is not a recipe for stability. The 20th century is littered with examples of the failure of power-based foreign policy."

Senator Wong says that for nations like Australia, "there is no alternative to a foreign policy that is built on values and pursues our interests if our citizens are to go about their business confidently, and if we as a nation are to contribute to the peace, prosperity and security of the entire international community".

"Just as fairness and equity are built into our national institutions to protect our citizens against predatory behaviour, so too must they be built into the international institutions to maintain global stability," she says.

"That is what constructive internationalism is all about – the creation of an agreed and equitable rules-based order."