Why you should share financial information with your staff

Mark Zuckerberg holds 30-minute meetings at which staff can ask him anything about the business.
Mark Zuckerberg holds 30-minute meetings at which staff can ask him anything about the business. AP
by Rebekah Campbell

Afew years ago, I discovered that my engineering team were all looking for other jobs. I was perplexed; they had shares in our company, I knew they were passionate about the product and enjoyed the challenges of our business. One by one, I took them for coffee and tried to find out what was going on. Finally, one admitted that he’d heard we were close to running out of money and the company would soon be closed.

What rubbish! Sure, that year wasn’t our easiest but I was confident we’d make it through. One of the engineers had overheard me on Skype and misinterpreted the conversation.

I’ve often wondered how much I should share with my team. My previous company was in the appearance-obsessed music industry, where mistake and failure are dirty words and everyone is as popular as their latest hit. I worked hard to maintain the perception of being perfect: I was great at getting the team amped up, even if deep down I was terrified everything would fall apart.

When I tried to carry that management technique into technology, it didn’t work. This business took a different type of team. They cared about their careers and the business they were helping to build. Genius engineers can see through hype like glass.

Nothing is off limits

A friend of mine holds a senior position at Facebook in Mountain View, California. He told me that Mark Zuckerberg gets the whole company together for 30 minutes every Friday afternoon. There, he talks about highlights from the previous week and plans for the future before opening up for questions. Any team member can submit any question via the company FYI Facebook group and everyone votes on which ones should be asked. The only time a question can’t be answered is when information so revealed would enable insider trading and break the law. Other than that, nothing is off limits.

I decided to try this. On the Monday after finding out my team thought the company would soon shut down, I shared our financial position at the end of a regular staff meeting. I showed how much we had in the bank and our predicted revenue, and I talked through investor prospects. Everyone could see how many months of runway we had left. I explained what I thought were the objectives for the next month and asked for input.

The results were extraordinary. Once everyone possessed the same information, we approached challenges collaboratively. As we needed to raise investment, we focused on growth, engagement and revenue rather than building cool new features. Our financial position was dire and I was scared to share it, but revealing it made everyone feel more secure.

From that moment onward, I practised radical openness with the team. Anyone is able to ask me any question and I share information as broadly as I can without breaching privacy.

Here are a few reasons why this has worked:

1. It makes teams work. Although unnerving at first, complete transparency creates a sense of camaraderie. Everyone understands how their work contributes to the goals, and follows the reasoning behind decisions to focus on various aspects of the product, user growth, PR or fundraising.

It also allows me to get feedback on key business decisions, which is helpful when you have a team as smart as ours, and I sense it gives everyone a sense of security. There are no unresolved questions or gossip about what might be happening.

2. I’m learning faster. Every management book I’ve read says the same thing: strong leaders are open about their mistakes. I used to try to bury my mine so no one would notice, but when I opened up, I accepted responsibility for everything.

I set up interviews with team members and asked them to identify my strengths and weaknesses. I thanked them all for their contribution and addressed my weaknesses head on. I became much more productive.

3. It helps everyone else learn. I loved the music business, but the need for everyone to appear perpetually brilliant suffocated the industry’s ability to evolve as quickly as it had to. If record company execs, managers and promoters would talk openly and publicly about their challenges and failures, they could work together to solve problems. They would be spared from repeating their mistakes.

The start-up industry is so different. We applaud failure, sometimes too much; a community of events, groups and media encourages us all to share what we’re learning. Our products evolve fast, and I’ve found that my team learns rapidly if we can all be completely transparent with each other.

Radical openness is my new technique. I’m benefiting from Mark Zuckerberg’s approach.

I’ve learned that even when times are tough, my team feels more secure when they know what’s going on. Better still, they band together to help. The illusion of perfection is stressful and openness consumes less energy than guardedness.

Rebekah Campbell is a tech entrepreneur and co-founder of Hey You, Australia's largest cafe app.

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