- published: 28 Jul 2017
- views: 61
The Basque Country (/ˈbæsk/, /ˈbɑːsk/; Basque: Euskadi [eus̺kadi]; Spanish: País Vasco [paˈis ˈβasko]; French: Pays Basque) is an autonomous community of northern Spain. It includes the Basque provinces of Álava, Biscay and Gipuzkoa.
The Basque Country or Basque Autonomous Community was granted the status of nationality within Spain, attributed by the Spanish Constitution of 1978. The autonomous community is based on the Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country, a foundational legal document providing the framework for the development of the Basque people on Spanish soil, although the territory of Navarre was left out and made into a separate autonomous community.
Currently there is no official capital in the autonomous community, but the city that holds the Basque Parliament, the headquarters of the Basque Government and the Basque Autonomous Community's President's residency (Ajuria Enea Palace) is Vitoria-Gasteiz, located in the province of Álava. Whilst Vitoria-Gasteiz is the largest municipality in area, with 277 km2 (107 sq mi), Bilbao is the largest in population, with 353,187 people, located in the province of Biscay within a conurbation of 875,552 people.
¿Qué directores de cine han nacido en Euskadi?
60 minutos - Miguel Angerl Revilla en Euskadi
Encuesta callejera en Euskadi y Andalucía: ¿Qué quiere decir...?
El país VASCO, y su historia (Euskadi, Euskera, Euskal Herria)
¿Cómo reaccionarían los bilbaínos si se pitara el himno de Euskadi?
Chirigota, Lo siento Patxi, no todo el mundo puede ser de Euskadi - Clasificatorias
| Euskadi a tus pies |
Cómo se vivía en Euskadi bajo la presión de ETA. part.1
Tara - Euskadi
Cuatro de estos directores han nacido en Euskadi: Alejandro Amenábar, Borja Cobeaga, Julio Medem, A.G. Iñarritu, J.M. Goenaga, A. de la Iglesia, Iciar Bollaín y Gracia Querejeta.
Miguel Angerl Revilla en Euskadi. Miguel Angel Revilla recuerda sus vivencias en Bilbao. Visita nuestra web http://www.eitb.com/ Más vídeos interesantes en http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom/ Televisión a la carta http://www.eitb.tv/es/ Suscríbete el canal de vídeos de EiTB en Youtube http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom
¿Cómo reaccionarían los bilbaínos si se pitara el himno de Euskadi? Después de las pitadas del himno de España, 'SIML' ha salido a la calle para saber qué opinan los bilbaínos y bilbaínas sobre una futura pitada al himno de Euskadi. Visita nuestra web http://www.eitb.eus/ Más vídeos interesantes en http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom/ Televisión a la carta http://www.eitb.tv/es/ Suscríbete el canal de vídeos de EiTB en Youtube http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom
Actuación en directo del concurso oficial de agrupaciones carnavalescas de Cádiz (COAC), retransmitidos a traves de Onda Cádiz Televisión. www.ondacadiz.es Todos los vídeos del carnaval en www.cadiz.es --- Queda totalmente prohibida la reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública, y utilización, total o parcial, de los contenidos de esta web, tales como archivos de imagen, fotografías y vídeos excepto dentro de Cadiz.es y fuera de Cadiz.es con autorización expresa de Cadiz.es. Los mismos son propiedad de Cadiz.es y están protegidos por los derechos de autor contemplados en la normativa vigente española en materia de propiedad intelectual.
-Euskadi a tus pies- Mis mejores tomas grabadas en en País Vasco en 2016. Dirigido, filmado, pilotado y editado por Kristian Soto. Para más información: KristianSoto.com -The Basque Country at your feet.- A showreel of the last 6 months in my homeland Directed, flown and edited by Kristian Soto. More info and videos: KristianSoto.com
Ce sont les soeurs Aire Aizpak qui chantent Arrosako Zolan (=au creux d'Arrosa) Arrosa étant l'ancien site du festival Euskal Herria Zuzenean
Me gustaria ser amistoso en los criterios negativos y tener un buen puñado de suscriptores ,que los videos gusten y trataré de ser lo más auténtico posible .
Un grand Merci du Coeur à toutes les personnes ayant participé au tournage, votre force et votre beauté sont l'Âme du Pays Basque, quel cadeau de vous avoir croisé sur ce chemin ! Rayonnez toujours au nom de l'Amour ! Paroles et Musique: Clara Sansberro (Tara ) http://www.taraofficiel.com/ Arrangements et Mixage: Cédric Moulié (Studio L'Atelier - http://www.cedricmoulie.fr/officiel/accueil.html) Réalisation et Montage: William Tan http://www.williamtan-photography.com/ Premier Album de Tara (Sortie Juin 2017): http://www.taraofficiel.com/webstore
The homeland of the proud and resilient Basque people is split between France and Spain. From our San Sebastián home base, we tour the ancient Basque capital of Guernica, the dazzling Guggenheim Bilbao, and then cross into France for more Basque Country charms. From yummy tapa bars to lightning-fast jai alai games, we'll experience Basque culture at its most vivid. © 2010 Rick Steves' Europe
San Sebastián or Donostia is a coastal city and municipality located in the Basque Autonomous Community, Spain. It lies on the coast of the Bay of Biscay, 20 km (12 miles) from the French border. San Sebastian. In 2016 San Sebastian is one of the two European Capital of Culture.
The Basque Country is an Autonomous Community of northern Spain. The Basque Country was granted the status of historical region within Spain with the Spanish Constitution of 1978. The capital is Vitoria-Gasteiz (Vitoria is the name in Spanish, Gasteiz in Basque) and Bilbao its largest city. The autonomous community of the Basque Country should not be confused with the larger Basque Country (Basque: "Euskal Herria") of which it is a component part.
The Basque Country is an autonomous community of northern Spain.It includes the Basque provinces of Álava, Biscay and Gipuzkoa.The Basque Country or Basque Autonomous Community was granted the status of nationality within Spain, attributed by the Spanish Constitution of 1978.The autonomous community is based on the Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country, a foundational legal document providing the framework for the development of the Basque people on Spanish soil, although the territory of Navarre was left out and made into a separate autonomous community. ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- About the author(s): Heralder Elements of File:Escudo del Pais Vasco.svg License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0) Author(s): Heralder (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wik...
Bilbao is a municipality and city in Spain, a major city in the province of Biscay in the autonomous community of the Basque Country. It is the tenth largest in Spain. It is one of the most populous metropolitan areas in northern Spain. Bilbao is also the main urban area in what is defined as the Greater Basque region. Bilbao is situated in the north-central part of Spain, some 16 kilometres south of the Bay of Biscay, where the economic social development is located, where the estuary of Bilbao is formed. Its main urban core is surrounded by two small mountain ranges with an average elevation of 400 metres. After its foundation in the early 14th century by Diego López V de Haro, head of the powerful Haro family, Bilbao was a commercial hub of the Basque Country that enjoyed significant ...
A trip in Burgos, Spain. EN = Burgos is a city in northern Spain and the historic capital of Castile. It is situated on the confluence of the Arlanzón river tributaries, at the edge of the Iberian central plateau. It has about 180,000 inhabitants in the actual city and another 20,000 in the metropolitan area. It is the capital of the province of Burgos, in the autonomous community of Castile and León. Burgos was once the capital of the Crown of Castile, and the Burgos Laws or Leyes de Burgos which first governed the behaviour of Spaniards towards the natives of the Americas were promulgated here in 1512. ES = Burgos es un municipio y una ciudad españoles situados en el norte de la península ibérica. La ciudad es la capital de la provincia homónima integrada en la comunidad autónoma de Ca...
Best places to visit in spain touropia travel experts , barcelona. Granada. Balearic islands. Canary islands. Madrid. Seville. Valencia. San sebastian find out what the best destinations in spain are as awarded by millions of real travelers. Top destinations spain united states world regions best of all you can join in. Top places to visit in spain the sierra nevada down in the far south, just to the east of granada, is the sierra nevada, a national where to go in spain top places to visit and travel destinations lonely planet. Attracting over million visitors a year, the island's most famous southern resorts offer brit infused revelry and clubbing, best places to stay in spain. Spain's and sunny seville, spain's best known cities are among the most popular tourist destinations in. Granada...
Barcelona Is the capital city of the autonomous community of Catalonia in the Kingdom of Spain, as well as the country's second most populous municipality, It is the largest metropolis on the Mediterranean Sea, Barcelona has a rich cultural heritage and is today an important cultural centre and a major tourist destination. Particularly renowned are the architectural works of Antoni Gaudí and Lluís Domènech i Montaner, which have been designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean is located in Barcelona. The city is known for hosting the 1992 Summer Olympics as well as world-class conferences and expositions and also many international sport tournaments. Barcelona is one of the world's leading tourist, economic, trade fair and cultural cent...
Bilbao is a city in Spain, the capital of the province of Biscay in the autonomous community of the Basque Country. It is the largest city of the Basque Country. The estuary of Bilbao splits the city.
Places to see in ( Portugalete - Spain ) Portugalete is a town lying to the west of Bilbao in the province of Biscay in the Autonomous Community of Basque Country, northern Spain. Portugalete is located at the mouth of the Estuary of Bilbao, on the left bank. Portugalete land area is only 3.21 km². In 1300 Portugalete became the main competitor port for Bilbao, but it lost its predominant position in 1511 when the trade privileges were granted to the Port of Bilbao instead of Portugalete. Portugalete has the Vizcaya Bridge, a transporter bridge. The car ferry is suspended from a frame by wires attached to wheels on tracks above the cabin and moves from one side of the River Nervión to the other (Getxo) via a traction system. This bridge was declared a World Heritage Site on 13 July 2006...
The sky went black
On a cold morning
The rain washed our pain
Your lips were frozen
As they were made of ashes.
Remember all you said.
Watching you laugh and cry
With a fake smile (of the despairation)
You sit there all by yourself
By those gates of heaven and earth
In the search of the truth.
Do you remember the time?
that I've went for you
In the great forest
Spending days and nights
By the lake of the black water.
I'm falling inside ,Your beauty
taking a good look of it all
Is this the last time of being?
I cant forget the way you smiled to me
Your breath was cold
And now there all gone to a place unknown
While the stars shining in my eyes
I've went there all by myself
And almost died.
Did we cried about this time?
or Just was it a time to forgive?
I try forget the misery
And I'm falling even deeper
Into sadness.
What will
I feel
If you tell me
Leave me be
Dont you know?
So much pain!
I come from a long way
In a search of your heart
Won't you let me in?
Is this my sin?
What will I do
And where will I go now?
Illusions never stops
Where are you to come my way?
To be in my arms
To embrace you once again