Gregg Fonarow MD


Los Angeles, CA
Đã tham gia tháng 12 năm 2012


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    16 giờ trước

    Now out in We find that PCI public reporting programs result in substantial institutional cost & physician burden. But there is little evidence these programs improve quality or outcomes. Time to rethink our approach to public reporting?

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  2. đã Tweet lại
    17 giờ trước

    An important concept that is often forgotten. Using EHR to produce science should be cautiously exercised.

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    21 thg 5

    Not infrequently I am referred patients "not tolerating" medical therapy, but with slow titration we get them out of acute HF, improve EF and avoid VAD/transplant... education is key!!

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  4. 17 giờ trước

    “The present example is one of many that show how far we remain from being able to use EHR data alone to conduct reliable, in-depth, and accurate observational research” EHR Data Quality Issues .

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  5. 21 thg 5

    Hope that extra wisdom will spread widely.

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    20 thg 5
    Đang trả lời Đang trả lời

    Great case and fascinating example of the importance of making every effort to maximize GDMT! Still so much work to be done in this regard. The time is now

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    20 thg 5

    Dr. of comments on the : "It is time to create incentives that truly promote integrated, higher-quality care, without harming patients along the way." Read more in his commentary on readmission rates in Canada.

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    20 thg 5

    Her latest echo result? LVEF of 45-50%, LV size in diastole of 37 mm The assumption a patient is medically maximized is the biggest mistake in HF care. You don't know if you don't titrate! Keep pushing because .

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  9. đã Tweet lại
    18 thg 5

    "The sign of a sophisticated health care system is that it is able to make changes when new data become available." Late to this editorial by ⁦⁩ in ⁦⁩ but it is a must-read. What Readmissions in Canada Tell Us About HRRP

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    18 thg 5

    “New Paradigm in the Mgmt of Cardiogenic Shock (CS)” pres by (& alum 🙌🏼) 🔑 🔹CS remains leading cause of death in AMI 🔹 data: MCS 1st b4 PCI feasible/safe, ⬇️mort? 🔹RCT needed to validate/implement into AMI-CS mgmt – tại Marriott Marina Del Rey

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    18 thg 5
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    18 thg 5
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    Đang trả lời Đang trả lời

    Agree every patient contact gives us a crucial opportunity to optimise GDMT and we should make the most of it without relying on someone else to do this. Important to remember the next patient contact could always be a hospitalisation or worse sudden death event

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  14. 18 thg 5

    Every patient, every visit, every clinician should be considering if the HF patient is receiving each GDMT at the optimal dose, unless CI/intolerance, and if not, take action. This approach and team-based care can overcome inertia.

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  15. 18 thg 5

    Substantial opportunity to improve patient-centered, high value HF care and outcomes in all settings. The Time is Now. -HF

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  16. đã Tweet lại
    17 thg 5

    Happy to see do more to keep patients safe from dangerous . Fundamental problem is they are regulated as “food” but many patients take them as (or instead of) medication. Policy change is overdue.

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  17. đã Tweet lại
    17 thg 5

    Excited for the HF Symposium 2019 tmrw! Incredible program w/ updates in Mgmt of Advanced AHF 💞, Struct Intervent & Multidiscip Care 🤝 Feat.

    , ,3 người khác
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  18. đã Tweet lại
    15 thg 5

    The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program has been intensely debated since its enactment in 2010. In , we propose changes to the HRRP to strengthen the program & mitigate concerns about unintended consequences. "The HRRP - Time for a Reboot"

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  19. 15 thg 5

    Congratulations to on this Emerging Leader fellowship selection.

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    15 thg 5
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