Fast, Reliable, and Professional: We Are at Your Service.

Building Envelope Consulting

We offer design to close out services for new construction and renovation from design peer review to quality assurance inspection and problem resolution.

Design Peer Review

We focus our years of field experience and training on troubleshooting and alerting you to details that may need monitoring during construction.

Construction Document Development

We draw on our knowledge and experience to make sure our construction documents are always detailed, practical, and enforceable.

Planned Maintenance and Reserve Studies

BE-CI understands the construction and maintenance concerns shared by every property owner. Our our engineers help extend the life and performance of major components.

Quality Assurance Inspections

Our people take the time to prepare for each inspection then create a high-quality final report – that is why we take pride in the advanced certifications they’ve earned.

Field Testing

We strongly advise field testing the first installation of new window and door products. It is important to test both the product and the installation before continuing.

Roof Consulting

Our roof consultants recommend only what is in the best interest of the client and provide inspections to make sure that’s what they receive.

Multi-Family Residential

A design peer review of new construction can stop problems before they start, and our building envelope consultants can help select the most energy-efficient and sustainable materials and systems available.