en it – Greece – Anarchists Comrades Maria Economou and Alexandros Kossivas were acquitted for the Shimatari case ….

Comrades acquitted for the Shimatari case Comrades Maria Economouand Alexandros Kossivas were acquitted for the Shimatari case which was based on unsound testimonies of a false witness.
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en it – Thessaloniki -Anarchist Babis Tsilianidis has been called to Thessaloniki courts on the 18th of July to be tried for the case of the robbery in the economic department of AHEPA, based on a DNA sample found in the area.

The trial for anarchist Babis Tsilianidis has been set Anarchist Babis Tsilianidis has been called to Thessaloniki courts on the 18th of July to be tried for the case of the robbery in the economic department of AHEPA, based on a DNA sample found in the area.
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(it-en-es) CCF – Chiusura delle indagini preliminari dalla procura di Bologna


I pubblici ministeri Enrico Cieri e Manuela Cavallo della procura di Bologna hanno concluso le indagini preliminari contro 5 compagni della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco ed altri due compagni Il capo d’accusa è il 280, comma 3 del c.p.: “attentato con finalità terroristiche o di eversione”. Nello specifico sono accusati di “aver disposto la spedizione dalla Grecia di un plico incendiario, contenente un ordigno di fattura artigianale, con sistema di attivazione a trappola e carica costituita da materiale esplodente riconducibile a polvere pirica, indirizzato a Silvio Berlusconi”. Reato accertato nell’aeroporto di Bologna, in data 02.11.2010.

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Prisiones griegas: El compa anarquista Rami Syrianos ha sido transferido a las prisiones de Larisa y ha terminado su huelga de hambre

El 21 de mayo, el anarquista Rami Syrianos se presentó en los juzgados de Tesalónica, como huelguista de hambre, acusado junto al compa Kleomenis Savvanidis por la expropiación de dinero de los comerciantes de propiedades robadas ODDY de Neapolis el 31 de enero de 2011, una acción de la que Rami ha asumido la responsabilidad.

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The comrades of the CCF/FAI/IRF in memory of comrade Mauri.


via culmine Ttranslated by b.porco dio!/feartosleep


  From the Cell of the imprisoned members of CCF/FAI/IRF

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Greece- Thessaloniki- Anarchist comrade Rami Syrianos was transferred to Larisa prisons and has ended his hunger strike.

Act for freedom now!/boubourAs

Anarchist comrade Rami Syrianos was transferred to Larisa prisons and has ended his hunger strike.

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Serres (Grecia) – Corteo in solidarietà a Rami Syrianos

da actforfree

trad. ParoleArmate

Un corteo solidale ha avuto luogo nel centro di Serres il 19 maggio partecipato da circa 100 persone, per il compagno anarchico Rami Syrianos che è in sciopero della fame dal 15 maggio, RICHIEDENDO la fine dell’isolamento e il trasferimento dalla prigione di Nigrita.

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Summary of day 17 (Friday, May 11) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

<a href

Former Antiterrorist Unit chief D. Horianopoulos finally made an appearance after multiple requests to subpoena him. Despite being the one who set up—at least on an operational level—the Halandri arrests, he now tried to pass himself off as a simple “office worker” who signed warrants from his desk and was only in the loop thanks to other Antiterrorist officers. Using the tactic of “I know, saw, and heard nothing,” he said there was no surveillance or pursuit until September 20, 2009—three days before the raid on Haris Hatzimichelakis’ apartment in Halandri—and that the only information assisting the Police in targeting said apartment came from an anonymous telephone call.

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Athens – Solidarity Benefetit Consert for the Revolutionary Struggle case

Benefit Concert for the R.S. case.


Entrance 3 euro

Athens, Saturday May 26th 2012, 21.00

Polytechnic University (polutexneio)

Assembly for R.S. case

The concert is being held in order to cover a part of the court expenses of the comrades

who are tried for the case of the Revolutionary Struggle

as well as for the organization of a two-day event on June 7th and 8th at Pandio university

– For the struggle and the Revolution- where will participate invited comrades from Europe.

