TOWARD THE CREATIVE NOTHING by Renzo Novatore (Elephant Editions)


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Toward the Creative Nothing – Renzo Novatore (Elephant Editions)


elephant editions


iatro-imperialismo. Hacer de la enfermedad un arma

del prólogo del libro
SPK -Hacer de la Enfermedad un Arma (1997)
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The rebel’s dark laughter: the writings of Bruno Filippi by bruno filippi

Table of Contents:

* Translator’s Introduction
* Who Was Bruno Filippi?
* In The Circle of Life
o In Memory of Bruno Filippi by Renzo Novatore
* The Free Art of a Free Spirit
* A Closed Chapter
* The Customs of Moles and Gallants
* Le Chateau Rouge
* In Defense of Mata Hari
* Iconoclast
* Hero or Assassin?
* The Federation of Sorrow
* Il Me Faut Vivre Ma Vie*
* A Day Off
* Dynamite Speaks
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Anarchist Meditations, or: Three Wild Interstices of Anarchism and Philosophy by Alejandro de Acosta


Philosophers allude to anarchist practices; philosophers allude to anarchist theorists; anarchists allude to philosophers (usually in search of theory to add to the canon).
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BLACK FLAGS by Renzo Novatore

Black flags in the wind

stained with blood and sun

Black flags in the sun

howling of glory in the wind

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A Female Nihilist: The true story of the nihilist Olga Liubatovitch by Sergei Stepniak


On the 27th of July, in the year 1878, the little town of Talutorovsk, in Western Siberia, was profoundly excited by a painful event. A political prisoner, named Olga Litibatovitch, miserably put an end to her days. She was universally loved and esteemed, and her violent death therefore produced a most mournful impression throughout the town, and the Ispravnik, or chief of the police, was secretly accused of having driven the poor young girl, by his unjust persecutions, to take away her life.

Olga was sent to Talutorovsk some months after the trial known as that of the ‘fifty’ of Moscow, in which she was condemned to nine years’ hand labor for Socialist propagandism, a punishment afterwards commuted into banishment for life. Unprovided with any means whatever of existence, for her father, a poor engineer with a large family, could send her nothing, Olga succeeded, by indefatigable industry, in establishing her self in a certain Position. Although but little skilled in female labor, she endeavored to live by her needle, and became the milliner of the semi-civilized ladies of the town, who went into raptures over her work. These fair dames were firmly convinced — it is impossible to know why — that the elegance of a dress depends above all things upon the number of its pockets. The more pockets there were, the more fashionable the dress. Olga never displayed the slightest disinclination to satisfy this singular taste. She put pockets upon pockets, upon the body, upon the skirts, upon the underskirts; before, behind, everywhere. The married ladies and the young girls were as proud as peacocks, and were convinced that they were dressed like the most fashionable Parisian, and, though they were less profuse with their money than with their praises, yet in that country, where living costs so little, it was easy to make two ends meet. Later on, Olga had an occupation more congenial to her habits. Before entering the manufactories and workshops as a seamstress in order to carry on the Socialist propaganda, she had studied medicine for some years at Zurich, and she could not now do less than lend her assistance in certain cases of illness.
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Voline Nihilism

NIHILISM n. m. (from Latin nihil, nothing)
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Vicino agli esclusi, tra gli esclusi … di Jean Marc Rouillan


tralci di un libro che parla di carcere, che descrive il carcere minuto dopo minuto. Il libro di un prigioniero politico francese che ancora lotta per la sua libertà. Un libro per non dimenticarci mai
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4 Maggio 1978, Roberto Rigobello

Roberto Rigobello
– Nasce a bologna il 25 aprile 1957
– Studia fino a 17 anni
– Lavora come operaio meccanico alla Cesab di Bologna
– Milita in una Formazione Autonoma
– Viene ucciso dalla polizia a Bologna il 4 maggio 1978
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La storia di Maurizio Biscaro, morto per scappare all’arresto nell’83… e di sua madre

Nasce a Milano il 4 maggio 1957
-Frequenta il liceo classico a Milano
-Si diploma all’Istituto linguistico internazionale come traduttore-interpreste nel 1981
-Lavora come precario
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