Our Executive Officer Jon Lawrence joined Jane Hebiton on Perth's RTR FM yesterday to discuss the government's plans to force providers to give access to encrypted communications. You can listen to the podcast here.             … Continue reading

Last week, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards body publicly announced its intention to publish Encrypted Media Extensions (EME)—a DRM standard for web video—with no safeguards whatsoever for accessibility, security research or competition, despite an unprecedented internal controversy among … Continue reading

Today, 83 organisations and individuals from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States have sent letters to their respective governments insisting that government officials defend strong encryption. The letter comes on the heels of a meeting … Continue reading

Australians with a disability will have some of the strongest rights to access content in the world, thanks to changes to Australia’s copyright laws passed this week. Copyright peak body the Australian Digital Alliance elatedly welcomed the new laws. Executive … Continue reading

Electronic Frontiers Australia – the country’s leading digital rights advocacy organisation –welcomes today’s passage of important updates to Australia’s Copyright Act and calls for urgent progress towards more comprehensive reform that will make Australia’s copyright system fit for purpose in … Continue reading