On Organization

by ,

Fifth Estate # 279, December, 1976

Within the small circles that constitute the libertarian movement in the United States, the question of whether to combine in organizations, associations, federations, etc., has become a subject of some debate and much interest Many feel that the only obstacle

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Mad Bombers & Anarchy?


Fifth Estate # 346, Summer, 1995

We live in a world where television announces what is important and solemnly pronounces how loyal citizens are to respond—patriotism: the Gulf War; mourning: the death of the war criminal Nixon; joy: the Olympics; or indignation: the Oklahoma City bombing.

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Goodbye, Cleveland


Fifth Estate # 333, Winter, 1990

When I was a kid, the guys in my crowd used to view changing the oil in our cars as sort of a manly rite of passage on the way to adulthood. We’d dump the used oil down the nearest

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Detroit Paper Strike Continues


Fifth Estate # 350, Fall, 1997

I’m writing this on Labor Day 1997, the third such holiday since five newspaper unions began their strike against the Detroit News and Free Press in July 1995. The spirits of many of the strikers remain high, their weekly paper

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Detroit Summer


Fifth Estate # 339, Spring, 1992

At their National Gathering last August, the U.S. Greens decided to embark upon a project they called “Detroit Summer” as one of their three major campaigns for 1992.

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Both Sides Now

by ,

Fifth Estate # 371, Winter 2006

FE Note: A spin-off from our letters’ section, “Both Sides Now” presents two distinct views on a controversial topic, side by side. On the left [in print edition], FE reader Seaweed elaborates points first raised in his “Land And Liberty”

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Isn’t All Money Fake?


Fifth Estate # 378, Summer 2008

a review of Counterfeit Currency: How To Really Make Money, M. Thomas Collins. Loompanics Unlimited, 1990 (out-of-print). Reprint from Fifth Estate, Fall, 1991.

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Examining Zerzan

by , , , ,

Fifth Estate # 368-369, Spring-Summer, 2005

Much of primitivist theorist John Zerzan’s early work appeared in the Fifth Estate. His Cassandra-like predictions of imminent collapse of modern society began in 1976 with his FE article, “The Decline and Fall of Everything”–a compendium of statistics of social

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I’m Sticking With The Union?


Fifth Estate # 368-369, Spring-Summer, 2005

THE BATTLE OF DETROIT “Hey! What are you guys doing here? You hate unions!” –A strike supporter

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