• Lockheed Martin: Compact Fusion Research & Development

    Learn more: http://lockheedmartin.com/compactfusion At Lockheed Martin Skunk Works®, we’re making advancements in the development of fusion energy, the ultimate form of renewable power. Our scientists and engineers are looking at the biggest natural fusion reactor for inspiration – the sun. By containing the power of the sun in a small magnetic bottle, we are on the fast track to developing compact fusion reactors to serve the world’s ever-growing energy needs. Learn more about compact fusion: http://lmt.co/1rfsakG

    published: 15 Oct 2014
  • Nuclear Fusion: The Ultimate Energy - 1994 Educational Film - S88TV1

    Outlines the theory and current experiments being pursued in the field of fusion research, including visits to five major fusion research laboratories & interviews with scientists. Explains the complexity faced by the scientific researcher in an effort to achieve fusion power. S88TV1 - Transport, technology, and general interest movies from the past - newsreels, documentaries & publicity films from my archives.

    published: 13 Apr 2014
  • Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion? - Prof. Dennis Whyte

    Nuclear fusion is the holy grail of energy generation because by fusing two hydrogen atoms together into a single helium atom it releases enormous amounts of energy, yet represents a clean, safe, sustainable and secure form of power. The most tried and true approach for generating nuclear fusion energy has been a tokamak fusion reactor, which uses very high density magnetic fields to compress and contain a plasma to 100 million degrees. But none has been able to generate more electricity than it consumes. Until now. Director Whyte will describe the ARC nuclear fusion reactor (shown above right), based on a new superconducting material, for achieving very high density magnetic fields. It will be used as a research center, but could ultimately become a prototype for an inexpensive 200MW...

    published: 25 Feb 2016
  • New Machines for Fusion Research | Thomas KLINGER | TEDxBrussels

    Plasma physicist Thomas Klinger is dealing with the fundamental principles of a future power plant, which – like the sun – will produce energy from the fusion of light atomic nuclei. Embedded in an international endeavour, this requires the design and construction of large research facilities as ITER and Wendelstein 7-X to develop the knowledge base for the exploitation of a new clean and abundant primary energy source. Thomas Klinger is head of the "Stellarator Dynamics and Transport" Division and since 2005 scientific director of the project "Wendelstein 7-X" as well as member of the Directorate of IPP. The Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) reactor is an experimental stellarator (nuclear fusion reactor) built in Greifswald, Germany, by the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP). In April 2...

    published: 09 May 2017
  • Nuclear fusion within reach | Michel Laberge | TEDxKC

    This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Our energy future depends on nuclear fusion, says Michel Laberge. In a lab near Vancouver, Michel and his team are building a prototype fusion reactor that mimics the processes of the sun to produce cheap, clean and abundant energy. Michel Laberge is a renowned plasma physicist and a pioneer in the research and development of fusion energy. In 2002, he founded General Fusion, which has raised $50 million and currently employs 65 people in Vancouver. The company is viewed as a leader in the pursuit of commercial fusion energy. Dr. Laberge has deep experience in electronics, computers, materials, lithography, optics and fabrication. In his work with General Fusion, he has acquired practical experience...

    published: 28 Aug 2014
  • Fusion: How to Put the Sun in a Magnetic Bottle - with Ian Chapman

    Fusion energy has the potential to be one of the most important scientific breakthroughs. Physicist Ian Chapman explores the challenges in nuclear fusion and explains how the international ITER project hopes to demonstrate that fusion energy can be realised here on Earth. Subscribe for regular science videos: http://bit.ly/RiSubscRibe Ian Chapman received his MSc in Mathematics and Physics from Durham University in 2004 and his PhD in plasma physics from Imperial College London in 2008. He joined Culham Centre for Fusion Energy in 2004, rising to become the Head of Tokamak Science in 2014. He now leads a team of 100 scientists in both experimental plasma physics, primarily on MAST and JET but also collaborating worldwide on other fusion facilities, and theory and modelling research. Befor...

    published: 08 Jun 2016
  • Living on the edge: breakthough fusion research

    PhD candidate Silvia Espinosa is creating a revolutionary theoretical model for the edge of the plasma, which has unrevealed some of the tokamak edge main mysteries of the last decade regarding turbulence reduction.

    published: 15 Nov 2015
  • Energy Of The Future Nuclear Fusion Research EFDA JET Fusion 2100

    published: 14 Apr 2012
  • Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Research & Development

    published: 22 Jun 2015
  • Fusion Research Presents its Movie Server

    Fusion Research Presents its Movie Server

    published: 22 Sep 2010
  • CEDIA 2016: Fusion Research Celebrates 10 of Movie Servers and Invites You to CEDIA 2016 Booth 3020

    CEDIA 2016: Fusion Research Celebrates 10 of Movie Servers and Invites You to CEDIA 2016 Booth 3020

    published: 15 Sep 2016
  • CE Pro: Video Q&A; with Fusion Research

    CE Pro's Julie Jacobson speaks with Ingo Schmodt, vp sales for Fusion Research, developer of high-performance music and movie servers.

    published: 01 Nov 2016
  • Remote handling from fusion research

    While studying the viability of building a full-scale fusion reactor, experts at JET - the Joint European Torus - developed a remote handling technology which enabled scientists to enter the fusion simulator and maintain the inside of the device from a distant control room. The technology was developed further under a EURATOM licence by engineers at Oxford Technologies Ltd. (OTL) who are applying this expertise in other fields such as high energy physics, nuclear decommissioning and medical applications.

    published: 05 Apr 2013
  • LENR for Dummies - A beginner's guide to Cold Fusion Research

    www.lookingforheat.com LENR for Dummies is your introduction to Cold Fusion / Low Energy Nuclear Reactions research. This video explains the basics about the field of technology and it's potential future applications in a very simple fashion. Throughout the video, an experiment is being performed and commented on.

    published: 13 Jun 2016
  • One step closer to fusion power

    For the first time, researchers show two types of turbulence within plasma that cause significant heat loss. Solving this problem could take the world a step closer to fusion power which has the promise of limitless and relatively clean energy. (Learn more: http://mitsha.re/XmrC3) Video produced and edited: Melanie Gonick/MIT Plasma simulations and Alcator C-Mod footage: Nathan Howard/MIT PSFC and J. Candy/General Atomics Stock media provided by Pond5.com Music sampled from "Rewound" by Chris Zabriskie http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Chr... http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...

    published: 21 Jan 2016
  • ISE 2016: Fusion Research Details Play-Fi Server

    ISE 2016: Fusion Research Details Play-Fi Server

    published: 09 Feb 2016
Lockheed Martin: Compact Fusion Research & Development

Lockheed Martin: Compact Fusion Research & Development

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:58
  • Updated: 15 Oct 2014
  • views: 915017
Learn more: http://lockheedmartin.com/compactfusion At Lockheed Martin Skunk Works®, we’re making advancements in the development of fusion energy, the ultimate form of renewable power. Our scientists and engineers are looking at the biggest natural fusion reactor for inspiration – the sun. By containing the power of the sun in a small magnetic bottle, we are on the fast track to developing compact fusion reactors to serve the world’s ever-growing energy needs. Learn more about compact fusion: http://lmt.co/1rfsakG
Nuclear Fusion: The Ultimate Energy - 1994 Educational Film - S88TV1

Nuclear Fusion: The Ultimate Energy - 1994 Educational Film - S88TV1

  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:37
  • Updated: 13 Apr 2014
  • views: 709
Outlines the theory and current experiments being pursued in the field of fusion research, including visits to five major fusion research laboratories & interviews with scientists. Explains the complexity faced by the scientific researcher in an effort to achieve fusion power. S88TV1 - Transport, technology, and general interest movies from the past - newsreels, documentaries & publicity films from my archives.
Breakthrough in  Nuclear Fusion? - Prof. Dennis Whyte

Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion? - Prof. Dennis Whyte

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:38:49
  • Updated: 25 Feb 2016
  • views: 98853
Nuclear fusion is the holy grail of energy generation because by fusing two hydrogen atoms together into a single helium atom it releases enormous amounts of energy, yet represents a clean, safe, sustainable and secure form of power. The most tried and true approach for generating nuclear fusion energy has been a tokamak fusion reactor, which uses very high density magnetic fields to compress and contain a plasma to 100 million degrees. But none has been able to generate more electricity than it consumes. Until now. Director Whyte will describe the ARC nuclear fusion reactor (shown above right), based on a new superconducting material, for achieving very high density magnetic fields. It will be used as a research center, but could ultimately become a prototype for an inexpensive 200MW power plant, vaulting nuclear fusion from scientific curiosity to potential commercialization. The ARC reactor is being designed to produce at least 3 times the power required to run it, which has never been done before and is the result of several new technologies which dramatically reduce the size and cost. The biggest breakthrough is a new superconducting material which produces a much higher magnetic field density, yielding a ten-fold increase in fusion power per volume. Molten salt will be used as a liquid cooling blanket for fast heat transfer and easy maintenance. And 3D printing techniques will allow the fabrication of reactor components in shapes that cannot be made by milling machines. The result is a much smaller, lower cost and highly efficient modular power plant with zero emissions and abundant fuel. Dennis Whyte, recently promoted to run MIT’s Nuclear Science and Engineering Department and Director of MIT’s Plasma Science & Fusion Center, works in magnetic fusion and specializes in the interface between the plasma and materials. Dennis received his PhD from the Universite du Quebec in 1993. A Fellow of the American Physical Society, Dennis was awarded the Department of Energy’s Plasma Physics Junior Faculty Award in 2003 and won the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Fusion Prize in 2013. He is a two-time winner of the MIT Joel and Ruth Spira Award for teaching excellence. Among his many lectures on fusion energy research, Dennis was an invited speaker at CERAWeek and the National Science Foundation’s Engineering Distinguished Lecturer in 2015.
New Machines for Fusion Research | Thomas KLINGER | TEDxBrussels

New Machines for Fusion Research | Thomas KLINGER | TEDxBrussels

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:21
  • Updated: 09 May 2017
  • views: 158
Plasma physicist Thomas Klinger is dealing with the fundamental principles of a future power plant, which – like the sun – will produce energy from the fusion of light atomic nuclei. Embedded in an international endeavour, this requires the design and construction of large research facilities as ITER and Wendelstein 7-X to develop the knowledge base for the exploitation of a new clean and abundant primary energy source. Thomas Klinger is head of the "Stellarator Dynamics and Transport" Division and since 2005 scientific director of the project "Wendelstein 7-X" as well as member of the Directorate of IPP. The Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) reactor is an experimental stellarator (nuclear fusion reactor) built in Greifswald, Germany, by the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP). In April 2001 he was appointed as Scientific Member of the Max-Planck Society and Director at the Max-Planck-Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald. After a research period in France he obtained his PhD in 1994 with a thesis on non-linear plasma dynamics. As a research assistant at the University of Kiel, Klinger was concerned with drift wave turbulence and nonlinear plasma structures. As visiting scientist he conducted research at the Alfvén Laboratory in Stockholm, the Centre de Physique Théorique and the Université Aix-Provence in Marseille and Max-Planck-Institute of Plasma Physics in Garching. He obtained his habilitation in 1998 with a thesis on the control of plasma instabilities. Shortly thereafter he was appointed Professor of Experimental Physics at the Ernst-Moritz Arndt University Greifswald, where he has headed the Institute of Physics as chair from 2000 till 2001. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
Nuclear fusion within reach | Michel Laberge | TEDxKC

Nuclear fusion within reach | Michel Laberge | TEDxKC

  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:02
  • Updated: 28 Aug 2014
  • views: 138134
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Our energy future depends on nuclear fusion, says Michel Laberge. In a lab near Vancouver, Michel and his team are building a prototype fusion reactor that mimics the processes of the sun to produce cheap, clean and abundant energy. Michel Laberge is a renowned plasma physicist and a pioneer in the research and development of fusion energy. In 2002, he founded General Fusion, which has raised $50 million and currently employs 65 people in Vancouver. The company is viewed as a leader in the pursuit of commercial fusion energy. Dr. Laberge has deep experience in electronics, computers, materials, lithography, optics and fabrication. In his work with General Fusion, he has acquired practical experience in plasma physics and with all modern plasma diagnostic techniques. Since 2002 Dr. Laberge has been working on the General Fusion project. He has written numerous scientific papers, has been awarded 10 patents, and has nine more pending. About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Fusion: How to Put the Sun in a Magnetic Bottle - with Ian Chapman

Fusion: How to Put the Sun in a Magnetic Bottle - with Ian Chapman

  • Order:
  • Duration: 35:00
  • Updated: 08 Jun 2016
  • views: 37627
Fusion energy has the potential to be one of the most important scientific breakthroughs. Physicist Ian Chapman explores the challenges in nuclear fusion and explains how the international ITER project hopes to demonstrate that fusion energy can be realised here on Earth. Subscribe for regular science videos: http://bit.ly/RiSubscRibe Ian Chapman received his MSc in Mathematics and Physics from Durham University in 2004 and his PhD in plasma physics from Imperial College London in 2008. He joined Culham Centre for Fusion Energy in 2004, rising to become the Head of Tokamak Science in 2014. He now leads a team of 100 scientists in both experimental plasma physics, primarily on MAST and JET but also collaborating worldwide on other fusion facilities, and theory and modelling research. Before that, from 2010-2014 he led the Stability programme within Tokamak Science. His research has been recognised with a number of international awards, including the European Physical Society Early Career Prize in 2014, the Institute of Physics Paterson Medal (Best Early Career Physicist in Applied Physics) in 2013, the IUPAP Plasma Physics Young Scientist Prize in 2012 and the Cavendish Medal for Best early-career UK physicist awarded by SET for Britain in 2011. Watch more science videos on the Ri Channel http://richannel.org The Ri is on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ri_science and Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/royalinstitution and Tumblr: http://ri-science.tumblr.com/ Our editorial policy: http://richannel.org/home/editorial-policy Subscribe for the latest science videos: http://richannel.org/newsletter
Living on the edge: breakthough fusion research

Living on the edge: breakthough fusion research

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:36
  • Updated: 15 Nov 2015
  • views: 751
PhD candidate Silvia Espinosa is creating a revolutionary theoretical model for the edge of the plasma, which has unrevealed some of the tokamak edge main mysteries of the last decade regarding turbulence reduction.
Energy Of The Future  Nuclear Fusion Research   EFDA JET Fusion 2100

Energy Of The Future Nuclear Fusion Research EFDA JET Fusion 2100

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:02
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2012
  • views: 998
Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Research & Development

Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Research & Development

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:59
  • Updated: 22 Jun 2015
  • views: 1105
Fusion Research Presents its Movie Server

Fusion Research Presents its Movie Server

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:41
  • Updated: 22 Sep 2010
  • views: 739
videos https://wn.com/Fusion_Research_Presents_Its_Movie_Server
CEDIA 2016: Fusion Research Celebrates 10 of Movie Servers and Invites You to CEDIA 2016 Booth 3020

CEDIA 2016: Fusion Research Celebrates 10 of Movie Servers and Invites You to CEDIA 2016 Booth 3020

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:34
  • Updated: 15 Sep 2016
  • views: 81
CEDIA 2016: Fusion Research Celebrates 10 of Movie Servers and Invites You to CEDIA 2016 Booth 3020
CE Pro: Video Q&A with Fusion Research

CE Pro: Video Q&A; with Fusion Research

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:23
  • Updated: 01 Nov 2016
  • views: 1089
CE Pro's Julie Jacobson speaks with Ingo Schmodt, vp sales for Fusion Research, developer of high-performance music and movie servers.
Remote handling from fusion research

Remote handling from fusion research

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:14
  • Updated: 05 Apr 2013
  • views: 508
While studying the viability of building a full-scale fusion reactor, experts at JET - the Joint European Torus - developed a remote handling technology which enabled scientists to enter the fusion simulator and maintain the inside of the device from a distant control room. The technology was developed further under a EURATOM licence by engineers at Oxford Technologies Ltd. (OTL) who are applying this expertise in other fields such as high energy physics, nuclear decommissioning and medical applications.
LENR for Dummies - A beginner's guide to Cold Fusion Research

LENR for Dummies - A beginner's guide to Cold Fusion Research

  • Order:
  • Duration: 29:20
  • Updated: 13 Jun 2016
  • views: 2098
www.lookingforheat.com LENR for Dummies is your introduction to Cold Fusion / Low Energy Nuclear Reactions research. This video explains the basics about the field of technology and it's potential future applications in a very simple fashion. Throughout the video, an experiment is being performed and commented on.
One step closer to fusion power

One step closer to fusion power

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:04
  • Updated: 21 Jan 2016
  • views: 170334
For the first time, researchers show two types of turbulence within plasma that cause significant heat loss. Solving this problem could take the world a step closer to fusion power which has the promise of limitless and relatively clean energy. (Learn more: http://mitsha.re/XmrC3) Video produced and edited: Melanie Gonick/MIT Plasma simulations and Alcator C-Mod footage: Nathan Howard/MIT PSFC and J. Candy/General Atomics Stock media provided by Pond5.com Music sampled from "Rewound" by Chris Zabriskie http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Chr... http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...
ISE 2016: Fusion Research Details Play-Fi Server

ISE 2016: Fusion Research Details Play-Fi Server

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 09 Feb 2016
  • views: 93
ISE 2016: Fusion Research Details Play-Fi Server