- published: 18 Dec 2017
- views: 2848
Le Marche (Italian pronunciation: [ˈmarke]), or the Marches/ˈmɑːrtʃɪz/, is one of the twenty regions of Italy. The name of the region derives from the plural name of marca, originally referring to the medieval March of Ancona and nearby marches of Camerino and Fermo.
The region is located in the Central area of the country, bordered by Emilia-Romagna and the republic of San Marino to the north, Tuscany to the west, Umbria to the southwest, Abruzzo and Lazio to the south and the Adriatic Sea to the east. Except for river valleys and the often very narrow coastal strip, the land is hilly. A railway from Bologna to Brindisi, built in the 19th century, runs along the coast of the entire territory. Inland, the mountainous nature of the region, even today, allows relatively little travel north and south, except by twisting roads over the passes.
Marche extends over an area of 9,694 square kilometres (3,743 sq mi) of the central Adriatic slope between Emilia-Romagna to the north, Tuscany and Umbria to the west, and Lazio and Abruzzo to the south, the entire eastern boundary being formed by the Adriatic. Most of the region is mountainous or hilly, the main features being the Apennine chain along the internal boundary and an extensive system of hills descending towards the Adriatic. With the sole exception of Monte Vettore, 2,476 metres (8,123 ft) high, the mountains do not exceed 2,400 metres (7,900 ft). The hilly area covers two-thirds of the region and is interrupted by wide gullies with numerous – albeit short – rivers and by alluvial plains perpendicular to the principal chain. The parallel mountain chains contain deep river gorges, the best known being those of the Furlo, the Rossa and the Frasassi.
Domenica in is an Italian Sunday long-running television show broadcast by Rai 1 since 1976. During its history, the title was also spelled as Domenica in... and Dom&Nica in.
The show was originally planned to offer to the Italian audience, affected in those years by a profound austerity, an alternative to the typical Sunday afternoon trips and outings. It has been the first Italian program to go well beyond the standard duration of 2 hours and to have a very long running, about six hours from 14,00 p.m. to 20,00 p.m. A program which is different in its structure from one edition to another, it consists of different segments reserved to entertainment, interviews, sport, games, journalism.
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Fast and furios......nicolò vs florin le patate. Buona visione
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La gara del Campionato di Serie "D" in onda la Domenica sui canali di TVRS nel corso de Le Marche nel pallone
La gara del Campionato di Serie "D" in onda la domenica in diretta sui canali di TVRS nel corso de "Le Marche nel pallone"
La gara del Campionato di Serie "D" in onda la Domenica in diretta sui canali di TVRS nel corso de "Le Marche nel pallone"
Guarda cosa è successo in studio: http://www.wittytv.it/uomini-e-donne/lavinia-vs-nicolo/796920/?wtk=youtubenp.autopromo.uominiedonne.uominidonne.descrizione.witty%2E Guarda la puntata: http://www.wittytv.it/uomini-e-donne/martedi-16-gennaio/796926/?wtk=youtubenp.autopromo.uominiedonne.uominidonne.descrizione.witty%2E
La gara del Campionato di Serie "D" in onda la Domenica in diretta sui canali di TVRS nel corso de "Le Marche nel pallone"
Sfida tra il Nicolò e il babbo
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Nicolo MANNION one of the best PG FIBA U16 European Championship 2017 , Podgorica Great game vs RUSSIA Points 42 Rebounds 5 Assists 3 Steals 6 Blocks 0 Efficiency +44
Terza Giornata, Prima Categoria, Girone D, Padova
Semifinali dei Campionati Italiani, fase regionale, organizzati dalla Arcesi Boxing Team e dalla Phoenix Gym, sabato 7 ottobre presso il palazzetto dello sport delle Fiamme Oro.
La gara del campionato di Serie "D" in onda la Domenica in diretta sui canali di TVRS nel corso de "Le Marche nel pallone"
La gara del Campionato di Serie "D" in onda la Domenica in diretta sui canali di TVRS nel corso de "Le Marche nel pallone"
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Muay Thai 4X2 THE NIGHT OF SUPER FIGHT 6 IGLESIAS 22 APRILE 2017 FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/AGfightfunctional/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/aliasgym_iglesias/ RIPRESE E MONTAGGIO Fabio Salis e Stefano Zedda
guanti di allenamento
Finalmente vi portiamo una guida di viaggio tutta italiana: tre giorni nelle Marche alla scoperta delle spiagge più belle, di borghi caratteristici e di meraviglie naturali! Iniziamo con le più belle spiagge della riviera del Conero: la Spiaggia delle Due Sorelle, le Spiagge di Sirolo e quelle di Numana! Il Centro Vacanze De Angelis: http://bit.ly/2s6GfsB LINK UTILI Traghettatori del Conero http://bit.ly/2s6fl4g USATI PER QUESTO VIDEO Videcamera: Sony A7SII http://amzn.to/20qb3iq GoPro HERO4 Silver http://amzn.to/1L0flc2 Lenti: Sony 16-35 http://amzn.to/2c4EedN Drone: DJI Phantom 3 Advance http://amzn.to/1Qa9KVi Zaino Drone http://amzn.to/20NoazM Audio: Rode Videomic Pro http://amzn.to/29KgaaX Microfono voiceover: http://amzn.to/2iRszim Zaino: Lowepro Fastpack 25...
Scopri di più: http://www.destinazionemarche.it/ http://www.turismo.marche.it/ http://www.expo2015.marche.it/
It's impressive to me that, even in 2015, traditions still thrive in Europe's smaller towns and more remote corners. For example, traveling around Italy to explore Easter traditions, we went into the rugged Marche region. Enjoying my rustic breakfast of wild boar and sharp cheese at my farmhouse B&B; just outside of Cantiano, I couldn't resist taking you on a simple tour of the salt-of-the-earth artifacts that surrounded me. Join me for an intimate glimpse of traditional farm life in the Marche — from a homemade rake, to a horn made from a horn, to the little calendar you buy from the local cops to stay on their good side. At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on Italy.
EXPLORING CORINALDO MARCHE ITALY Hello everyone! :) This Easter week end I took a break from my usual life and I went travel around Italy, here's the first video of my trip, where I give you a virtual tour of a beautiful medieval village! Don't forget to comment and give it a thumbs up! :) Give it a thumbs up! Music: Find me on Instagram, Twitter & Snapchat: @sarafiischer
Ciao pubblico di Youtube! Ci è stato regalato un pacchetto Smartbox ed abbiamo deciso di trascorrere 3 giorni nelle Marche. Qui sotto tutte le info e buona visione! DAY 1 - Partiti da Soave, toccata e fuga ad Ancona, arrivo a Serra San Quirico. DAY 2 - Fabriano (con museo della carta), Genga, Tempio del Valadier. DAY 3 - Grotte di Frasassi, Urbino e ritorno a casa. KEEP ON WATCHING! Social: ✈ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Ride.At.Own.Risk ✈ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mattiazenari/?hl=it ✈ Twitter - https://twitter.com/mtt_zen7 ✈ Linkedin - https://it.linkedin.com/in/mattia-zenari-567b5112a ✈ Google+ -https://plus.google.com/112534044737605037197 and my love Chiara: https://www.instagram.com/chiaramariaassunta/ _______________________________________________________
A little trip to Marcelli and around Marche region in Italy! June has become my favourite month, the nature is so fresh and days are so long :)
More Info & Ordering: http://www.marxpantry.com Justin visits Italy's Marche region to reveal that the little-known area is the center for home-grown, exceptionally quality products. Transcript: A recent food scouting trip to Italy brought me to the little-known Marche region, where I'd heard there were undiscovered culinary gems waiting to be uncovered and brought back to the States. I asked the people from the Marche region what their food was all about, and over and over they gave me this same answer: "What does the cuisine of Marche [mean] to me? The best in the world!" In addition to that, the people of the Marche region told me that, while they don't produce as much volume of food as some of the better known regions of Italy, what they do produce is exceptionally high quality. A...
Le Marche Italian travel and tourism, between the Adriatic coast and the Appennine mountains, stunning scenery, historic medieval villages. The video shows guests at this holiday villa enjoying winemaking, the hotel then gives the wine free to guests the following year. Vacations including itineraries and history, cultural and wine tours http://www.villasanraffaello.com/index.php info@villasanraffaello.com
Many travelers to Cusco use the city as a launching pad to hike the Inca trail, visit Machu Picchu and/or explore the Sacred Valley. With so many travel options just outside of the city it is easy to forget that Cuzco has a lot to offer in and of itself. The following Cusco travel guide is our attempt to showcase what the city has to offer in terms of attractions, things to do, shopping, dining, museums and nightlife. In our opinion, you'll want to budget several days to take it all in and acclimatize to the higher altitude if you're thinking of going on hiking excursions afterwards. Our visit Cusco travel guide covers some of the top attractions including the best in arts, entertainment, museums, nightlife and restaurants. We also cover off-the-beaten-path activities that you won't fin...
Marche, Italy Travel - Marche is a central region of Italy on the east coast composed of rolling hills and fertile plains at the base of the Apennine mountains. It is bordered by Umbria in the west, Emilia-Romagna to the north, and Abruzzo to the south. Beautiful Adriatic beaches and ancient towns perched on hilltops, or nestled deep between rolling farmland, give travelers to Le Marche a real taste of central Italy. Two main highways traveling along the coast facilitate transportation to the larger cities of this and other regions. One of the most valuable parts of Le Marche's lure is driving through the interior, visiting smaller towns and exploring areas where there are virtually no tourists. Recently a buzz word in Britian and a ex-pat destination for vacation home buying. The March...
http://blog.marcafermana.it/ Marche - Italy. The Marche (plural, literally "the Marches", originally referring to the medieval March of Ancona and nearby marches of Camerino and Fermo) are one of the 20 Regions of Italy. They are located in the Central area of the country, bordering Emilia-Romagna and the republic of San Marino to the north, Tuscany to the north-west, Umbria to the west, Abruzzo and Lazio to the south and the Adriatic Sea to the east. Except for river valleys and the often very narrow coastal strip, the land is hilly. In the nineteenth century, a railway from Bologna to Brindisi linked the Marche along the coastline of the entire territory. Inland, the mountainous nature of the region, even today, allows little travel north and south, except by rough roads over the passes...
With the family we went to Ancona from Osimo and found a 1000 years old church where Napoleon tried to steal a painting, and instead he got incredibly scared! Follow me on Instagram and Facebook: http://instagram.com/micheleponte http://www.facebook.com/ponte.michele Download FOR FREE my short story GOOD MORNING ROME ➢ http://goo.gl/v22oJM My favourite book: http://amzn.to/2gPynpE My favourite travel book: http://amzn.to/2i3QOYP My main camera: http://amzn.to/2gZEGuc My secondary camera (mark I) http://amzn.to/2i3W3Id My action camera: http://amzn.to/2hxJqYO The microphone I use on my main camera: http://amzn.to/2hOdtZ ►►► Send me some love and I'll pick it up at my dad's shop: Michele / Abbigliamento Ponte Via Gian Pietro Talamini 44 00128 Rome Italy Music: Voyage Voyage by LEMMiNO ...
Tourists who head for the more famous regions of Italy, like Tuscany or Emilia-Romagna, are missing out on one of the most authentic, fascinating regions of all, Le Marche. Located on the east coast, with a long shoreline on the Adriatic, this little-known region is home to small market villages where ancient traditions are still upheld and artisans strive to preserve the history and techniques handed down from generation to generation. Here they hunt truffles with specially trained dogs, make charcoal in slow-burning pyres, craft exquisite hand-printed linens, and produce stunning ceramics that hearken back to the Renaissance. Even better, since very few tourists find Le Marche, those that do are welcomed by locals with open arms and hearts. I spent an idyllic few days discovering what L...
#Marche (Italian pronunciation: [ˈmarke]), or The Marches[ /ˈmɑːrtʃᵻz/, is one of the twenty regions of Italy. The name of the region derives from the plural name of marca, originally referring to the medieval March of Ancona and nearby marches of Camerino and Fermo. The region is located in the Central area of the country, bordered by #EmiliaRomagna and the republic of #SanMarino to the north, #Tuscany to the west, Umbria to the southwest, #Abruzzo and #Lazio to the south and the Adriatic Sea to the east. Except for river valleys and the often very narrow coastal strip, the land is hilly. A railway from Bologna to Brindisi, built in the 19th century, runs along the coast of the entire territory. Inland, the mountainous nature of the region, even today, allows relatively little travel nor...
Muay Thai 4X2 THE NIGHT OF SUPER FIGHT 6 IGLESIAS 22 APRILE 2017 FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/AGfightfunctional/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/aliasgym_iglesias/ RIPRESE E MONTAGGIO Fabio Salis e Stefano Zedda
🔔 Clicca sulla campanella e 🎬 ISCRIVITI al canale! Trono di Spade LCG - World Championship 2017 - Semifinale Nicolò Merusi con Lannister Lord of The Crossing VS Reinhard Schefcik con Targaryen Lord of The Crossing Al commento: Massimo Lizzori e Marco Guida Si ringrazia: Fantasy Flight Games per le immagini e Fantamagus Certosa Link della comunità: Gruppo facebook ufficiale: https://www.facebook.com/groups/28235... Pagina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConclaveAGOT/ Canale SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/ilconclave Editore Italiano: http://site.asterionpress.com/
The Best of Niccolò Paganini (27 October 1782 – 27 May 1840) Paganini was an Italian violinist, violist, guitarist, and composer. He was the most celebrated violin virtuoso of his time, and left his mark as one of the pillars of modern violin technique. His Caprice No. 24 in A minor, Op. 1, is among the best known of his compositions, and has served as an inspiration for many prominent composers. He was born in Genoa, then capital of the Republic of Genoa, the third of the six children of Antonio and Teresa (née Bocciardo) Paganini. Paganini's father was an unsuccessful trader, but he managed to supplement his income through playing music on the mandolin. At the age of five, Paganini started learning the mandolin from his father, and moved to the violin by the age of seven. His musical ...
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International Youth Cup U17 Final. Goal from Nicolò Fagioli (17:00)
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2015 - Eurobasket - Italia vs Spagna - Group B - Game 3 http://www.eurobasket2015.org/en/compID_qMRZdYCZI6EoANOrUf9le2.season_2015.roundID_9322.gameID_9323-B-8-3.html Italy: Amedeo Della Valle, Marco Belinelli, Pietro Aradori, Alessandro Gentile, Danilo Gallinari, Andrea Bargnani, Marco Cusin, Luigi Datome, Andrea Cinciarini, Nicolò Melli, Daniel Hackett, Achille Polonara. All: Simone Pianigiani Spain: Pau Gasol, Rudy Fernandez, Sergio Rodríguez, Guillermo Hernangomez, Pau Ribas, Felipe Reyes, Victor Claver, Fernando San Emeterio, Sergio Llull, Pablo Aguilar, Nikola Mirotic, Guillem Vives. All: Sergio Scariolo
Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel! Today I have a Cook with me video and I'm working with a company called COSORI. They sent me a pressure cooker that I fell in love with! I will show you step by step how to use it and how to make a delicious potatoe salad! Please like and Subscribe!!! Cosori Pressure Cooker: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cosoricooks/ http://deal.cosori.com/ CHECK OUT MY LAST 2 VIDEOS:: SHOP WITH ME || BALLARD DESIGNS TOUR - https://youtu.be/pTYGseQLG8U BAR CART DECOR/REVEAL - https://youtu.be/LfLauSkT6cs Follow Me: FB: Facebook.com/OfficialEleniNicolo IG: EleniNicLifestyle Music & Editing: IG: RICHIEPLAY www.youtube.com/RichiePlay
YCS Liverpool 2016 Top 4 Feature Match: Thomas Rose(Pk Fire) vs Niccolo Mazzoleni(ABC Artifact) Ricordatevi di lasciare un bel Like se il video vi è piaciuto , e ricordatevi di iscrivervi al canale se non lo avete già fatto ! Buona visione!!! ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ Canale Youtube Ufficiale di Cloud & Thunder: http://bit.ly/CloudAndThunder ☁Canale Youtube di Gameplay di Cloud & Thunder: http://bit.ly/CloudAndThunderGameplay ☁ Canale Youtube Inglese di Cloud & Thunder: http://bit.ly/CloudAndThunderInternat... ☁ Twitch (Under Costruction): http://www.twitch.tv/cloudandthunder ☁ Pagina Cloud & Thunder (ITA) Facebook: http://bit.ly/CET_Facebook ☁ Pagina Cloud & Thunder Gameplay (ITA) Facebook: http://bit.ly/CET_Gameplay_Facebook ☁Pagina ...
On December 1, 2016, Nikola Motor Company unveiled its electric sleeper semi-truck, the Nikola One. In addition to unveiling the Nikola One, Nikola made several other monumental announcements including: a partnership with Ryder, granting Nikola owners access to their over 800 service and warranty locations across the United States and Canada, 364 planned Nikola Hydrogen Stations across the United States and Canada, a $1 Billion manufacturing facility, the Nikola Shipments software, and The Nikola Two, the electric day cab semi-truck.