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Worst Victorian university for sexual harassment revealed

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Nearly one in three students at La Trobe University have been sexually harassed on campus and during their commute to and from university, new data reveals.

A survey of 947 students at La Trobe University showed 30 per cent were sexually harassed at university (including while travelling to and from La Trobe) and 24 per cent were harassed on campus grounds in 2016.

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Alarming rate of university sexual assaults revealed

Human Rights Commission report reveals one in five students are sexually harassed at university.

These figures are higher than those reported by every other Victorian university involved in the Australian Human Rights Commission's national survey on campus abuse.

The wide-ranging survey of 31,000 Australian students released on Tuesday morning, revealed that 26 per cent of students were sexually harassed at university (including during their commute) in 2016.

Examples of sexual harassment include unwelcome touching, cornering, inappropriate staring, sexually suggestive comments, indecent exposure, and repeated or inappropriate advances.

The data showed that 21 per cent of students were harassed on university grounds that year, and in 2015 and 2016, 1.6 per cent of students were assaulted at university.


Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins said the survey of 39 Australian universities showed "incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment are occurring at unacceptable rates".

"To put this in context, in a lecture theatre containing 100 students, at least one, and possibly two, students have been sexually assaulted in the past two years," she said.

In Victoria, the rate of sexual assaults on campus was highest at Deakin University and RMIT, where 2.3 per cent and 2.1 per cent of students reported they were assaulted, respectively.

La Trobe's survey revealed that 1.7 per cent, or 16 students, said they were sexually assaulted in the past two years.

La Trobe Vice Chancellor John Dewar said the commission's report made for "uncomfortable reading", but his university would learn from the findings.

In a joint statement with heads of the university's student associations, he said the university was reviewing the commission's recommendations, and had already implemented some.

"We are very concerned by the behaviours identified in this survey and that some people wrongly believe it's OK to behave in this way, be it in a university lecture hall, on public transport, or the local community."

Swinburne University had some of the lowest rates of sexual harassment and assault in Victoria, with 0.2 per cent of students reporting they were sexually assaulted, 12 per cent of students reporting they were harassed on campus grounds, and 17 per cent reporting they were harassed on campus and during their commute.

Victorian students were commonly harassed on public transport, and were mostly targeted by other students. Sexual harassment at university includes off-campus events endorsed by the university.

More than 90 per cent of those harassed at all Victorian universities said they did not make an official report about their abuse.

Monash University student Emma Hunt, who said she was raped in a wooden cabin at an orientation week camp in 2014, said she welcomed the show of transparency, but did not find the data surprising.

"There are a lot of people who have gone through similar things as me. The numbers speak for themselves," said Ms Hunt, who has reported the rape to police.

She was initially reluctant to contact authorities, and said she was told by the university that they could not help her until police were involved.

"Universities use a lot of phrases like 'zero tolerance' and they claim they are transparent … but the truth is, they haven't been until they were forced to be, through this survey," she said.

Ms Jenkins released nine recommendations for reform, including establishing a sector-wide independent investigation into residential colleges.

Chair of Universities Australia Professor Margaret Gardner said: "Each of us has a role in this. Students, staff, and university leaders are together crucial to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment ... We urge all in our community to report criminal or unacceptable behaviour."

The Human Rights Commission data reveals that up to 20 per cent of students at some of the country's top universities including the University of Technology, Sydney; Deakin; and Flinders who said they had been harassed claim they were sexually harassed by staff, while the Australian National University, Charles Sturt University and the University of New England have the highest rates of sexual assault on campus in the country.

The Australian National University, Charles Sturt University and the University of New England have the highest rates of sexual assault on campus in the country.

Use the interactive below to see reported sexual assaults and harassment at specific universities.

Click on the arrows beside the red text to explore other universities or data points.

If you need to talk to someone about sexual assault or sexual harassment, call 1800RESPECT.

With Eryk Bagshaw