- published: 24 Oct 2016
- views: 558
flat commonly refers to:
Flat or flats may also refer to:
Gary Yourofsky (born August 19, 1970) is an American animal rights activist and lecturer.
Yourofsky was sponsored by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) between the years 2002–2005, and has given many public lectures promoting veganism. In 2010, Yourofsky's popularity quickly accelerated around the world (especially in Israel) following the release of a YouTube video titled Best Speech You Will Ever Hear showing him giving a speech at Georgia Institute of Technology, as the video gained millions of views and has been translated into tens of different languages. Yourofsky has been admired by many, but criticized by others for his alleged extreme views. He has been arrested 13 times between the years 1997–2001, and has spent 77 days in a Canadian maximum security prison in 1999, after raiding a fur farm in Canada, releasing 1,542 mink in 1997.
Yourofsky was born into a Jewish family in Detroit, Michigan, United States. He grew up in Oak Park. Yourofsky has "a giant tattoo of himself, wearing a mask and holding a rabbit, covering most of his right forearm."
"You Will" was an AT&T marketing campaign from the early 1990s directed by David Fincher. Each ad presented a futuristic scenario beginning with "Have you ever…" and ending with "…you will. And the company that will bring it to you: AT&T."
The ads were narrated by Tom Selleck; one sequence of a mother smiling at her baby through a video call featured future star Jenna Elfman.
The proposed innovations included:
Electric Universe is a psychedelic trance project from Germany formed by Boris Blenn and Michael Dressler in 1991. Their first EP release, Solar Energy was an instant hit with the underground trance scene and is often credited with putting the Spirit Zone Recordings label at the forefront of psychedelic trance early on. According to The Sofia Echo, they were "hailed in the 1990s as one of the top psychedelic trance projects to come out of Germany".
The Electric Universe project was founded in 1991 by Boris Blenn and Michael Dressler in Hamburg, Germany. After being inspired by the first big Voov Experience in Sprötze, the first Psy Trance orientated tracks were produced, with just 5 pieces of equipment. These were two synthesizers, one sampler, a mixing desk and an Atari 1080. Some of the tracks found their way into the hands of DJ Antaro, who had just started his record label Spirit Zone. He liked the stuff and decided to release the Electric Universe Solar Energy maxi single as the second release on his label. It turned out to be a big hit and set the ground for the first album One Love in 1994.
A mini-LP or mini-album is a short vinyl record album or LP, usually retailing at a lower price than an album that would be considered full-length. It is distinct from an EP due to containing more tracks and a slightly longer running length.
Mini-LPs became popular in the early 1980s with record companies who targeted consumers who were reluctant to buy full-length and full-priced albums. Several mini-LPs had been released in the late 1970s, including John Cooper Clarke's Walking Back to Happiness, which used the 10-inch format. The format was usually 12-inch or 10-inch vinyl, with a playing time of between twenty and thirty minutes, and around seven tracks. They were often used as a way of introducing new acts to the market or as a way of releasing interim albums by established acts between their main albums.Epic Records introduced the 10-inch Nu-Disk format in the early 1980s but they found it difficult to merchandise, and 12-inch mini-LPs became more common. Notable mini-LPs of the early 1980s included U2's Under a Blood Red Sky, which reached number 2 on the UK Albums Chart in 1983, and The Honeydrippers' Volume 1, which reached number 4 on the Billboard 200 in 1984.
ボーカルとギターの2人組ロックバンド! 公式Twitter→@official_flat FLAT/Aki Beats まだまだ残る夏の記憶 名残惜しむ間も無く時は移ろぐ 遊び足りてないならば時期繰越 食べログなら★★★★★まぁ良い口コミ やっぱり秋は秋で食べまくりたい たちまち太り明らかにサイズアップ SからMに鞍替わり それはそれでありだしさ無駄がない 食事運動旅行読書に芸術 何でもあり 楽しいコンテンツ 選び放題 やるなら いつでも とことん 全力 それが秋の醍醐味スケジュールはタイトに 「今年もあと何ヶ月?」 って秒読み 焦りがちな時期 そんなものは気にもせず好きなように 自ら作る秋のストーリー 季節はもう秋 衣替えてお洒落 季節はもう秋 ニット、スウェット、レザー Wow Fall いくぜ秋へ rkマイク持ってどんどん発言 作戦ならテキトー 目的地楽園 それだけは確定 松竹梅なら松で 明日へ 明日へ 希望繋げる役目 相当 相当 いい感じ? ならピクニックでも高速道路乗ってGo Go 行動力 夏よりも高め 涼しい風 せせらぎ 森の中で 木漏れ日浴びて 鳥達の歌に合わせて 踊る 踊る 踊る こんがり焼けた君の肌 包み込む 注ぐ緑のシャワー たちまち街並み イルミネーションや雪化粧の前に 自然の恵み Take Me To Heaven たくさん食べてすぐ寝る 季節はもう秋 衣替えてお洒落 季節はもう秋 ニット、スウェット、レザー Wow Fall
E-SET〚Palette〛 twitterアカウント:https://twitter.com/ESET0812 HP:https://e-set0812.jimdo.com/ 子供の頃の記憶から 集めた思い出が今も 眩しいほどにずっと輝いてる あの時はそうすることが 正しいことだと信じて 君の前ではただ笑っていたね それから「大事なものは失って気付く」 て言葉が胸に響いて 自分の気持ちに素直になる事が出来れば 少しは変わっていたのかな もう会えない事が苦しくて どんなに時が経とうとしても 忘れる事はない忘れられない 何色にもなれない孤独の感情 君が口ずさむメロディーも 嬉しそうに微笑んだ顔も 記憶の中にそっと閉じ込めたんだよ いつか君にまた会えるその時まで いつもと違う朝の道は 雨上がり青空道標 その先で見つけた一つの欠片 何色にも染まる事ない感情 君が口ずさむメロディーも 嬉しそうに微笑んだ顔も 記憶の中にそっと閉じ込めたんだよ いつか君にまた会えるその時まで
EU2017: Future Science -- Rebroadcast—only $29: https://www.electricuniverse.live In the Space News series, a clear picture of cosmic scale phenomena has emerged: networks of filaments pervade space and are closely linked to the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies. The electric universe and plasma cosmology have always predicted that the filaments are in fact electrical Birkeland currents which light the stars and connect celestial bodies across vast cosmic distances. Recently, two separate teams of scientists, both of whom were attempting to resolve the so-called missing baryon problem, have published papers identifying vast intergalactic plasma filaments. In this episode, our guest Eugene Bagashov analyzes the significance of these independent findings. Papers discussed in th...
物語音楽ユニット『Sono Rakontio』の1st Mini Album 『目覚めれば夢の中』のクロスフェードです。 イントロダクションムービーはコチラ https://youtu.be/vkC-XQGjFqc 特設サイト→ http://yume.g-flat.com/ [M3-2015春] 2015年4月26日(日) 11:00~15:30 東京流通センター(TRC) 第一展示場 『H03a,b』G-flat Recordsにて頒布します! 通販はこちら。 http://shop.g-flat.com/ 1.アイディールの夢 2.夢の通り道 3.リーディアの夢 4.目覚めれば夢の中 それは—少女の世界を巡る、夢の中のメロディ。 ー君が見る夢は、僕が見る現実ー 「おやすみ、いい夢を」 『Sono Rakontio』 Vocal:Hina Guitar:SABO Bass:Soichiro Tokita Drums:Yuu Takao Flute:Pierre Oboe:Yasu* Storyteller:Kazuya Sakurai Voice:Shur Produce&Programming;:Shur 【G-flat Records→http://g-flat.com/】 【同時頒布】 ■ぴえーる/ 1st Mini Album『風と笛、啼く処』→https://youtu.be/cXrSNz8V6WM 特設サイト→http://kazehue.g-flat.com/
物語音楽ユニット『Sono Rakontio』の1st Mini Album 『目覚めれば夢の中』のイントロダクションです。 最新クロスフェード動画はこちら→https://youtu.be/2ODgR_G5KLo 特設サイト→ http://yume.g-flat.com/ Piccolo&Flute:ぴえーる HP→http://stellar-pierre.g-flat.com/ Twitter:@pierre_flute [M3-2015春] 2015年4月26日(日) 11:00~15:30 東京流通センター(TRC) 第一展示場 『H03a,b』G-flat Recordsにて頒布します! [収録曲] 1.アイディールの夢 2.夢の通り道 3.リーディアの夢 4.目覚めれば夢の中 それは—少女の世界を巡る、夢の中のメロディ。 ー君が見る夢は、僕が見る現実ー 「おやすみ、いい夢を」 『Sono Rakontio』 Vocal:Hina Guitar:SABO Bass:Soichiro Tokita Drums:Yuu Takao Flute:Pierre Oboe:Yasu* Storyteller:Kazuya Sakurai Voice:Shur Produce&Programming;:Shur ■ぴえーる/ 1st Mini Album『風と笛、啼く処』→http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xooPf8nqZFw 特設サイト→http://kazehue.g-flat.com/
「フリーフォール」の第一人者、オーストリア人のフェリックス・バウムガートナー(Felix Baumgartner)氏(43)は、ヘリウムを詰めた気球で高度12万8097フィート(約3万9044メートル)に上がったカプセルからダイビングを行い、飛び降りてから4分20秒後にパラシュートを開いて米ニューメキシコ(New Mexico)州ロズウェル(Roswell)に無事に着地した。 世界初の高度を達成したが、フリーフォール最高時間の更新は逃した。 見やすく再編&カット割りしています。
Second Opening Song of Yowamushi Pedal all rights reserved
For more videos visit - http://www.korda.co.uk http://www.korda24.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/kordaofficial https://twitter.com/KordaOfficial http://instagram.com/kordaofficial
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland through the looking glass, would love this topsy turvy cake! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/H2CThat Recipe: https://goo.gl/QYv1fq How To Cook That Channel: http://youtube.com/howtocookthat VIDCON 3pm FRIDAY & 2pm SATURDAY MAKERS & BAKERS BOOTH (Booth 212 in the Exhibition Hall). With thanks to Wilton for sponsoring this giveaway & video if you are a creator and want to know more about the makers and bakers program sign up here: http://bit.ly/HTCTMBForm Products that will be in the gift packs: • Color Right™ Performance Color System: http://s.wilton.com/1K8AHlF • Treatology™ Flavor System: http://s.wilton.com/1Lbh1AB • 3-D Cupcake Container Candy Mold: http://s.wilton.com/1V5oK6n • Edible Silver Pearl Dust™:...
3月10日発売のWiiUソフト 「ゼルダの伝説 トワイライトプリンセスHD」 を初見でプレイするよ 「砂漠の処刑場」をクリアすると ガノンドロフがついに話に出てきたぞ 賢者達の話しを聞いたら 新しい目標として陰りの鏡の欠片を集めて 元に戻すことになったぞ というわけで少なくてもあと3つはダンジョンがあるね ダンジョンが終わったら 釣りをしてリフレッシュ そういった日常も大事なのさ ゼルダトワプリHDプレイリスト https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXSg7_JSVEYI1ooUF84-TL3kqt9rfsLQu
自分で作ったラモーンズ風のオリジナル曲 Silver cordを叩いてみました☆BPM180 ストレートなロックです☆ おすすめ動画 The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop (With Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K56soYl0U1w 赤い公園 - 「Canvas」Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3zZxo50DY0 Aimer 『今日から思い出』 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN6AhnJFuDY 竹仲絵里「歌がきこえる」Full Ver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6ki0ZQA5-k タグチハナ 「The sound of swells」MUSIC VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y24wk9skWPE 3 対談 赤い公園 歌川さんと https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIfNd5x476o
すわこちゃん!!! 2017年10月15日 秋例大祭にて頒布するCDのデモです すわこちゃんのアイコンが曲をナビゲートしてくれます!! "抱えきれないくらいの貴女の欠片集め 白銀の海に貴女を描き祈る" アストラルメモリー Episode 2 星海パラドクス 10曲入り ※Track10シークレット ボーカリスト ・Nanao ・TaSk https://twitter.com/tano_sk ・ふうこ https://twitter.com/Fu_ko330 原作:ZUN様&上海アリス幻樂団様 ジャケットイラスト:大魔王るあえる Twitter https://twitter.com/ruaeru1002 アレンジ、歌詞、主催:ノヘ Twitter https://twitter.com/noheemon0903 サークル:ビターショコラ抹茶ラテ http://bittercmlatte.wixsite.com/bitterlatte Twitter https://twitter.com/bcMatchaLatte スーパーロングXFDはこちらです↓↓ https://mqube.net/play/20171007428382
An inspirational life-changing speech by Gary Yourofsky, an animal liberation activist, national lecturer on animal rights and veganism, and founder of ADAPTT, a non-profit organization based in the US: http://adaptt.org The speech was held at Georgia Tech university in July 8 2010. Q&A; Session: http://youtube.com/watch?v=7PR64HGJoyk Learn more at: http://adaptt.org Gary Yourofsky is a vegan activist who has given 2,660 lectures to more than 60,000 people at 186 schools in 30 states and several Israeli cities/schools. His lecture has been translated into more than 30 languages for over 10 million YouTube hits. Connect & Follow Me: ★ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/GaryOnYouTube ★ Website: http://www.adaptt.org ★ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/therealgaryyourofsky ★ Twitter: http://twitter....
「かくすけカメラ」搭載^^ ただし拡大も消すこともできませんw [PREV #9] https://youtu.be/uJaROavY-r4 影の暗殺者「アラガミ」となり光の軍と戦う【ARAGAMI】PART.10 いヴき×かくすけCOOPでやっていきます^^
Today we're making a Halloween version of Nikuman, which is Japan's version of the Chinese Steamed Meat Bun called Char Siu Bao. These steamed mummy buns are the perfect idea for a cool and fun Halloween party! Subscribe for more videos! http://goo.gl/18SB8p PURCHASE ONLINE Dried shiitake mushrooms : https://goo.gl/h9QJSv Nori : https://goo.gl/bgMmJ3 Oyster sauce : https://goo.gl/GspWNo Cooking sake : https://goo.gl/cg1qv9 Squid Ink : https://goo.gl/DNE4rN INGREDIENTS: 1 cup cake flour 1/2 cup bread flour 1 tsp dry yeast 1 tbsp sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 cup lukewarm water 1/2 tbsp vegetable oil 1/2 tbsp squid ink 3 slices cheese 1/2 sheet nori (filling) 6 oz (165g) ground pork 3 dried shiitake(soak overnight and reserve liquid) 1/2 onion 1 stub ginger 2 tbsp bamboo shoots 1 tbsp sake 1 1/2...
Gary Yourofsky's entire inspirational speech held at Georgia Tech in summer of 2010. Listen to this amazing speaker who will blow away the myths, fill your mind with interesting facts, and help you make ethical choices for a healthy heart and soul. His charismatic and straightforward style is one of a kind - a must-see for anyone who cares about nonhuman animals or wishes to make the world a better place. Use the captions button for subtitles in your language. Learn more: http://adaptt.org http://www.vegankit.com/eat http://30bananasaday.com http://foodnsport.com http://pcrm.org http://veganbodybuilding.com http://veganhealth.org Gary Yourofsky is a national lecturer on veganism and animal rights. Connect & Follow Gary: ★ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/GaryOnYouTube ★ Website: http://www.ad...
初めまして。 Music & Lyrics:Chihiro Kai - カイチヒロ http://chihiro-kai.tumblr.com Piano & Vocal:Mai Asai - 浅井麻衣 http://mai100uta.wixsite.com/maiasai Drum:Kazuki Morimoto - 森本和樹 https://twitter.com/kurikan0drum Recording:Yoichiro Sato - 佐藤陽一郎 from Y-SUGAR-STUDIO http://ysugarproject.wixsite.com/y-sugar-project-2013 Recording Studio:Y-SUGAR-STUDIO http://ysugarstudio.wixsite.com/y-sugar-studio Nostalgic Umbrella facebook https://www.facebook.com/nostalgic.um... Twitter https://twitter.com/N_Uofficial
For more videos visit - http://www.korda.co.uk http://www.korda24.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/kordaofficial https://twitter.com/KordaOfficial http://instagram.com/kordaofficial
An inspirational life-changing speech by Gary Yourofsky, an animal liberation activist, national lecturer on animal rights and veganism, and founder of ADAPTT, a non-profit organization based in the US: http://adaptt.org The speech was held at Georgia Tech university in July 8 2010. Q&A; Session: http://youtube.com/watch?v=7PR64HGJoyk Learn more at: http://adaptt.org Gary Yourofsky is a vegan activist who has given 2,660 lectures to more than 60,000 people at 186 schools in 30 states and several Israeli cities/schools. His lecture has been translated into more than 30 languages for over 10 million YouTube hits. Connect & Follow Me: ★ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/GaryOnYouTube ★ Website: http://www.adaptt.org ★ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/therealgaryyourofsky ★ Twitter: http://twitter....
Gary Yourofsky's entire inspirational speech held at Georgia Tech in summer of 2010. Listen to this amazing speaker who will blow away the myths, fill your mind with interesting facts, and help you make ethical choices for a healthy heart and soul. His charismatic and straightforward style is one of a kind - a must-see for anyone who cares about nonhuman animals or wishes to make the world a better place. Use the captions button for subtitles in your language. Learn more: http://adaptt.org http://www.vegankit.com/eat http://30bananasaday.com http://foodnsport.com http://pcrm.org http://veganbodybuilding.com http://veganhealth.org Gary Yourofsky is a national lecturer on veganism and animal rights. Connect & Follow Gary: ★ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/GaryOnYouTube ★ Website: http://www.ad...
「かくすけカメラ」搭載^^ ただし拡大も消すこともできませんw [PREV #9] https://youtu.be/uJaROavY-r4 影の暗殺者「アラガミ」となり光の軍と戦う【ARAGAMI】PART.10 いヴき×かくすけCOOPでやっていきます^^
Dr. Kent Hovind debunks evolution's belief that the earth has evolved over billions of years. This also exposes the Big Bang theory and the religious beliefs of evolution. No ratings enabled because truth is not based on majority opinion.