- published: 09 Jan 2017
- views: 2093
Vera Cruz is a 1954 American Western theatrical film starring Gary Cooper and Burt Lancaster, and featuring Denise Darcel, Sara Montiel, Cesar Romero, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Bronson and Jack Elam. The movie was directed by Robert Aldrich from a story by Borden Chase. The picture's amoral characters and cynical attitude toward violence (including a scene where Lancaster's character threatens to murder child hostages) were considered shocking at the time and influenced future Westerns such as The Magnificent Seven, The Professionals, Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch, and the films of Sergio Leone, which often featured supporting cast members from Vera Cruz in similar roles.
During the Franco-Mexican War, ex-Confederate soldier Ben Trane (Cooper) travels to Mexico seeking a job as a mercenary. He falls in with Joe Erin (Lancaster), a lethal gunslinger who heads a gang of cutthroats (including Ernest Borgnine, Jack Elam, Charles Bronson, and Archie Savage). They are recruited by Marquis Henri de Labordere (Cesar Romero) for service with the Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico (George Macready) After an almost miraculous display of shooting with a lever action model 1873 Winchester rifle, the Emperor offers them $25,000 to escort the Countess Duvarre (Denise Darcel) to the seaport city of Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico. Trane uses a compliment to the countess to get the Emperor to double it, impressing Erin with his boldness. During a river crossing, Trane and Erin noticed that the stagecoach that the countess is traveling in is extremely heavy. Erin later discovers that the stagecoach contains six cases of gold coins. First Trane and then the countess discover him looking at the gold. The countess informs them that it is worth $3 million which is being transported to pay for troops for Maximilian's French army. They form an uneasy alliance to steal and split the gold. Unfortunately for their plans, the Marquis was listening from the shadows.
Vera Cruz Movie 1954 - full movie
VERA CRUZ Der Ganze Fim Deutsch
"Vera Cruz" (Robert Aldrich, 1954) -- The "Tin Soldier"-Sequence
Trailer Vera Cruz 1954
'' vera cruz '' official film trailer -1954.
VERA CRUZ – DUBLADO Filme Completo Dublado Brazil Finale Dvix 480p
Vera Cruz - Filme completo em portugues
Vera Cruz 'Full Movie' 1954 Top Up
Vera Cruz (1954) 'FuLL Movie'FREE [HD]
Vera Cruz (clip)
Bodas de Papel / The Paper Anniversary [SHORT FILM]
The Youth Movement
Gary Cooper and Burt Lancaster find their "Tin Soldier".
Vera Cruz est un western américain réalisé par Robert Aldrich, sorti en 1954 La guerre de Sécession finie, certains soldats démobilisés et sans attaches, partent à l'aventure au Mexique où se déroule une guerre civile opposant l'auto-proclamé empereur Maximilien et Benito Juárez. En effet, chacun des deux camps recrute à tour de bras pour étoffer ses troupes. Benjamin Trane, comme Joe Erin avec sa bande de brigands, sont sollicités par les deux camps. Le marquis Henri de Labordère, lié à Maximilien, l'emporte et propose aux deux hommes une mission pour le moins sans dangers : escorter le carrosse de la comtesse Marie Duvarre qui se rend à Vera Cruz. Ils ne tardent pas à soupçonner des raisons plus impérieuses à ce voyage et, au soir de la première halte, jettent un œil dans le carrosse. ...
VeraCruz, es una película estadounidense del género western. Rodada en 1954 bajo dirección de Robert Aldrich, contó con un plantel de estrellas de Hollywood, encabezado por Gary Cooper y Burt Lancaster. Les secundaron, Denise Darcel, Cesar Romero, Ernest Borgnine, un joven Charles Bronson y la española Sara Montiel en su primera incursión en el cine norteamericano.
promotional trailer 1954.
Wacth'Vera Cruz Steaming' (Online) "After the American Civil War, mercenaries travel to Mexico to fight in their revolution for money. The former soldier and gentleman Benjamin Trane..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #"Get Best Quality..? ► found here«+»"[[http://smarturl.it/9u34ab]]"#«+» "Thank you do not forget to subscribe and share"
Documental cinematográfico sobre el Santuario de la Vera Cruz de O Carballiño, en Ourense, el más importante edificio religioso de España erigido en el siglo XX, con la finalidad de albergar un fragmento de una de las reliquias más preciadas de la Cristiandad. Este Santuario, auténtica maravilla arquitectónica obra del arquitecto Antonio Palacios, es uno de los tesoros menos conocidos de Galicia. El artífice de su edificación fue el Padre don Evaristo Vaamonde y su constructor Adolfo Otero. Ignacio Benedeti agradece la colaboración prestada para el rodaje de esta película al Padre José Benito Sieiro González y al erudito Felipe Senén. "LA VOZ DE GALICIA" difunde la noticia de este documental:http://www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/ourense/2014/03/20/cortometraje-sobre-veracruz-recibe-mile...
This short film captures the creation of the Vera Cruz house. Sure to become a new landmark in Santa Barbara, the house is covered with hundreds of paintings. Visionary architect Jeff Shelton recruits artists throughout the area to help bring to life his latest award-winning structure. Directed by Chris Jenkins
curta-metragem . short film . [2014] com / with Joana de Verona e Tomás Alves Realização / Direction: Francisco Antunez Produção / Production: Diana Pinto, Miguel Braga Argumento / Screenplay: Nuno Cruz Produzido por / Produced by Bonnie & Clyde e Buenos Aires Filmes FESTIVAIS E PRÉMIOS / FESTIVALS AND AWARDS 2014 Shortcutz Lisboa (Portugal) Motel X - Festival Internacional de Cinema (Portugal) Festival Internacional de Cinema de Avanca (Portugal) Ferfilm International Film Festival (Kosovo) NIFF - Naoussa International Film Festival (Grécia) Festival Cinema Com Farinha (Brasil) Festival Internacional de Cinema de Macaé (Brasil) Caminhos do Cinema Português (Portugal) Área de Contenção - Festival de Cinema Fantástico (Portugal) NAFF - Not a Film Festival (Portugal) Shortcutz Faro (Port...
I was inspired to make a film for the youth that would move them to serve and join ministries. I wanted to make them feel good about being part of a youth group and realize that they are destined to do great things. So here goes. Directed, written and edited by Kevin Mayuga Shot with a Canon 550D and edited with Adobe Premiere and After Effects Song is B.E. by Hillsong United. I do not own the rights to this song. Special thanks to: Nicollo Lopez, Bea De la Cruz, Kathy Ponce, Katrise Velhagen, James Santos, Jaime Bunag, Carlo Regner, Kara Mayuga, Erica Pelaez, Bea Gorrez, Marco de Vera, Renee Puno, Dru Reyes, Javi Cabanes, Jarro Cabanes, Maribelle Pelayo, SJRM Youth Apostolate and all those who helped make this vision come true. You have all been a source of my inspiration. I couldn't h...
Retorno (Return) Short Film Cast: Natalia Barceló Ximena Vera José Luis Matienzo Rikar Gil Yolanda De Cervantes Javier Fadón Crew: Produced by: Think Mol Written and Directed by: Cristina Molino and Roberto HG Edited by: Cristina Laguna Art Direction: Miguel De Cruz Music by: Dani Molino Cinematography: Cristina Molino Production Sound Mixer: Julio Cuspinera Supervising Sound Editor and Re-recording Mixer: Roberto HG Make-Up and Hair Stylist: Vanesa M. Suárez Costumes: María Soláns Prieto
Religioso - Igreja Nossa Senhora da Lapa dos Mercadores Recepção - Julieta de Serpa Decoração - Daniel Machado Cruz Cerimonial - Paulo Marques Vestido - Atelier Marie Lafayette Bem Casado - Elvira Bona Doces - Frances Chocolates Bolo - Vera Andrade Bem casado de Brownies - Olenka Brownies Iluminação - Two Lights Som e luz de pista - DJ's Bira Martins e André Collyer
Featured on Ain't It Cool.com's "Saturday Shorts", Pocho.com, Online Short Films.com, Latinonation.com, & Film Shortage! "MUY MACHO" tells the tale of a put upon, alcoholic gardener named Gustavo Jimenez who finds out he comes from a long line of Luchador masked superheroes in Yuma, Arizona. Once he ingests a homemade serum, accompanied with copious amounts of alcohol, Gustavo becomes a nine foot tall Luchador masked wall of rippling Mexican crime fighting muscle. With his abrasive grandmother Juanita at his side and armed with misc. landscaping tools, he is sent on a collision course with a flamenco suit wearing, flamethrower toting foe - CALIENTE, who is determined to watch Arizona burn. MUY MACHO stars Alexis Cruz (STARGATE), Julia Vera (BLOW, THE X-FILES, & the upcoming AZTEC WARRI...
En el norte de la provincia de La Coruña, frente a la costa donde Leslie Howard fue abatido por los nazis, se alza el Santuario de San Andrés de Teixido (Cedeira), elevándose sobre un paisaje agreste poblado por caballos salvajes que disfrutan su libertad junto a los acantilados más altos de Europa. Este Santuario es un lugar de visita obligada en Galicia pues, como creen los buenos hijos de la región, "a San Andrés de Teixido va de muerto quien no fue de vivo". VERSION GALEGA: https://vimeo.com/107934436 Filmado el miércoles 30 de noviembre de 2011 (día de San Andrés) con película inversible Kodak Ektachrome (lea sobre el "making" más abajo). Concebido, rodado, escrito y revelado por Ignacio Benedeti Corzo. Edición y postproducción: Víctor Galdón y Riccardo Fortunati Otro Santuario d...
Samantha & John June 26, 2016 Norfolk, VA Like the video? Please let us know what you think! We love to hear from you! Give us the big thumbs up! facebook.com/thegirltylerdesignandphotography Special Thanks: VENUE // The Half Moone Cruise & Celebration Center / http://nauticus.org/event-venues/half-moone/ CATERING // East Beach Catering / http://www.eastbeachcateringandeventplanning.com/ COORDINATION // Simply Perfect Events / http://www.thesimplyperfectevent.com/ OFFICIANT // Pastor David Penman PHOTOGRAPHER // The Girl Tyler / www.thegirltyler.com/blog PHOTO BOOTH // Shutterboth Hampton Roads / http://shutterbooth.com/hampton-roads/ DJ // DJ Roger Cruz of Astro Entertainment / astrodj.com/#!roger-cruz/cytq CAKE // Just Cupcakes / http://www.justcupcakes.net/ FLORALS & DECOR // Isha Fo...
Retorno (Return) Short Film Cast: Natalia Barceló Ximena Vera José Luis Matienzo Rikar Gil Yolanda De Cervantes Javier Fadón Crew: Produced by: Think Mol Written and Directed by: Cristina Molino and Roberto HG Edited by: Cristina Laguna Art Direction: Miguel De Cruz Music by: Dani Molino Cinematography: Cristina Molino Production Sound Mixer: Julio Cuspinera Supervising Sound Editor and Re-recording Mixer: Roberto HG Make-Up and Hair Stylist: Vanesa M. Suárez Costumes: María Soláns Prieto
I heard Woodrow Wilson's guns
I heard Maria crying
Late last night I heard the news
That Veracruz was dying
Veracruz was dying
Someone called Maria's name
I swear it was my father's voice
Saying, 'If you stay you'll all be slain
You must leave now - you have no choice
Take the servants and ride west
Keep the child close to your chest
When the American troops withdraw
Let Zapata take the rest'
I heard Woodrow Wilson's guns
I heard Maria calling
Saying, 'Veracruz is dying
And Cuernavaca's falling'
Aquel dia yo jure [On that day I swore]
Hacia el puerto volvere [To the port I will return]
Aunque el destino cambio mi vida [Even though destiny changed my life]
En Veracruz morire [In Veracruz I shall die]
Aquel dia yo jure [On that day I swore]
I heard Woodrow Wilson's guns
I heard them in the harbor
Saying, 'Veracruz is dying'