- published: 05 Apr 2016
- views: 50465
TheRivati - Comm' è difficile (Official VIDEO)
La Reine des Comm' : Stromae - Formidable
Tony Colombo Comm'a te nisciuno...ti amo
Tony Colombo "Si bella comm' e' Napule" 2017
WORST NERD Comm Comm Ever?!?
Alessio - Comm è bello a te vedè (Official video)
No-start No-comm: Mitsubishi V6 -Part 2 (Staten Island Ep.8.4)
Funky Pushertz - Comm' a fierr' viecchio
9 Enzo Avitabile - COMM’ ’A ‘NA con Daby Touré (LOTTO INFINITO)
Laura Macdonald: COMM 305 Final Theory Review 2015
Actors: Lani Minella (actress), Richard Grove (actor), Damien Valentine (editor), Damien Valentine (actor), Damien Valentine (producer), Damien Valentine (writer), Damien Valentine (director), Mauri Majanoja (actor), Phil Rice (actor), Phil Rice (actor), Ingrid Moon (actress), Elizabeth Cameron (actress), Matt Sias (actor), Sarah Howison (actress), Soniv Hope (actor),
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi,estratto da "Black from Italy", acquista l'album su iTunes: https://goo.gl/tlG9nz © 2016 PRODUZIONI Jesce Sole / Tritolo https://www.TheRivati.it TESTO: Comm’è difficile cu te, dipende comme te sì scetata ca tutte ‘e juorne appriesso a te e mai nisciuno è comme a n’ato. E si ancora te vuò piglia’ chello ca già te sì arrubato, io senza manco ‘e ce pensà te ne dongo pure ato. Comm’è difficile cu te, sì tale e quale a ‘na canzone ca cchiù t’ ‘a siente e cchiù te sona; trase e nun t’ ‘a scuorde cchiù... trase e nun t’ ‘a scuorde cchiù. Comm’è difficile cu te, ancora primma ca t’è scetata; aggia sape’ che vuò ‘a me, quanne te scite e staje ‘ngrippata. E te staje zitta e nun vuò parlà ma cu ‘sta jurnata ca è schiarata, e po’ te vene ‘o sfizio ‘e me e io me sento cchiù furtunato. Comm’è...
Lolo du Journal de Lolo est vraiment La Reine des Comm'. Premier episode : Stromae - Formidable Le Journal de Lolo : http://www.youtube.com/user/Lejournaldelolo Pour voir toutes les vidéos de VeryWatch, nos émissions phares, les coulisses des émissions, nos zappings, et plus encore, abonnez vous ! C'est par ici : www.Youtube.com/TheVerywatch Suivez nous sur facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Very.Watch.L... et sur twitter : https://twitter.com/VeryWatch
Il nuovo videoclip di Tony Colombo estratto dal nuovo disco in preparazione. Tony Colombo un'artista completo è molto conosciuto in tutta Italia, reduce dal grande successo della trasmissione Rai condotta da Milly Carlucci "Ballando con le stelle". --------------------------------------------------------- Regia: M. Cantone & Antonio Levita D.O.P: Francesco Polise Riprese Drone: Models Tech --------------------------------------------------------- Autori: G.Turco/R.Riera/A.Colombo Arr.Direzione: T.Colombo PIanoforte: T.Colombo Chitarre: P.Seno Missaggio: CR STUDIO NAPOLI Mastering: Sterling NY CITY --------------------------------------------------------- Special Tanks: -La venere di Benerice -IBalisicata -Nicola Pezzella Wedding -Make Up Artist Claudia E. -Villa Tony (Complesso Zeno...
Matt, Will, and Steve comment on your comments. GET OUR OFFICIAL APP: http://bit.ly/aIyY0w More stories at: http://www.sourcefed.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/sourcefednerd Follow us on Tumblr: http://sourcefed.tumblr.com/ Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/xQDV8M Get your SourceFed Posters here: http://bit.ly/P2Zn7h P.O. Box Address: ATTN: SourceFedNERD 6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd #805 Canoga Park, CA 91303 The @SourceFedNerd Hosts: @mattlieberman @mrwilliamhaynes @stevezaragoza Music: @ronaldjenkees @Hagemeister
Mea Sound http://www.measound.com https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/comm-%C3%A8-bello-a-te-ved%C3%A8-single/id1214969349?app=itunes&ign-mpt;=uo%3D4 https://play.spotify.com/album/67EH8T6A07xQrNg1pXPxx7?play=true&utm;_source=open.spotify.com&utm;_medium=open http://www.deezer.com/album/15621392
After restoring communication to the PCM in Part 1, this stubborn Mitsubishi still refuses to fire up... we're not done yet. See, I told you this was a great case study :) Enjoy! Ivan
FUNKY PUSHERTZ - COMM' A FIERR' VIECCHIO estratto da "La Grande Abbuffata" (Ottobre 2013) https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/la-grande-abbuffata/id704973993 Etichetta/Edizioni: Suonivisioni Disponibile nei Negozi e Digital Stores Ordina il CD su: http://www.suonivisioni.com/shop.html Info: info@suonivisioni.com TESTO: http://www.suonivisioni.com/testifunkypushertz/index.html Brano realizzato c/o Suonivisioni Studio (T.d.G - Na) Registrazione/Editing: Alessandro D'Aniello (a.k.a. Alex D Prez) Missaggio/Mastering: Gianni Roma (a.k.a. Blob) Beat: Tonico Settanta Basso: Antonio Caddeo Chitarra: Emilio Pantuliano Sax: Francesco Cirillo Percussioni: Kayaman (p) & © 2013 Suonivisioni http://www.suonivisioni.com https://www.facebook.com/suonivisionirecords https://www.facebook.com/funkypushert...
Comm' à na tratto dal nuovo album di Enzo Avitabile Lotto Infinito (2016)
estratto da "Black from Italy", acquista l'album su iTunes: https://goo.gl/tlG9nz © 2016 PRODUZIONI Jesce Sole / Tritolo https://www.TheRivati.it TESTO: Comm’è difficile cu te, dipende comme te sì scetata ca tutte ‘e juorne appriesso a te e mai nisciuno è comme a n’ato. E si ancora te vuò piglia’ chello ca già te sì arrubato, io senza manco ‘e ce pensà te ne dongo pure ato. Comm’è difficile cu te, sì tale e quale a ‘na canzone ca cchiù t’ ‘a siente e cchiù te sona; trase e nun t’ ‘a scuorde cchiù... trase e nun t’ ‘a scuorde cchiù. Comm’è difficile cu te, ancora primma ca t’è scetata; aggia sape’ che vuò ‘a me, quanne te scite e staje ‘ngrippata. E te staje zitta e nun vuò parlà ma cu ‘sta jurnata ca è schiarata, e po’ te vene ‘o sfizio ‘e me e io me sento cchiù furtunato. Comm’è...
Lolo du Journal de Lolo est vraiment La Reine des Comm'. Premier episode : Stromae - Formidable Le Journal de Lolo : http://www.youtube.com/user/Lejournaldelolo Pour voir toutes les vidéos de VeryWatch, nos émissions phares, les coulisses des émissions, nos zappings, et plus encore, abonnez vous ! C'est par ici : www.Youtube.com/TheVerywatch Suivez nous sur facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Very.Watch.L... et sur twitter : https://twitter.com/VeryWatch
Il nuovo videoclip di Tony Colombo estratto dal nuovo disco in preparazione. Tony Colombo un'artista completo è molto conosciuto in tutta Italia, reduce dal grande successo della trasmissione Rai condotta da Milly Carlucci "Ballando con le stelle". --------------------------------------------------------- Regia: M. Cantone & Antonio Levita D.O.P: Francesco Polise Riprese Drone: Models Tech --------------------------------------------------------- Autori: G.Turco/R.Riera/A.Colombo Arr.Direzione: T.Colombo PIanoforte: T.Colombo Chitarre: P.Seno Missaggio: CR STUDIO NAPOLI Mastering: Sterling NY CITY --------------------------------------------------------- Special Tanks: -La venere di Benerice -IBalisicata -Nicola Pezzella Wedding -Make Up Artist Claudia E. -Villa Tony (Complesso Zeno...
Matt, Will, and Steve comment on your comments. GET OUR OFFICIAL APP: http://bit.ly/aIyY0w More stories at: http://www.sourcefed.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/sourcefednerd Follow us on Tumblr: http://sourcefed.tumblr.com/ Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/xQDV8M Get your SourceFed Posters here: http://bit.ly/P2Zn7h P.O. Box Address: ATTN: SourceFedNERD 6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd #805 Canoga Park, CA 91303 The @SourceFedNerd Hosts: @mattlieberman @mrwilliamhaynes @stevezaragoza Music: @ronaldjenkees @Hagemeister
Mea Sound http://www.measound.com https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/comm-%C3%A8-bello-a-te-ved%C3%A8-single/id1214969349?app=itunes&ign-mpt;=uo%3D4 https://play.spotify.com/album/67EH8T6A07xQrNg1pXPxx7?play=true&utm;_source=open.spotify.com&utm;_medium=open http://www.deezer.com/album/15621392
After restoring communication to the PCM in Part 1, this stubborn Mitsubishi still refuses to fire up... we're not done yet. See, I told you this was a great case study :) Enjoy! Ivan
FUNKY PUSHERTZ - COMM' A FIERR' VIECCHIO estratto da "La Grande Abbuffata" (Ottobre 2013) https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/la-grande-abbuffata/id704973993 Etichetta/Edizioni: Suonivisioni Disponibile nei Negozi e Digital Stores Ordina il CD su: http://www.suonivisioni.com/shop.html Info: info@suonivisioni.com TESTO: http://www.suonivisioni.com/testifunkypushertz/index.html Brano realizzato c/o Suonivisioni Studio (T.d.G - Na) Registrazione/Editing: Alessandro D'Aniello (a.k.a. Alex D Prez) Missaggio/Mastering: Gianni Roma (a.k.a. Blob) Beat: Tonico Settanta Basso: Antonio Caddeo Chitarra: Emilio Pantuliano Sax: Francesco Cirillo Percussioni: Kayaman (p) & © 2013 Suonivisioni http://www.suonivisioni.com https://www.facebook.com/suonivisionirecords https://www.facebook.com/funkypushert...
Comm' à na tratto dal nuovo album di Enzo Avitabile Lotto Infinito (2016)
I'm sittin' here thinkin' about you tonight
And all that you mean to me
I used to think I would never fall in love again
I guess I was wrong
When your heart was broken
When your wounded pride was laid to rest, baby
You'll never open your heart to anyone else you said
But you lied, I know you're lyin' tome
You see your mind might be made up, mmm
But your heart has got it's own plans
There's no one to blame for false pride, tellin' lies,
tryin' to hide
From feelin' the pain, I know you don't wanna feel it
There's nowhere to hide when the love is callin' your
name, yeah
From the dark, babe, nowhere to hide, baby
There's nowhere to hide, so let love have it's way
with your heart
When love calls, love calls, love calls your name
It's on my lips
And I wish that you were still here
To take me away with your kiss
And take me away from all this crazy, crazy
'Cause too many words have been spoken, mmm
Too many lies have been told, baby
You'll never do it again you told yourself over and
over and over
You're wrong, dead wrong, babe, yeah
There's nowhere to hide, mmm, when love is callin'
your name
In from the dark, baby, nowhere to run, girl
There's nowhere to hide, yeah, so let love have its
way, girl, with your heart, babe
Love calls, love calls
There's nowhere to hide, yeah, when love calls your
You fall apart, baby
Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run when love is on its
way, girl, to your heart, baby
When love calls, love calls your name, babe
Love's callin' your name, hey, hey
It's callin' out for, callin' out for me, baby
Love's on its way, baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm sittin' here thinkin' about you tonight
And how you make me feel
The sweetness of your touch
The softness of your voice, mmm
You make me wanna be a better man, baby
And I wanna thank you for calling me into your life