Labor's trusts policy misses the rich, falls on middle class: accountants

"Speaking generally, this will affect those with less than $5 million of investable assets but for the rest it won't ...
"Speaking generally, this will affect those with less than $5 million of investable assets but for the rest it won't make an iota of difference," Chapman Eastway chief executive Sean Cortis said. Supplied

Very wealthy families will be unscathed by Labor's discretionary trust policy because income splitting is insignificant to their investment strategies, accountants say.

If it was the mega rich that Bill Shorten was going after he'd missed his mark, business advisory firm Chapman Eastway chief executive Sean Cortis said.

"Speaking generally, this will affect those with less than $5 million of investable assets but for the rest it won't make an iota of difference," he said.

"The irony here is Labor is harming more of the struggling people, it's more the middle class this is affecting."

If Labor wins the next election, it will tax trust distributions to beneficiaries aged over 18 at 30 per cent, a policy that will raise about $1 billion a year.

This is meant to prevent income splitting, which is where income from the trust is paid out to beneficiaries with lower tax rates. A non-working spouse or child at university are classic examples.

But for the very wealthy, what really matters is being able to "warehouse" money in a company that sits within a trust. This is referred to as a bucket company and it is taxed at 30 per cent, which is far less than the top marginal rate of 47 per cent.

That the money is taxed at a lower rate in the trust than it if were paid out to beneficiaries represents foregone tax revenue to the government. The money can also be reinvested to generate more profit.

The parliamentary budget office has costed the Labor policy but detailed modelling has not been released.

BDO tax partner Mark Molesworth said income splitting was of limited benefit and what Australia needed was holistic tax reform.

"Once each of your potential beneficiaries has more than $37,000 of income, you're paying tax on a marginal basis, which is more than 30 per cent anyway," he said.

"In those circumstances people say, why wouldn't I use a so-called bucket company and pay 30 per cent to park the profits there for the moment."

Griffith Business School associate professor Brett Freudenberg said the Labor proposal would make the tax system more complex.

He believes the issue governments need to deal with is why the system allows different tax outcomes according to the type of business structure adopted. That is, why is a company taxed differently to a sole trader, partnership or trust?

"Fundamentally I can understand where they are coming from but it's going to add a greater layer of inconsistency and complexity," Dr Freudenberg said.

"And it's when you have inconsistency that people start doing silly things just to try to play tax arbitrage."

Dr Freudenberg said the Coalition plan to cut company tax to 25 per cent would further encourage tax planning.

"I don't think people will be exiting trusts per se because the only other option is a company, which is taxable at a similar rate.

"But if the small business tax rate does drop down to 25 per cent, then there will be a 5 per cent margin, which is pretty encouraging."