- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 928
Major is a military rank of commissioned officer, with corresponding ranks existing in many military forces. When used unhyphenated, in conjunction with no other indicators, the rank is just senior to that of an army captain and right below the rank of lieutenant colonel. It is considered the most junior of the field officer ranks.
Majors are typically assigned as specialized executive or operations officers for battalion-sized units of 300 to 1,200 soldiers. In some militaries, notably France and Ireland, the rank of major is referred to as commandant, while in others it is known as captain-major. It is also used in some police forces and other paramilitary rank structures, such as the New York State Police, New Jersey State Police and several others. As a police rank, Major roughly corresponds to the UK rank of Superintendent.
When used in hyphenated or combined fashion, the term can also imply seniority at other levels of rank, including general-major or major general, denoting a mid-level general officer, and sergeant major, denoting the most senior NCO of a military unit. The term Major can also be used with a hyphen to denote the leader of a military band such as in pipe-major or drum-major.
An excerpt from the opening track of Icebreaker's new touring show, Kraftwerk Uncovered, A Future Past, a reworking of Kraftwerk's music by J. Peter Schwalm with film by Sophie Clements and Toby Cornish. Premiere Science Museum London, January 24th 2014. Tickets from http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/visitmuseum/plan_your_visit/theatre_shows/kraftwerk_uncovered Further performances in Liverpool http://www.liverpoolphil.com/13633/events-contemporary-music/kraftwerk-uncovered.html, Manchester http://www.rncm.ac.uk/performance/icebreaker-performs-reworking-kraftwerks-music-j-peter-schwalm-film-sophie-clements-toby-cornish/, Birmingham http://www.thsh.co.uk/event/kraftwerk-uncovered-live/, Nottingham http://www.lakesidearts.org.uk/Music/ViewEvent.html?e=2456&c;=7&d;=2792, and Cambridge http://ww...
In unserer neuen Reihe "RetroToday" schauen wir uns neue Spiele für klassische Rechner an - und los geht es mit "GetUp!" für den Atari 800xl. GetUp! entstand im Rahmen eines Atari-Assembler-Workshops. Ziel des Spiels ist es, mit einem Raumschiff zum oberen Ende des Bildschirms zu gelangen, ohne mit einem Hindernis zu kollidieren. Leichter gesagt als getan... -- Titel: GetUp! System: Atari 800xl Entwickler: Thomas "8Bitjunkie" Schulz Erscheinungsjahr: 2016 Genre: Geschicklichkeit Download: http://atariage.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module;=attach§ion;=attach&attach;_id=473964 Bezugsquelle: https://proc-atari.de/de/atari-xl-xe-software/get-up-boxed-edition-spiel-atari-xl-xe-format-diskette Preis: 11,50 € Making-of-Video: https://media.ccc.de/v/vcfb2016_-_47_-_de_-_medientheater_-_20161...
Subscribe for new videos!. Saw Kraftwerk using some weird tinfoil looking drum triggers, so figured, ill get some PVA glue, a block of wood and some tinfoil, and made some drum triggers. video coming soon on how to do it! more info at www.facebook.com/lookmumnocomputer
Using the MOS 6502 and Commodore 64 BASIC as our starting point, I give an overview of how the CPU interprets instructions and how to give the most basic example of writing a value to memory to change the border color with machine language.
In 1987, a German student wrote CHRISTMA EXEC - a virus whose basic mechanisms still work if you port them to today's desktop computers. Why haven't we changed in nearly 30 years? And what could we do instead? Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. http://tomscott.com FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/tomscott TWITTER: http://twitter.com/tomscott INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/tomscottgo The Park Bench will continue over Christmas: http://youtube.com/mattandtom/ "It made a generation who could code A bubble before proper consoles, who all know That the games you get today, Well, they might be very flash, But they'll never beat the thrill of getting through Jetpac" -- MJ Hibbett and the Validators, Hey Hey 16K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts96J7HhO28
An excerpt from the opening track of Icebreaker's new touring show, Kraftwerk Uncovered, A Future Past, a reworking of Kraftwerk's music by J. Peter Schwalm with film by Sophie Clements and Toby Cornish. Premiere Science Museum London, January 24th 2014. Tickets from http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/visitmuseum/plan_your_visit/theatre_shows/kraftwerk_uncovered Further performances in Liverpool http://www.liverpoolphil.com/13633/events-contemporary-music/kraftwerk-uncovered.html, Manchester http://www.rncm.ac.uk/performance/icebreaker-performs-reworking-kraftwerks-music-j-peter-schwalm-film-sophie-clements-toby-cornish/, Birmingham http://www.thsh.co.uk/event/kraftwerk-uncovered-live/, Nottingham http://www.lakesidearts.org.uk/Music/ViewEvent.html?e=2456&c;=7&d;=2792, and Cambridge http://ww...
In unserer neuen Reihe "RetroToday" schauen wir uns neue Spiele für klassische Rechner an - und los geht es mit "GetUp!" für den Atari 800xl. GetUp! entstand im Rahmen eines Atari-Assembler-Workshops. Ziel des Spiels ist es, mit einem Raumschiff zum oberen Ende des Bildschirms zu gelangen, ohne mit einem Hindernis zu kollidieren. Leichter gesagt als getan... -- Titel: GetUp! System: Atari 800xl Entwickler: Thomas "8Bitjunkie" Schulz Erscheinungsjahr: 2016 Genre: Geschicklichkeit Download: http://atariage.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module;=attach§ion;=attach&attach;_id=473964 Bezugsquelle: https://proc-atari.de/de/atari-xl-xe-software/get-up-boxed-edition-spiel-atari-xl-xe-format-diskette Preis: 11,50 € Making-of-Video: https://media.ccc.de/v/vcfb2016_-_47_-_de_-_medientheater_-_20161...
Subscribe for new videos!. Saw Kraftwerk using some weird tinfoil looking drum triggers, so figured, ill get some PVA glue, a block of wood and some tinfoil, and made some drum triggers. video coming soon on how to do it! more info at www.facebook.com/lookmumnocomputer
Using the MOS 6502 and Commodore 64 BASIC as our starting point, I give an overview of how the CPU interprets instructions and how to give the most basic example of writing a value to memory to change the border color with machine language.
In 1987, a German student wrote CHRISTMA EXEC - a virus whose basic mechanisms still work if you port them to today's desktop computers. Why haven't we changed in nearly 30 years? And what could we do instead? Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. http://tomscott.com FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/tomscott TWITTER: http://twitter.com/tomscott INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/tomscottgo The Park Bench will continue over Christmas: http://youtube.com/mattandtom/ "It made a generation who could code A bubble before proper consoles, who all know That the games you get today, Well, they might be very flash, But they'll never beat the thrill of getting through Jetpac" -- MJ Hibbett and the Validators, Hey Hey 16K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts96J7HhO28
Das Elektronengehirn und seine Entwicklung „Zuse Z3" (1941, Deutschland) und ENIAC (1946, USA) hießen die ersten Computer. Sie waren die Grundsteine für den Vormarsch der Großrechner in Deutschland. Ab den 1980ern hielten die ersten „Heimcomputer" Einzug in deutsche Haushalte. Teil 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fL5LwuXx4E Teil 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fu7Y4hmGgWM Teil 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg2j6VXphEQ Teil 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKm6pJSI-aQ Teil 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqKPdj-N-ik Teil 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIcbC1wS53g Teil 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqwW0zwfqpQ
Eine Kindheit in den 80ern: Die Hobbys sind Lesen, Malen und Fahrrad fahren. Zu Weihnachten gibt es kratzige Pullis, Hörspielkassetten und mit etwas Glück vielleicht auch einen C64! Die 64-Kilobyte-Speicher des vielleicht erfolgreichsten Heimcomputers der Geschichte machen zwar so einiges möglich, trotzdem werden auf dem Commodore 64 fast ausschließlich Spiele gezockt. Die Computerspiele-Journalisten von Rocket Beans TV aus Hamburg erzählen mit leuchtenden Augen, wie es damals war, als die Rechner heilig waren. Doch auch in der Erwachsenenwelt ereignet sich in den 80er-Jahren Revolutionäres: Steve Jobs und Bill Gates ringen um die grafische Benutzeroberfläche, die sie beide gar nicht erfunden haben - ein Drama in mehreren Akten. Doch am Ende bekommen die Computer endlich ein Gesicht. Ges...
Mehr zur Sendung: http://www.srf.ch/sendungen/kassensturz-espresso/freihandels-abkommen-migel-liste-hotelcard-muecken-spray-test Schweiz im Freihandels-Sandwich: Konsumenten in Gefahr? Mit Chlor behandelte Hühnchen, Hormon-Rindfleisch aus Schweizer Zucht, genmanipuliertes Gemüse: Auf Schweizer Tellern haben solche Lebensmittel bisher nichts zu suchen. «Kassensturz» zeigt, warum das TTIP-Freihandels-Abkommen zwischen der EU und den USA den Schweizer Konsumstandard gefährdet. Preisüberwacher: Patienten sollen im Ausland einkaufen «Kassensturz» kritisiert seit Wochen die überteuerten Preise für medizinische Hilfsmittel in der Schweiz: Im Ausland kosten Krücken, Inkontinenzwindeln oder Blutzucker-Messstreifen nur einen Bruchteil. Jetzt hat der Preisüberwacher genug und fordert, Versicherte ...
http://www.ted.com In this passionate talk, legendary spacecraft designer Burt Rutan lambasts the US government-funded space program for stagnating and asks entrepreneurs to pick up where NASA has left off. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes -- including speakers such as Jill Bolte Taylor, Sir Ken Robinson, Hans Rosling, Al Gore and Arthur Benjamin. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, politics and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on TED.com, at http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/top10
Source: https://www.spreaker.com/user/bstrange2015/beyond-the-strange-39-spaceboy-and-surla The founding member of Spaceboy, Jim Guerrero, started writing music at an early age. However, it was not till the late 90s that he started producing music for the masses. Inspired by the synth-stylings of The Pet Shop Boys, Erasure, Kraftwerk, Art Of Noise, and 8-bit he has crafted his work into a hybrid of synthpop with modern electronic music of today. With pounding beats, high energy arpeggios and soothing orchestral movements, Spaceboy will sure to be a part of any ones music collection. "Surlana" is the pseudonym for co-host of SpaceboyUniverse Live and Spaceboy's wife. Surlana has an extensive experience in research during her time in college as an English major. Her role for the Spaceboy ...
MSX is the name of a standardized home computer architecture, first announced by Microsoft on June 16, 1983, conceived by Kazuhiko Nishi, then Vice-president at Microsoft Japan and Director at ASCII Corporation. It is said that Microsoft led the project as an attempt to create unified standards among hardware makers. Despite Microsoft's involvement, the MSX-based machines were seldom released in the United States, but were popular mostly in Japan, the Middle East, Brazil, the Soviet Union, the Netherlands, Spain, and to a lesser extent, several other European countries. It is difficult to estimate how many MSX computers were sold worldwide, but eventually 5 million MSX-based units were sold in Japan alone. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under ...
Ever wonder how startups are able to create innovative, disruptive technologies that are successful in the market? In this seminar, you’ll learn lean startup and agile development practices that can be seen time and again in the small percentage of startups that make it big. Using examples from Facebook, Dropbox, Pinterest and more, you’ll learn tips for how to find your initial users and validate your ideas. As well as techniques like kanban, emergent design and continuous deployment to help you build your product and get it out there as quickly and efficiently as possible.