- published: 03 Apr 2016
- views: 13177
British American Tobacco plc (BAT) is a British multinational tobacco company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is one of the world’s five largest tobacco companies.
BAT has a market-leading position in over 50 countries and operations in around 180 countries. Its four largest-selling brands are Dunhill, Lucky Strike, Kent and Pall Mall, with others including Kool, Benson & Hedges and Rothmans.
BAT has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. As at 6 July 2012 it had a market capitalisation of £65.6 billion, the sixth-largest of any company listed on the London Stock Exchange. It has a secondary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
The company was formed in 1902, when the United Kingdom's Imperial Tobacco Company and the American Tobacco Company of the United States agreed to form a joint venture, the British-American Tobacco Company Ltd. The parent companies agreed not to trade in each other's domestic territory and to assign trademarks, export businesses and overseas subsidiaries to the joint venture. James Buchanan Duke became its chairman and the British American Tobacco business began life in countries as diverse as Canada, China, Germany, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia, but not in the United Kingdom or in the United States.
Shehzad Munim, the MD of British American Tobacco Bangladesh on Independent TV’s Corporate Show
Careers at BAT – The new British American Tobacco graduate careers programme
Largest Companies in the World - British American Tobacco
Work at BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO: A day in their offices
British American Tobacco Malaysia.
British American Tobacco Offers $47 Billion for Reynolds
British American Tobacco targeting African Children with cigarettes
Glo von British American Tobacco BAT (german)
The Secret Bribes of Big Tobacco - BBC News
The Secret Bribes of Big Tobacco
Shehzad Munim is the First Bangladeshi managing director of British American Tobacco in the history of its last 105 years, is the guest of corporate show "I Style" by the hosting of Independent Television. In this Video, Shehzad Munim spoke about his biography briefly. Let us look here... Father: Abdul Jobbar Mother: Hasina Zohra He has been educated entirely in Dhaka. He took both his primary and secondary education from St, Joseph High school. After obtaining higher secondary education from Dhaka College, he completed his BBA from IBA. About his family life, He is the father of a son and his wife is the homemaker. Moreover, the woman behind his success is his wife, the cushion that she provides; confessed by Shehzad Munim. Sehzad Munim mentioned Saint Michel; Mark Spencer as his favorit...
Some people are more ambitious than others. More innovative. More collaborative. More adaptable. More courageous. Few graduates combine all these qualities – the qualities of a leader. If you're one of them, then an inspiring journey awaits you on the British American Tobacco (BAT) Global Graduate Programme.
Watch the first video from our "Largest Companies in the World" series in which we uncover the history, controversies and business transactions of the largest companies on Earth! We hope you will enjoy this video and the rest of the series! If you like the video you see here, subscribe for more to show your support!
Discover how is it like to work at British American Tobacco Spain, one of the most inspiring companies to work for, through Talent Street, the leading online channel specialised in Employer Branding and Young Talent. Discover more about BAT here: http://www.equiposytalento.com/talentstreet/visual-companies/
British American Tobacco PLC made a $47 billion takeover offer to buy the 58% of Reynolds American it has yet to acquire, to create the world's largest tobacco company. WSJ's Lee Hawkins explains. Subscribe to the WSJ channel here: http://bit.ly/14Q81Xy More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit WSJ.com: http://www.wsj.com Follow WSJ on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wsjvideo Follow WSJ on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+wsj/posts Follow WSJ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJvideo Follow WSJ on Instagram: http://instagram.com/wsj Follow WSJ on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/wsj/
Duncan Bannatyne takes on the company behind Embassy, Pall Mall and Benson & Hedges and asks them why they're targeting African children, in the face of falling smoker numbers in the west.
01:15 Begriffserklärung 03:15 BAT Vype, Pebble, PM IQOS 04:12 Testmarkt Schweiz 05:16 Verpackung, Lieferumfang 07:15 Optik 10:20 Funktion 11:03 Rauchen 17:35 Neosticks 21:55 Schädlichkeit 23:12 Widerspruch in der Pressemitteilung 26:20 Entwicklungskosten 27:22 Benutzerkosten 29:02 Wie schmeckt es Rauchern? 30:40 Für wen ist Glo geeignet? 35:18 An die Schweizer Behörden 39:37 Fazit
A BBC investigation has uncovered evidence of bribery at one of the UK's biggest companies. Panorama found British American Tobacco (BAT) illegally paid politicians and civil servants in countries in East Africa. The payments were revealed when a whistleblower shared hundreds of secret documents. BAT told the BBC: "The truth is that we do not and will not tolerate corruption, no matter where it takes place." The bribery was revealed by a former BAT employee, Paul Hopkins. Panorama: The Secret Bribes of Big Tobacco, is on BBC One at 20:30 GMT on 30 November 2015 and available later online. Subscribe to BBC News HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bbcworldnews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bbcworld Instagram: http:...
How British American Tobacco (BAT) employees bribe politicians and public officials in Africa to undermine life saving policies
RIT(x2):non puoi fermare questo flusso hey
non puoi competere con queste liriche di lusso
noi ci riprendiamo tutto
tu resti sottotiro e in un attimo vieni distrutto
si cerca sempre di spiccare
da questa massa uniformata
droppando skills immensi
? merda sempre pi? pregiata
spregiudicati_team roba dannata
la cura per la nuova dura scena sempre pi? malata
ah ah
son tutti bravi a chiacchierare (sai)
son tutti bravi a dirti cosa devi fare
come ti devi comportare
il problema ? che la scena ? diventata una lotta personale
tutti contro tutti
questa ormai ? la prassi
in un mondo in cui bisogna a tutti i costi essere i pi? grassi
altrimenti non sei considerato
non conta quel che dici ma solo i dischi che hai cagato
discorsi pieni di eutopia nella tua testa
merda come questa tu lo sai che non si arresta
scrivi pure le tue gesta
ma intanto sono nel tuo spazio
solo per rovinarti la festa
RIT(x2):non puoi fermare questo flusso hey
non puoi competere con queste liriche di lusso
noi ci riprendiamo tutto
tu resti sottotiro e in un attimo vieni distrutto
hai sparato troppa merda
per anni addosso a questa scena
ma adesso devi stare attento sono alla tua schiena
gente d'esperienza che lotta come una iena
? sotto i tuoi piedi che ora la terra trema
perch? la mia gente ? gente pazza
non fottere con noi o ti estinguiamo
come una razza
lo sai siamo spregiudicati (oh si)
la fine che ti spetta
? come quella dei magistrati
? inutile parli di lotta di guerra
sar? difficile parlare quando sarai sotto terra
e nn finisco insisto
prima faccio uscire il disco
poi ti seppellisco
visto ti compatisco
fai talmente pena
che non ti guarda in faccia manco ges? cristo
questo ? per te solo l'antipasto (lo sai)
ma ti ridurr? in poltiglia fosse l'ultima cosa che faccio
RIT(x2):non puoi fermare questo flusso hey
non puoi competere con queste liriche di lusso
noi ci riprendiamo tutto