The House of Obedience


Fifth Estate # 312, Spring 1983

reviewed in this article Juliette Minces, The House of Obedience: Women in Arab Society, 1980, translated from the French by Michael Pallis, Zed Press, 1982.

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Detroit, Demolished by Design: Violence, Racism, and Collapse of Community


Fifth Estate # 368-369, Spring-Summer, 2005

The tales of violence go on-and-on. There is a bold arrogance that comes with class privilege and economic security and comfort. Certainly there are exceptions, but for the most part there is little or no sympathy in affluent communities for

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Introduction to “Aberration: The Automobile”


Fifth Estate # 368-369, Spring-Summer, 2005

It is said that the automobile created and brought life to the cities, but once again official history dangerously misrepresents and distorts the facts.

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