- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 987
The Arch of Triumph in Pyongyang (Korean: 개선문) was built to commemorate the Korean resistance to Japan from 1925 to 1945. It is the second tallest triumphal arch in the world, after Monumento a la Revolución in Mexico, standing 60 m (197 ft) high and 50 m (164 ft) wide.
Built in 1982 on the Triumph Return Square at the foot of Moran Hill (모란봉) in the North Korean capital city of Pyongyang, the monument was built to honour and glorify President Kim Il-sung's role in the military resistance for Korean independence. Inaugurated on the occasion of his 70th birthday, each of its 25,500 blocks of finely-dressed white granite represents a day of his life up to that point.
The structure is modeled after the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, but is 10 metres (33 ft) taller. The arch has dozens of rooms, balustrades, observation platforms and elevators. It also has four vaulted gateways, each 27 m (89 ft) high, decorated with azalea carved in their girth. Inscribed in the arch is the revolutionary hymn "Song of General Kim Il-sung", and the year 1925, when North Korean history states that Kim set out on the journey for national liberation of the country from Japanese rule. Also depicted on the arch is the year 1945, when Korea was liberated.
세계 관광과 문화 _ 프랑스 파리 개선문과 샹젤리제 거리 소개 영상입니다.
장르 : 드라마,멜로 감독 : 김응천 출연 : 진유영,김보미,이계인,장순자 - 줄거리 - 누나와 단둘이 사는 혁수는 국내기능올림픽 용접부문에서 금메달을 획득해 국제대회 출전권을 얻는다. 한편 2등으로 은메달을 딴 재수는 국제대회에 출전할 수 없음을 한탄한다. 그러나 혁수가 전과자라는 사실이 밝혀져 출전권이 재수에게 돌아가자 혁수는 자기 혐오로 인해 탈선의 늪으로 빠져든다. 그러다가 혁수는 재수의 부모가 농아라는 사실을 알고 자신의 불행을 떨쳐버린 후 재수에게 기술을 수련시킨다. 혁수의 헌신적인 지도로 국제대회에서 금메달을 딴 재수는 조선소에서 일하고 있는 혁수를 찾아와 그의 목에 금메달을 걸어준다.
파리의 개선문 나폴레옹이 로마를 정복하고 로마의 개선문을 본따 만들라고 명령한것. 30년에 걸쳐 만들어졌는데 정작 나폴레옹은 그 개선문으로 살아서는 지나가보지 못했다고한다. 개선문 아래에는 1차세계대전부터 지금까지 꺼진적이 없다는 전몰자 횃불이 타오르고있다. 에펠탑,몽마르뜨언덕,루브르박물관,니스해변,개선문,세느강유람선,세느강, [프랑스여행] 개선문, Triumphal Arch, 에펠탑, 몽마르뜨언덕, 루브르박물관, France Tour
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중국 레고 호환 짝퉁 제품 제조회사인 왕거에서 내놓은 프랑스 파리 개선문 제품으로 네티즌일 커스텀으로 만든 제품을 복사해서 만든 카피 제품으로 부품수 1401 pcs의 제품으로 만들고 나니 상당히 멋진 제품인데, 조립과정은 상당히 단순 심플한 과정의 반복인데, 피스에 비해서 조립 시간은 얼마 안걸리는데, 설명서도 좀 약간 헷갈리기도 합니다. 다른 시리즈가 나오면 또 구입을 할까 고민이 되기도...^^ http://goo.gl/80xIgj 중국 쇼핑몰에서 구입했습니다~ 에투알 개선문(Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile)은 1806년 나폴레옹에 의해 기공되어 그의 사후 준공된 세계 최대의 개선문이다. 프랑스 역사의 영광의 상징으로 높이는 50m이다. 개선문의 바로 아래에는 무명용사의 무덤이 있는데 사계절 등불이 꺼지는 일이 없고 헌화가 시드는 일이 없다. 샹젤리제 거리의 서쪽, 샤를 드골 광장에 위치해 있다. 파리의 상징적인 건축물의 하나로, 단순히 개선문이라고 말하면, 파리의 이 개선문을 가리키는 경우가 많아 세계 최고의 관광 명소가 되고 있다. 이 개선문을 중심으로, 샹젤리제 거리를 시작, 12개의 거리가 부채꼴 모양으로 뻗어 있어 그 모양이 지도 위에서 빛나는 "성 = étoile"처럼 보이기 때문에, 이 광장은 "별의 광장 (la place de l' Etoile, 에투알 광장)이라고도 부른다. 따라서 “에투알 광장의 개선문”의 정식 명칭은 'Arc de triomphe de l' Etoile 이다. 그러나, 현재 이 광장은 샤를 드골 광장(la place de Charles de Ga...
시청해주셔서 감사합니다! 개선문과 에펠탑 앞에서 저희가 한 일은 이렇게 단 하나입니다. 사진만 찍어도 마냥 즐겁네욬ㅋㅋㅋ 짧은 파리여행, 어떻게 하시나요? 다음편은 파리에서 가장 좋았던 곳, 몽마르뜨 언덕에 갑니다! Instagram @summerr_2d
Newchamp - 개선문[gaesunmoon] MV Directed By Rensz
In this first vlog of my trip to North Korea I will explain why I am traveling to North Korea. On the first day I visited the Arch of Triumph and I will show you the hotel I'm staying in. The article I'm talking about: http://goyvon.com/travel-wishlist-noord-korea/ Thanks for subscribing to my channel! http://bit.ly/1TjkJaW Follow me on my travels: https://goyvon.com https://facebook.com/goyvon https://instagram.com/go_yvon Thumbnail Template by Thumb Temps: http://thumbtemps.com/license/
The first stop we made in North Korea was at the Arch of Triumph. See more on nilov71: "Tourists bow to show respect" http://youtu.be/m0_XO570ilM "Guide tells me to stop filming" http://youtu.be/DUCnF-jsQiM "Sailing on Taedong River in Pyongyang" http://youtu.be/Gv_xD1ZMkpM "North Korea - All you need to know" http://youtu.be/p3i3yS7SHnM "Morning siren in Pyongyang" http://youtu.be/VFOxg6F87XE "Propaganda car in Pyongyang" http://youtu.be/6BYvyeUiPVE "Waiting to enter the DMZ in North Korea" http://youtu.be/4y0b8ohaa58
https://www.facebook.com/learnwithsyed WARNING: Some governments advise against all travel to North Korea due to the uncertain security situation caused by North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program and highly authoritarian and unpredictable regime. Though there is little evidence of safety issues concerning tourists on organized expeditions, those planning to engage in activities that the North Korean government forbids must be prepared to face severe consequences. Under no circumstances are you to say anything that could be perceived as an insult to or critical of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-Il, Kim Jong-Un, the Juche ideology, the Songun policy, the ruling Worker's Party of Korea, the North Korean government in general, or the citizens of North Korea. Simply avoid these topics if you c...
Planning to visit North Korea? Check out our North Korea Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in North Korea. Top Places to visit in North Korea: Juche Tower, Tomb of King Kongmin, Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, Arch of Triumph, Munsu Water Park, USS Pueblo (AGER-2), Mount Baekdu, Pyongyang Central Zoo, Sonjuk Bridge, Mangyongdae Funfair, Tomb of King Tongmyong, North Korea Peace Museum, Tomb of King Wanggon, Kim Il-sung Square, Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1 Visit our Website: http://socialbubble.global Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.co...
Documentary - Inside North Korea by an American Tourist Part 2 of 4 [HD] SUBSCRIBE THE FUN MEDIA CHANNEL Watch others severals docs! An American tourist's independent tour of North Korea in May 2010. This is 2 of 4 Videos total, for almost 5 hrs of footage. North Korea allows a 21st Century visitor to time travel back to China during the Cultural Revolution or to Russia during Stalin. I recommend a visit there to see this bizarre country: it's open to almost everyone and is extremely safe for tourists. The tour Company I used is Young Pioneer Tours. They are not very organized but do offer younger, smaller group sizes which I like. If you are more risk adverse and prefer a well-run, stress free tour company, and can live with an older, larger group size, Koyro Tours, a British owned to...
Korean Central News Agency Copyright © 2000-2013 DPR of Korea The participants in WHO South-East Asia Regional Technical Consultation on Telemedicine visited the Breast Tumour Institute of the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital here on Friday. They looked round various places of the institute, a modern medical service center for women. They also visited the Tower of the Juche Idea, Arch of Triumph, etc.
“I recently took a trip to North Korea.” I never thought I would ever say such a thing, but it is true. It worked out that I joined a group of foreigners attending the 2015 Pyongyang marathon. It gave me a chance not only to see the country, but run thru its streets! For the days I was there, I was able to tour the capital, Pyongyang, meet some of the people. I also made a visit to the North Korean side of the 38th parallel at Panmunjom. It was all a surreal experience, and one that I will never forget. I was not able to indiscriminately record video like I normally do, and instead had to settle for pictures, my Iphone and my go pro mounted to my new Feiyu Tech 3D gimbal. (http://www.feiyu-tech.com/). The gimbal worked out well enough, and with the footage I collected, I was able ...