Showing posts with label Dave Wagstaffe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dave Wagstaffe. Show all posts

Argus + Anaconda (1973) Dave Wagstaffe's first bands

Argus / Argus (1973)  editition 2001 release is a very funny stuff, one of that kind that have been compiled with a very strange sense.
Credited to Argus should have be titled "Dave Wagstaffe's first bands" because comprises material of two very different groups of this drummer, actually playing in "Landmarq and The Oliver Wakeman Band, plus sessions, and drum teaching." as he pointed in his MySpace page.
The first band is Argus with material recorded in 1973, a hard rock outfit that sounds like Free, included the singing. Above average band, whose best talent is... the drummer!!!... great drumming by Mr. Wagstaffe in its 5 tracks (small solo in track 4... beautiful).