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Writers of the Future Vol 33

Albert Einstein Memorial (National Academy of Sciences/Washington D.C.)

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The Edges of Things by Lewis Shiner, published by WSFA Press in 1991. Signed and numbered limited edition. One of 600.

Future Washington, published by WSFA Press. Containing 16 stories of possible futures that might await our nation's capital.

Home by the Sea, by Pat Cadigan, published by WSFA Press in 1992. Limited Edition, signed and numbered, One of 500.

Reincarnations, by Harry Turtledove, published by WSFA Press in 2009. Contains six stories never-before-reprinted, an original story, story notes, and an introduction by Sheila Williams. Signed and numbered limited edition, or Trade hardcover

Silently and Very Fast, by Catherynne M. Valente, published by WSFA Press in 2011. Trade Hardcover edition.

Straying from the Path, by Carrie Vaughn, published by WSFA Press in 2011. Signed limited edition. One of 500.

The Three Quests of the Wizard Sarnod, by Jeff VanderMeer, published by WSFA Press in 2010. Signed Limited edition hardcover. One of 500.

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