Your generous support allows Friends of the Earth to continue campaigning, advocating and educating on key environmental and social justice issues. 

This year we have seen some incredible achievements from our community led campaigns! We have:

  • STOPPED fracking in Victoria;
  • achieved the CANCELLATION of 6 brown coal licences in Gippsland;
  • PROTECTED Koala habitat in the Strzelecki Forest; 
  • STOPPED an international high-level waste dump in South Australia, standing with traditional owners; 
  • and we're BRINGING HOME a Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) of 25% by 2020 and 40% by 2025!

With your support FoE works tirelessly for a more just and sustainable world. Together we are making a difference. We do not take funding from business. We are dedicated to the communities we work with, not corporate donors. 

Cheques/Money Orders: please send cheques or money orders made out to 'Friends of the Earth' to PO Box 222, FITZROY VIC 3065.

Bank transfer: Bank Australia - BSB 313-140 Account: 12058676 Name: F.O.E. Fund.

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Tax Deductible: Donations over $2 are tax deductible.