2017 Reading Challenges Update

2017  reading challenges I'm following

Mostly the challenges that I follow help me direct my reading. As such, some will not provide a challenge, simply indicate how well I am doing.

Some of the challenges are external to this blog while others are hosted here or on a blog that I manage.
In practical terms I do allow some challenges to overlap, that is, most books will appear in more than one challenge.
In addition many of the challenges are simply continuations of challenges I took on last year.

NB: This page is a work in progress

Last updated 23 July 2017
  • 2017 Good Reads Reading Challenge. I have set my challenge at 130. Currently:60
  • Agatha Christie Reading Challenge  Completed in 2014, titles read in 2017: 4
  • 2017 Global Reading Challenge currently 17/21
  • USA Fiction Challenge So far 21/51, this year: 8
  • 2017 Aussie Author Reading Challenge: aiming for 20: currently 14
  • 2017 Australian Women Writers Challenge: aiming for 20. Currently 6
  • British Books Challenge 2017  currently 21
  • Vintage Cover Scavenger Hunt currently  xx
  • 2017 Ebook Reading Challenge  currently 15
  • New to me authors - a personal challenge currently 25
  • Not crime fiction - a personal challenge currently 1
  • Nordic reading challenge - a personal challenge unless I find an "official" one, currently 5
  • New Zealand reading challenge - again a personal challenge unless I can find someone hosting an "official" one. currently 2
  • Translated crime fiction - a personal challenge that will overlap with many of the other reading challenges that I have undertaken. currently 8
  • Snagged at the Library currently: 34
  • Audio books: currently: 7
  • 2016 Mt TBR reading challenge. currently: 0 (Aiming for 12 at least)
  • 2017 Historical Reading Challenge. Currently: 18
  • Crime Fiction of the Year Challenge @ Past Offences - a monthly challenge. Each month features a particular year of publication:  Currently: 3
 A visual summary
2017 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge hosted by Corinne Rodrigues

Aiming for 130.
So far this year: 60

This challenge has its own record page at 2017 Reviews.

2017 Good Reads Reading Challenge.

I have set my challenge at 110
Currently : 60

Agatha Christie Reading Challenge

How to join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge

This is one that I host.
I completed the challenge in 2014 and so here this year I'll record blog posts related to Agatha Christie, probably mainly related to short stories.
  3. 4.3, MISS CHRISTIE REGRETS, Guy Fraser-Sampson
  4. 4.5, DUMB WITNESS
    I haven't managed to put a GRC site together yet, but it will take the same format as in previous years.

    2017 Global Reading Challenge: 17/21

    I have committed myself to reading 21 titles, all crime fiction, 3 titles each from 7 "continents". My 7th continent - historical crime fiction.
    Blog site: 

    Africa -2
    1. 4.4, RECIPES FOR LOVE AND MURDER, Sally Andrew (South Africa)
    2. 4.5, PRECIOUS AND GRACE, Alexander McCall Smith (Botswana)
      Asia - 3
      2. 4.6, A MADRAS MIASMA, Brian Stoddart 
      3. 4.2, THE DALAI LAMA'S CAT, David Michie
        Australasia/Oceania (my modification) - An extra hurdle for Australasia - at least one from New Zealand.
        I can count separate Australian states - 3
        1. 4.4, WIN, LOSE, OR DRAW, Peter Corris (NSW) 
        2. 4.5, SIGNAL LOSS, Garry Disher (VIC)
        3. 4.5, WHAT REMAINS BEHIND, Dorothy Fowler (New Zealand)
          Europe - 3
          1. 4.8, OUT OF BOUNDS, Val McDermid
          2. 4.5, CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS, Agatha Christie
          3. 4.3, SUMMERTIME DEATH, Mons Kallentoft
              North America - 3
              1. 4.5, THE LAST ACT OF HATTIE HOFFMAN, Mindy Mejia
              2. 4.5, MISSING GIRL, Tess Gerritsen
              3. 4.2, TROUBLE IN ROOSTER PARADISE, T. W. Emory 
                South America -

                  7th Continent: Historical -
                  1. 4.7, NO SHRED OF EVIDENCE, Charles Todd - England 1920s
                  2. 4.3, A VERY PUKKA MURDER, Arjun Gaind - India 1909
                  3. 4.4, THE UNFORTUNATE VICTIM, Greg Pyers - Australia 1865

                    USA Fiction Challenge ongoing
                    USA Fiction Challenge ongoing

                    This is one I'm hosting on its own site. I'm keeping my own  records on a page on my blog.

                    So here I will just keep a summary of the number of states covered, as well as a list of US crime fiction I've read in 2017.

                    Total so far 21/51
                    Books read 2017: 8
                    1. 4.5, THE LAST ACT OF HATTIE HOFFMAN, Mindy Mejia
                    2. 4.5, MISSING GIRL, Tess Gerritsen
                    3. 4.2, TROUBLE IN ROOSTER PARADISE, T. W. Emory
                    4. 4.3, THE GIRLS SHE LEFT BEHIND, Sarah Graves
                    5. 4.1, LOST IN NEW YORK, J.J.Henderson 
                    6. 4.4, PAST CRIMES, Glen Erik Hamilton4.4, PAST CRIMES, Glen Erik Hamilton
                    7. 4.7, YOU WILL KNOW ME, Megan Abbott
                    8. 4.8, EARTHLY REMAINS, Donna Leon   


                    Golden Vintage - books written before 1960

                    Silver Vintage: books written 1960 - 1989

                    Vintage Cover Scavenger Hunt

                    This is hosted by Bev at My Reader's Block.

                    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to find as many objects on the scavenger hunt list as possible on the covers of the mystery books you read. 
                    You may play along in either the Golden or Silver Mystery Eras (or, for the more adventurous, both)

                    *Challengers may play either the Silver Age or Golden Age Card—or both.

                    I have created a special page for this challenge and will then update that when needed.

                    British Books Challenge 2017
                    - mine will be crime fiction

                    The aim is to read at least 12 books by British authors. This is really not much of a challenge for me as I read so much British crime fiction, so the challenge is really just a way of keeping my records. Not sure I will join an "official" challenge.

                    Currently: 21
                    1. 4.5, CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS, Agatha Christie
                    2. 4.8, OUT OF BOUNDS, Val McDermid
                    3. 4.7, NO SHRED OF EVIDENCE, Charles Todd
                    4. 4.4, THE MOVING FINGER, Agatha Christie 
                    5. 4.8, IMPERIUM, Robert Harris
                    6. 4.7, THE SILENCE BETWEEN BREATHS, Cath Staincliffe
                    7. 4.7. THE NEW MRS CLIFTON, Elizabeth Buchan 
                    8. 4.3, MISS CHRISTIE REGRETS, Guy Fraser-Sampson
                    9. 4.5, DUMB WITNESS, Agatha Christie
                    10. 4.6, LUSTRUM, Robert Harris 
                    11. 4.5, PRECIOUS AND GRACE, Alexander McCall Smith
                    12. 4.6, IN FARLEIGH FIELD, Rhys Bowen 
                    13. 4.5, THE ASHES OF LONDON, Andrew Taylor 
                    14. 4.5, THE WOMAN WHO WALKED IN SUNSHINE, Alexander McCall Smith 
                    15. 4.4, THE HANDSOME MAN'S DE LUXE CAFE, Alexander McCall Smith
                    16. 4.4, A JARFUL OF ANGELS, Babs Horton
                    17. 4.5, DICTATOR, Robert Harris 
                    18. 4.4, THE BUNTING QUEST, Steven Marcuson
                    19. 4.7, RACING THE DEVIL, Charles Todd 
                    20. 4.5, LET THE DEAD SPEAK, Jane Casey 
                    21. 4.1, Cherringham 1-3, Costello, Neil & Richards, Matthew    

                      The Aussie Author Challenge 2017 is being hosted at Booklover Book Reviews

                      I'm aiming initially at Kangaroo (12 titles) but the reality is that I will read many more than that.

                      Read and review 12 titles written by Australian Authors of which at least 4 of those authors are female F, at least 4 of those authors are male M, and at least 4 of those authors are new to you N; Fiction or non-fiction, at least 3 genre
                       I can see I may have a problem with the 3 genre aspect.

                      Currently: 14
                      1. 4.6, A MADRAS MIASMA, Brian Stoddart  M N
                      2. 4.4, WIN, LOSE, OR DRAW, Peter Corris M
                      3. 4.5, SIGNAL LOSS, Garry Disher M
                      4. 4.4, THE UNFORTUNATE VICTIM, Greg Pyers - M N
                      5. 4.3, THE PALLAMPUR PREDICAMENT, Brian Stoddart - M
                      6. 4.2, SILVER WATTLE, Belinda Alexandra F N
                      7. 4.8, THE DIGGERS' REST HOTEL, Geoffrey McGeachin M
                      8. 4.3, THE MIDNIGHT PROMISE, Zane Lovitt M 
                      9. 4.6, THE HUSBAND'S SECRET, Liane Moriarty F N
                      10. 4.5, TELL THE TRUTH, SHAME THE DEVIL, Melina Marchetta  F N
                      11. 4.4, DAINTREE, Annie Seaton F N
                      12. 4.8, BIG LITTLE LIES, Liane Moriarty F
                      13. 4.4, SEE WHAT I HAVE DONE, Sarah Schmidt F 
                      14. 5.0, THE SECRETS SHE KEEPS, Michael Robotham M

                              2017 Australian Women Writers Challenge

                              I will be aiming to read about 20 titles, all crime fiction. They will also count for the Aussie Author Challenge (above)

                              Currently: 6
                              1. 4.2, SILVER WATTLE, Belinda Alexandra
                              2. 4.6, THE HUSBAND'S SECRET, Liane Moriarty 
                              3. 4.5, TELL THE TRUTH, SHAME THE DEVIL, Melina Marchetta
                              4. 4.4, DAINTREE, Annie Seaton
                              5. 4.8, BIG LITTLE LIES, Liane Moriarty
                              6. 4.4, SEE WHAT I HAVE DONE, Sarah Schmidt    

                                  2017 Ebook Reading Challenge

                                  Here is another that is probably not much of a challenge for me as I read so much on my Kindle.

                                  1. Bits - 5 e-books
                                  2. Bytes - 10 e-books
                                  3. Megabytes - 25 e-books
                                  4. Gigabytes - 50 e-books  
                                  5. Terabytes – 75 ebooks 
                                  6. Empty the Cloud – 100 ebooks
                                  Currently 15
                                  1. 4.5, CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS, Agatha Christie 
                                  2. 4.3, A VERY PUKKA MURDER, Arjun Gaind
                                  3. 4.4, WIN, LOSE, OR DRAW, Peter Corris
                                  4. 4.5, MISSING GIRL, Tess Gerritsen
                                  5. 4.2, TROUBLE IN ROOSTER PARADISE, T. W. Emory 
                                  6. 4.4, THE MOVING FINGER, Agatha Christie
                                  7. 4.3, MISS CHRISTIE REGRETS, Guy Fraser-Sampson
                                  8. 4.4, RECIPES FOR LOVE AND MURDER, Sally Andrew
                                  9. 4.1, LOST IN NEW YORK, J.J.Henderson
                                  10. 4.5, THE ASHES OF LONDON, Andrew Taylor 
                                  11. 4.4, THE HANDSOME MAN'S DE LUXE CAFE, Alexander McCall Smith4.4, THE HANDSOME MAN'S DE LUXE CAFE, Alexander McCall 4.4, THE HANDSOME MAN'S DE LUXE CAFE, Alexander McCall Smith
                                  12. 4.5, INSIDE THE BLACK HORSE, Ray Berard
                                  13. 4.8, WHERE ROSES NEVER DIE, Gunnar Staaleson
                                  14. 4.8, THE THIRST, Jo Nesbo 
                                  15. 5.0, THE SECRETS SHE KEEPS, Michael Robotham  
                                  This is a personal challenge. I intend to read as many new-to-me authors as I can.

                                  Currently: 25
                                  1.  4.6, A MADRAS MIASMA, Brian Stoddart
                                  2. 4.3, A VERY PUKKA MURDER, Arjun Gaind 
                                  3. 4.5, THE LAST ACT OF HATTIE HOFFMAN, Mindy Mejia 
                                  4. 4.2, TROUBLE IN ROOSTER PARADISE, T. W. Emory
                                  5. 4.2, THE DALAI LAMA'S CAT, David Michie 
                                  6. 4.3, THE GIRLS SHE LEFT BEHIND, Sarah Graves 
                                  7. 4.5, WHAT REMAINS BEHIND, Dorothy Fowler
                                  8. 4.7, THE SILENCE BETWEEN BREATHS, Cath Staincliffe
                                  9. 4.7. THE NEW MRS CLIFTON, Elizabeth Buchan 
                                  10. 4.3, MISS CHRISTIE REGRETS, Guy Fraser-Sampson
                                  11. 4.4, RECIPES FOR LOVE AND MURDER, Sally Andrew
                                  12. 4.8, BLACK WATER LILIES, Michel Bussi  
                                  13. 4.2, SILVER WATTLE, Belinda Alexandra
                                  14. 4.1, LOST IN NEW YORK, J.J.Henderson 
                                  15. 4.4, PAST CRIMES, Glen Erik Hamilton 
                                  16. 4.5, INSIDE THE BLACK HORSE, Ray Berard 
                                  17. 4.4, A JARFUL OF ANGELS, Babs Horton
                                  18. 4.6, THE HUSBAND'S SECRET, Liane Moriarty
                                  19. 4.5, TELL THE TRUTH, SHAME THE DEVIL, Melina Marchetta
                                  20. 4.4, DAINTREE, Annie Seaton
                                  21. 4.4, THE BUNTING QUEST, Steven Marcuson
                                  22. 4.8, WHERE ROSES NEVER DIE, Gunnar Staaleson 
                                  23. 4.1, Cherringham 1-3, Costello, Neil & Richards, Matthew 
                                  24. 4.2, STORMY COVE, Bernadette Calonego  
                                  25. 4.4, SEE WHAT I HAVE DONE, Sarah Schmidt           
                                    Not crime fiction
                                    Not crime fiction

                                    Another personal challenge: a reminder to myself that I need occasionally to read outside the crime fiction genre.

                                    Currently: 1
                                    1.  4.2, THE DALAI LAMA'S CAT, David Michie
                                        Nordic Reading challenge

                                        Another personal challenge: a reminder to myself that I want to keep an eye on Nordic/Scandinavian crime fiction and to keep records of my reading.

                                        Currently: 5
                                        1. 4.3, SUMMERTIME DEATH, Mons Kallentoft 
                                        2. 4.7, HELLFIRE, Karin Fossum 
                                        3. 4.8, WHY DID YOU LIE? Yrsa Sigurdadottir
                                        4. 4.8, WHERE ROSES NEVER DIE, Gunnar Staaleson 
                                        5. 4.8, THE THIRST, Jo Nesbo 
                                          New Zealand authors
                                          New Zealand Reading challenge
                                          Resource on CrimeWatch

                                          Another personal challenge: a reminder to myself that I want to keep an eye on New Zealand crime fiction and to keep records of my reading.

                                          Currently: 2
                                          1. 4.5, WHAT REMAINS BEHIND, Dorothy Fowler
                                          2. 4.5, INSIDE THE BLACK HORSE, Ray Berard
                                            Translated crime fiction

                                            This will overlap with a number of the other challenges and is really just a record of translated titles that I've read this year.

                                            Currently: 8
                                              1. 4.3, SUMMERTIME DEATH, Mons Kallentoft
                                              2. 4.7, HELLFIRE, Karin Fossum
                                              3. 4.8, BLACK WATER LILIES, Michel Bussi (French) 
                                              4. 4.8, WHY DID YOU LIE? Yrsa Sigurdadottir (Icelandic)
                                              5. 4.8, WHERE ROSES NEVER DIE, Gunnar Staaleson (Norwegian)
                                              6. 4.2, STORMY COVE, Bernadette Calonego (German) 
                                              7. 4.8, THE THIRST, Jo Nesbo (Norwegian)
                                              8. 4.5, AFTER THE CRASH, Michel Bussi (French)
                                                  Audio Books

                                                  A Personal challenge/record
                                                  Currently: 6
                                                  1. 4.7, NO SHRED OF EVIDENCE, Charles Todd
                                                  2. 4.8, IMPERIUM, Robert Harris
                                                  3. 4.6, LUSTRUM, Robert Harris 
                                                  4. 4.8, THE DIGGERS' REST HOTEL, Geoffrey McGeachin
                                                  5. 4.1, Cherringham 1-3, Costello, Neil & Richards, Matthew
                                                  6. 4.2, STORMY COVE, Bernadette Calonego  
                                                    Snagged at the Library

                                                    I am a consistent "supporter" of my local library, but it will help me keep a nice record of my borrowed books.
                                                    That is a picture of my local library on the left.

                                                    Currently: 33
                                                    1. 4.7, INSPECTOR SINGH INVESTIGATES, A FRIGHTFULLY ENGLISH EXECUTION, Shamini Flint
                                                    2. 4.6, A MADRAS MIASMA, Brian Stoddart 
                                                    3. 4.4, WIN, LOSE, OR DRAW, Peter Corris
                                                    4. 4.5, MISSING GIRL, Tess Gerritsen 
                                                    5. 4.2, THE DALAI LAMA'S CAT, David Michie
                                                    6. 4.5, A CALAMITOUS CHINESE KILLING, Shamini Flint
                                                    7. 4.3, THE GIRLS SHE LEFT BEHIND, Sarah Graves 
                                                    8. 4.5, SIGNAL LOSS, Garry Disher 
                                                    9. 4.5, WHAT REMAINS BEHIND, Dorothy Fowler
                                                    10. 4.3, THE PALLAMPUR PREDICAMENT, Brian Stoddart 
                                                    11. 4.7, THE SILENCE BETWEEN BREATHS, Cath Staincliffe 
                                                    12. 4.7, HELLFIRE, Karin Fossum 
                                                    13. 4.7. THE NEW MRS CLIFTON, Elizabeth Buchan 
                                                    14. 4.5, DUMB WITNESS, Agatha Christie
                                                    15. 4.8, BLACK WATER LILIES, Michel Bussi 
                                                    16. 4.2, SILVER WATTLE, Belinda Alexandra
                                                    17. 4.5, PRECIOUS AND GRACE, Alexander McCall Smith
                                                    18. 4.3, THE MIDNIGHT PROMISE, Zane 4.3, THE MIDNIGHT PROMISE, Zane Lovitt
                                                    19. 4.4, PAST CRIMES, Glen Erik Hamilton4.4, PAST CRIMES, Glen Erik 4.4, PAST CRIMES, Glen Erik Hamilton
                                                    20. 4.5, THE WOMAN WHO WALKED IN SUNSHINE, Alexander McCall Smith 
                                                    21. 4.8, WHY DID YOU LIE? Yrsa Sigurdadottir
                                                    22. 4.4, A JARFUL OF ANGELS, Babs Horton 
                                                    23. 4.7, YOU WILL KNOW ME, Megan Abbott
                                                    24. 4.5, TELL THE TRUTH, SHAME THE DEVIL, Melina Marchetta 
                                                    25. 4.8, EARTHLY REMAINS, Donna 
                                                    26. 4.4, DAINTREE, Annie Seaton
                                                    27. 4.4, THE BUNTING QUEST, Steven Marcuson 
                                                    28. 4.7, RACING THE DEVIL, Charles Todd 
                                                    29. 5.0, A GREAT RECKONING, Louise Penny
                                                    30. 4.5, LET THE DEAD SPEAK, Jane Casey
                                                    31. 4.8, BIG LITTLE LIES, Liane Moriarty 
                                                    32. 4.4, SEE WHAT I HAVE DONE, Sarah Schmidt 
                                                    33. 4.5, AFTER THE CRASH, Michel Bussi  
                                                    2016 Mt TBR reading challenge
                                                    hosted  again by Bev at My Reader's Block.
                                                    With my TBR standing at over 200 I have to do something positive!
                                                    Pike's Peak: 12 books
                                                    Mount Blanc: 24 books
                                                    Mt. Vancouver: 36 books
                                                    Mt. Ararat: 48 books
                                                    Mt. Kilimanjaro: 60 books
                                                    El Toro: 75 books
                                                    Mt. Everest: 100 books
                                                    Mount Olympus (Mars): Read 150+ books

                                                    The challenge requires that I choose a level.
                                                    I'll choose Pike's Peak to start with but hopefully I can do better than that. I'll mark myposts TBR2016

                                                    2017 Historical Fiction Reading ChallengeAgain a record just for me.
                                                    I'm going to be a bit flexible here and allow myself to include books that have a fair bit of history included in the story. They will still be crime fiction. I will indicate which historical period they relate to.

                                                    Currently: 18
                                                    1. 4.6, A MADRAS MIASMA, Brian Stoddart (India 1920s) 
                                                    2. 4.3, A VERY PUKKA MURDER, Arjun Gaind (India 1909) 
                                                    3.  4.7, NO SHRED OF EVIDENCE, Charles Todd - England 1920s
                                                    4. 4.2, TROUBLE IN ROOSTER PARADISE, T. W. Emory - Seattle 1950 
                                                    5. 4.4, THE UNFORTUNATE VICTIM, Greg Pyers - Australia 1865
                                                    6. 4.8, IMPERIUM, Robert Harris - Rome
                                                    7. 4.3, THE PALLAMPUR PREDICAMENT, Brian Stoddart - India 1922
                                                    8. 4.7. THE NEW MRS CLIFTON, Elizabeth Buchan London and Berlin 1946 
                                                    9. 4.6, LUSTRUM, Robert Harris - Rome
                                                    10. 4.2, SILVER WATTLE, Belinda Alexandra - Australia 1920s 
                                                    11. 4.6, IN FARLEIGH FIELD, Rhys Bowen - Britain 1941
                                                    12. 4.8, THE DIGGERS' REST HOTEL, Geoffrey McGeachin - Australia 1947
                                                    13. 4.5, THE ASHES OF LONDON, Andrew Taylor - London 1666
                                                    14. 4.4, A JARFUL OF ANGELS, Babs Horton - Wales 1963 
                                                    15. 4.5, DICTATOR, Robert Harris - Roman Empire
                                                    16. 4.4, THE BUNTING QUEST, Steven Marcuson - Europe 1580
                                                    17. 4.7, RACING THE DEVIL, Charles Todd - Britain 1920 
                                                    18. 4.4, SEE WHAT I HAVE DONE, Sarah Schmidt - USA 1894 

                                                     100 Crime Fiction Reads of all time (2 lists)
                                                    See also on Good Reads - popular by date
                                                    1. January 2017: publ. 1959
                                                      4.5, CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS, Agatha Christie
                                                    2. Feb 2017: publ. 1943
                                                      4.4, THE MOVING FINGER, Agatha Christie
                                                    3. March 2017, publ. 1937: 4.5, DUMB WITNESS, Agatha Christie
                                                    4. April 2017, publ. 1977 

                                                    No comments:


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