2013 Reading Challenges Update


I've basically decided to go with the challenges that I worked on last year. The challenges are mainly to give my reading some structure and some are much more challenging than others. I reserve the right to abandon  a challenge during the year, or to pick up a new one.

Last updated 30 December 2013

The reading challenges I've joined
 Personal reading challenges
  • American authors: currently 15/20
  • translated, currently 13 - last year 27
  • New Zealand, currently 2/4
  • new to me: currently 59 - last year 48
  • not crime fiction: currently 9
Looking for some Challenge Ideas?

You will notice some overlap in the record below, with many books counting in more than one challenge.
If you want to join me on one of the personal challenges, let me know - I could probably be talked into hosting a challenge with a Mr Linky if enough people are interested.

 Host is John Mutford at The Book Mine Set
13 books to be read -

Canadian Book Challenge 2013-2014
- 13 books to be read
  1. 4.7, NEVER SAW IT COMING, Linwood Barclay

Canadian Book Challenge 2012-2013
- 13 books to be read - only managed8
  1. 4.3, CHALK VALLEY, Dan Johnstone
  2. 4.2, ASIA HAND, Christopher G. Moore
  3. 4.9, THE BEAUTIFUL MYSTERY, Louise Penny
  4. 4.7, I AM HALF-SICK OF SHADOWS, Alan Bradley
  6. 4.7, WATCHING THE DARK, Peter Robinson 
  7. 4.7, SPEAKING FROM AMONG THE BONES, Alan Bradley  
  8. 5.0, TRUST YOUR EYES, Linwood Barclay

Where the books are set

2013 Global Reading Challenge: 21/21 - completed

I have committed myself to reading 21 titles, all crime fiction, 3 titles each from 7 "continents". My 7th continent - historical crime fiction.
Blog site: 2013 Global Reading Challenge

 Africa - completed
  1. 4.4, SHADOW OF THE ROCK, Thomas Mogford (Tangiers) 
  2. 5.0, DEADLY HARVEST, Michael Stanley (Botswana) 
  3. 4.9, SILENT VALLEY, Malla Nunn (South Africa)
Asia - completed
  2. 4.5, GHOST MONEY, Andrew Nette (Thailand, Cambodia)
  3. 3.7, BAMBOO AND BLOOD, James Church (Korea)
Australasia/Oceania (my modification) - completed

  1. 4.9, BLACKWATERCREEK, Geoffrey McGeachin (Australia)
  2. COLD GRAVE, Kathryn Fox (Australia - on cruise boat) 
  3. 4.9, CAPTURED, Neil Cross (New Zealand author)
An extra hurdle for Australasia - at least one from New Zealand.
I can count separate Australian states.

Europe - completed
  1. 4.5, TUESDAY'S GONE, Nicci French (Britain)
  2. 4.4, ANOTHER TIME, ANOTHER LIFE, Leif GW Persson  (Sweden)
  3. 4.3, ANNA MARKLIN'S FAMILY CHRONICLES, Dorte Hummelshoj Jakobsen (Denmark)
North America - completed
  1. 4.8, GONE GIRL, Gillian Flynn (America)
  2. 4.0, MURDER IN A BASKET, Amanda Flower (Ohio)
  3. 4.5, TURN OF MIND, Alice LaPlante
South America - completed
  1. 4.6, BLACKOUT,  Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza (Brazil)
  2. 4.6, THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES, Eduardo Sacheri (Argentina) 
  3. 4.5, EVERY BITTER THING, Leighton Gage (Brazil)
7th Continent: Set on a small island - completed
  1. 4.3, AN ARTISTIC WAY TO GO, Roderic Jeffries (Mallorca)
  2. 4.7, THE BETRAYAL, Y.A.Erskine (Tasmania)
  3. 4.3, PAGO PAGO TANGO, John Enright (Samoa)

American (United States) authors

A personal challenge if I can't find an official one - - crime fiction & thrillers. I'm aiming for 20.
  1. 4.8, GONE GIRL, Gillian Flynn
  2. 4.7, KINGDOM OF STRANGERS, Zoe Ferraris
  3. 4.0, MURDER IN A BASKET, Amanda Flower
  4. 4.5, TURN OF MIND, Alice LaPlante
  5. 3.7, BAMBOO AND BLOOD, James Church
  6. 4.4, THE SOUND OF BROKEN GLASS, Deborah Crombie
  7. 5.0, THE LAST POLICEMAN, Ben H. Winters
  8. 4.8, ICE COLD, Tess Gerritsen
  10. 4.3, PAGO PAGO TANGO, John Enright
  11. 4.5, PRIMAL, D.A. Serra
  12. 4.5, EVERY BITTER THING, Leighton Gage
  13. 4.6, NORWEGIAN BY NIGHT, Derek B. Miller
  14. 4.2, THE BIG SLEEP, Raymond Chandler
  15. 4.2, MRS POLLIFAX AND THE LION KILLER, Dorothy Gilman
Agatha Christie Reading Challenge

How to join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge 

I'm aiming for my next 12 titles -.
  2. 4.1, DEAD MAN'S FOLLY
  3. 4.4, 4.50 FROM PADDINGTON
  6. 4.4, THE PALE HORSE
  7. 4.4, MASTERPIECES IN MINIATURE Part One. (6 Miss Marple stories) 
  9. 4.2, THE CLOCKS
2013 Aussie Author Challenge -completed - but will continue

I'm aiming for Fair Dinkum (although mine are all basically crime fiction): 12 books, but in actual fact want to read about 20 titles, all crime fiction.
  1. 4.9, BLACKWATERCREEK, Geoffrey McGeachin
  2. 4,7, COLD GRAVE, Kathryn Fox 
  3. 4.7, DEGREES OF CONNECTION, Jon Cleary 
  4. 4.8, THE MISTAKE, Wendy James 
  5. 4.4, DARK CITY BLUE, Luke Preston 
  6. 4.5, GHOST MONEY, Andrew Nette 
  7. 3.9, THE PRICE OF FAME, R.C. Daniells 
  8. 4.7, THE BETRAYAL, Y.A.Erskine
  9. 4.3, TAMAM SHUD, Kerry Greenwood - non fiction
  11. 3.6, MURDER ON DISPLAY, Reece Pocock
  12. 3.8, JENNIFER SHOT - THE FIRST SHOT, Patricia Kristensen 
  13. 5.0, THE ROBBERS, Paul Anderson 
  14. 4.0, MURDER WITH THE LOT, Sue Williams 
  15. 4.2, THE AFFAIR, Bunty Avieson 
  16. 4.1, MANLY MURDERS: A MOTHER WITHOUT A CHILD, Gunilla Haglundh 
  17. 4.4, THE RICHMOND CONSPIRACY, Andrew Grimes 
  18. 4.7, IN HER BLOOD, Annie Hauxwell 
  19. 4.3, BAY OF FIRES, Poppy Gee 
  20. 4.8, THE MARMALADE FILES, Steve Lewis & Chris Uhlmann
  21. 4.8, SUFFICIENT GRACE, Amy Espeseth 
  22. 4.3, PROMISE, Tony Cavanaugh  
  23. 4.8, ROTTEN GODS, Greg Barron
  24. 4.5, MIDNIGHT PROMISE, Zane Lovitt 
  25. 4.3, THE EASY SIN, Jon Cleary
  26. 5.0, WATCHING YOU, Michael Robotham 
  27. 4.8, I HEAR THE SIRENS IN THE STREET, Adrian McKinty
  28. 4.8, IF I TELL YOU... I'LL HAVE TO KILL YOU, Michael Robotham (edit) 
  29. 4.8, PEOPLE OF THE BOOK, Geraldine Brooks 
  30. 4.5, BURIAL RITES, Hannah Kent 
  31. 4.6, GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS, Maggie Groff
  32. 4.8, UNNATURAL HABITS, Kerry Greenwood 
  33. 5.0, CLOUDSTREET, Tim Winton 
  34. 4.9, SILENT VALLEY, Malla Nunn
  35. 4.7, THE CRY, Helen Fitzgerald 
  36. 4.3, MURDER AND MENDELSSOHN, Kerry Greenwood  
  37. 5.0, BITTER WASH ROAD, Garry Disher
  38. 4.2, THE RIDERS, Tim Winton 
  39. 4.7, THE MIDNIGHT DRESS, Karen Foxlee
  40. 4.3, A WICKED DESIGN, Brian Kavanagh 
  41. 4.5, NO PLACE LIKE HOME, Caroline Overington
  42. 4.7, THE RAVEN'S EYE, Barry Maitland  

    Australian Women Writers Challenge
    Completed, but will continue

    Level of challenge: read only, or read and review

    Stella: read 4 – if reviewing, review at least 3
    Miles: read 6 – if reviewing, review at least 4
    Franklin: read 10 – if reviewing, review at least 6
    1. COLD GRAVE, Kathryn Fox
    2. 4.8, THE MISTAKE, Wendy James
    3. 3.9, THE PRICE OF FAME, R.C. Daniells 
    4. 4.7, THE BETRAYAL, Y.A.Erskine 
    5. 4.3, TAMAM SHUD, Kerry Greenwood 
    6. 3.8, JENNIFER SHOT - THE FIRST SHOT, Patricia Kristensen 
    7. 4.0, MURDER WITH THE LOT, Sue Williams
    8. 4.2, THE AFFAIR, Bunty Avieson 
    9. 4.1, MANLY MURDERS: A MOTHER WITHOUT A CHILD, Gunilla Haglundh  
    10. 4.7, IN HER BLOOD, Annie Hauxwell
    11. 4.3, BAY OF FIRES, Poppy Gee 
    12. 4.8, SUFFICIENT GRACE, Amy Espeseth
    13. 4.8, PEOPLE OF THE BOOK, Geraldine Brooks 
    14. 4.5, BURIAL RITES, Hannah Kent
    15. 4.6, GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS, Maggie Groff 
    16. 4.8, UNNATURAL HABITS, Kerry Greenwood
    17. 4.9, SILENT VALLEY, Malla Nunn
    18. 4.7, THE CRY, Helen Fitzgerald 
    19. 4.3, MURDER AND MENDELSSOHN, Kerry Greenwood 
    20. 4.7, THE MIDNIGHT DRESS, Karen Foxlee
    21. 4.5, NO PLACE LIKE HOME, Caroline Overington 

    Nordic Challenge 2013

    I'm aiming for Odin 11-20 books - - 
    1. 4.4, ANOTHER TIME, ANOTHER LIFE, Leif GW Persson  (Sweden)
    2. 4.3, ANNA MARKLIN'S FAMILY CHRONICLES, Dorte Hummelshoj Jakobsen (Denmark and Sweden)
    3. 4.3, BABYLON, Camilla Ceder (Sweden) 
    4. 4.7, THE BAT, Jo Nesbo (norway)
    5. 4.9, BLACK SKIES, Arnaldur Indridason (Iceland) 
    6. 4.3, THE DEVIL'S SANCTUARY, Marie Hermanson (Swedish author) 
    7. 4.7, I CAN SEE IN THE DARK, Karin Fossum (Norwegian)
    8. 4.6, NORWEGIAN BY NIGHT, Derek B. Miller (American author, Norway) 
    9. 4.7, POLICE, Jo Nesbo (Norway)
    e-book challenge

    I am aiming for 75 e-books
    1. Floppy disk – 5 ebooks - completed
    2. CD – 10 ebooks - completed
    3. DVD – 25 ebooks - completed
    4. Memory stick – 50 ebooks
    5. Hard drive – 75 ebooks
    6. Server – 100 ebooks
    7. Human brain – 150 ebooks
    1. 4.4, NO MERCY, Wendy Cartmell
    2. 4.9, BLACKWATERCREEK, Geoffrey McGeachin
    3. 4.5, TUESDAY'S GONE, Nicci French
    4. 4.4, ANOTHER TIME, ANOTHER LIFE, Leif GW Persson 
    5. 4.2, DESTINATION UNKNOWN, Agatha Christie 
    6. 4.9, THE DARK WINTER, David Mark 
    8. 4.3, ANNA MARKLIN'S FAMILY CHRONICLES, Dorte Hummelshoj Jakobsen 
    9. 4.4, DARK CITY BLUE, Luke Preston 
    10. 4.5, GHOST MONEY, Andrew Nette 
    11. 3.9, THE PRICE OF FAME, R.C. Daniells 
    13. 5.0, THE GHOST RIDERS OF ORDEBEC, Fred Vargas 
    14. 4.8, PEOPLE OF THE BOOK, Geraldine Brooks 
    15. 4.4, SHORT SENTENCE: 10 stories of dastardly deeds, Parker Bilal et al
    16. 4.9, CAPTURED, Neil Cross 
    17. 4.6, BLACKOUT,  Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza 
    18. 4.5, PRIMAL, D.A. Serra
    19. 4.5, BURIAL RITES, Hannah Kent 
    20. 4.5, MISS MARPLE STORIES: SOLVING SIX, Agatha Christie 
    21. 4.6, THE STONE BOY, Sophie Loubiere
    22. 5.0, ALEX, Pierre Lemaitre
    23. 4.3, PIETR THE LATVIAN, Georges Simenon 
    24. 4.3, IN A WORD: MURDER, Margot Kinberg (edit)
    25. 4.2, THE BIG SLEEP, Raymond Chandler 
    26. 5.0, BITTER WASH ROAD, Garry Disher
    27. 4.7, THE MIDNIGHT DRESS, Karen Foxlee 
    28. 4.3, SHADOW OF THE SERPENT, David Ashton 
    29. 4.5, NO PLACE LIKE HOME, Caroline Overington

    Vintage Mystery Challenge
    - completed
    Not too sure about this one at the moment.
    All books must have been written before 1960 and be from the mystery category (crime fiction, detective fiction, espionage, etc.). 

    There are a number of categories and each book can only count for one category. I need to aim for 8 or 16 categories.
    This looks pretty challenging and I'll have to see how I go.
    Current Total: 8

    1. Colorful Crime: a book with a color or reference to color in the title4.4, THE PALE HORSE, Agatha Christie
    2. Murder by the Numbers: a book with a number, quantity in the title

    4.4, 4.50 FROM PADDINGTON, Agatha Christie

    3. Amateur Night: a book with a "detective" who is not a P.I.; Police Officer; Official Investigator (Nurse Keate, Father Brown, Miss Marple, etc.)
    4. Leave It to the Professionals: a book featuring cops, private eyes, secret service, professional spies, etc.

    4.2, DESTINATION UNKNOWN, Agatha Christie 
    5. Jolly Old England: one mystery set in Britain
    6. Yankee Doodle Dandy: one mystery set in the United States

    4.2, THE BIG SLEEP, Raymond Chandler- 1939 
    7. World Traveler: one mystery set in any country except the US or Britain

    4.3, PIETR THE LATVIAN, Georges Simenon 1930 - France
    8. Dangerous Beasts: a book with an animal in the title (The Case of the Grinning Gorilla; The Canary Murder Case; etc.)

    4.3, CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS, Agatha Christie 
     9. A Calendar of Crime: a mystery with a date/holiday/year/month/etc. in the title (Hercule Poirot's Christmas, Holiday Homicide, etc.)
    10. Wicked Women: a book with a woman in the title--either by name (Mrs. McGinty's Dead) or by reference (The Case of the Vagabound Virgin)
    11. Malicious Men: a book with a man in the title--either by name (Maigret & the Yellow Dog) or by reference (The Case of the Haunted Husband)

    4.1, DEAD MAN'S FOLLY, Agatha Christie
    12. Murderous Methods : a book with a means of death in the title (The Noose, 5 Bullets, Deadly Nightshade, etc).
    13. Staging the Crime: a mystery set in the entertainment world (the theater, musical event, a pageant, Hollywood, featuring a magician, etc)
    14. Scene of the Crime: a book with the location of the crime in the title (The Body in the Library, Murder at the Vicarage, etc.)
    15. Cops & Robbers: a book that features a theft rather than murder
    16. Locked Rooms: a locked-room mystery
    4.5, ORDEAL BY INNOCENCE, Agatha Christie 
    17. Country House Criminals: a standard (or not-so-standard) Golden Age country house murder
    18. Murder on the High Seas: a mystery involving water 
    19. Planes, Trains & Automobiles: a mystery that involves a mode of transportation in a vital way--explicitly in the title (Murder on the Orient Express) or by implication (Death in the Air; Death Under Sail) or perhaps the victim was shoved under a bus....
    20. Murder Is Academic: a mystery involving a scholar, teacher, librarian, etc.  OR set at a school, university, library, etc.
    21. Things That Go Bump in the Night: a mystery with something spooky, creepy, gothic in the title (The Skeleton in the Clock, Haunted Lady, The Bat, etc.)
    22. Repeat Offenders: a mystery featuring your favorite series detective or by your favorite author (the books/authors you'd read over and over again) OR reread an old favorite
    23. The Butler Did It...Or Not: a mystery where the butler is the victim, the sleuth....(gasp) the criminal....or is just downright memorable for whatever reason.
    24. A Mystery By Any Other Name: any book that has been published under more than one title (Murder Is Easy--aka Easy to Kill [Christie]; Fog of Doubt--aka London Particular [Christianna Brand], etc.)
    25. Dynamic Duos: a mystery featuring a detective team--Holmes & Watson, Pam & Jerry North, Wolfe & Goodwin, or....a little-known team that you introduce to us.
    26. Size Matters: a book with a size or measurement in the title (Death Has a Small Voice, The Big Four, The Weight of the Evidence, etc.)
    27. Psychic Phenomena: a mystery featuring a seance, medium, hypnotism, or other psychic or "supernatural" characters/events
    28. Book to Movie: one vintage mystery that has appeared on screen (feature film or TV movie).
    29. The Old Bailey: a courtroom drama mystery (Perry Mason, anyone? Witness for the Prosecution...etc.) OR a mystery featuring a judge, lawyer, barrister, D.A., etc.
    Historical Fiction Challenge at Historical Tapestry

    20th century reader - 2 books
    Victorian reader - 5 books
    Renaissance Reader - 10 books
    Medieval - 15 books
    Ancient History -25+ books
    my extra rule: all need to be crime fiction
    - completed

    2. 4.3, TAMAM SHUD, Kerry Greenwood (Australia 1948)
    3. 3.9, COORPAROO BLUES & THE IRISH FANDANGO, G.S. Manson (Brisbane 1943) 
    4. 4.8, THE HIGHLAND WITCH (aka CORRAG), Susan Fletcher (Glencoe Massacre 1692)
    5. 4.4, THE RICHMOND CONSPIRACY, Andrew Grimes (Australia 1933) 
    6. Martin, Andrew: 4.1, THE BAGHDAD RAILWAY CLUB (Mesopotamia, London, York 1917) 
    7. 4.7, BRING UP THE BODIES, Hilary Mantel

    British Books Challenge at Feeling Fictional

    I'm aiming for 12 books but this is one of the challenges that is hardly a challenge because I read so much British crime fiction.
    1. 4.4, NO MERCY, Wendy Cartmell
    2. 4.5, TUESDAY'S GONE, Nicci French
    3. 4.2, DESTINATION UNKNOWN, Agatha Christie
    4. 4.9, THE DARK WINTER, David Mark 
    5. 4.5, THE OFFICE OF THE DEAD, Andrew Taylor 
    6. 4.3, AN ARTISTIC WAY TO GO, Roderic Jeffries
    7. 4.0, REVENGE OF THE TIDE, Elizabeth Haynes 
    8. 4.4, SHADOW OF THE ROCK, Thomas Mogford 
    9. 4.2, MRS QUEEN TAKES THE TRAIN, William Kuhn - NOT crime fiction
    10. 4.1, DEAD MAN'S FOLLY, Agatha Christie 
    11. 4.3, TRIAL BY FIRE, Frances Fyfield 
    12. 4.4. AGENT 6, Tom Rob Smith 
    13. 4.3, SO MUCH BLOOD, Simon Brett 
    14. 5.0, DEAD WATER, Ann Cleeves 
    15. 4.4, 4.50 FROM PADDINGTON, Agatha Christie 
    16. 4.4, THE CARRIER, Sophie Hannah 
    17. 4.8, THE HIGHLAND WITCH (aka CORRAG), Susan Fletcher 
    18. 4.5, BRYANT & MAY AND THE INVISIBLE CODE, Christopher Fowler
    19. Martin, Andrew: 4.1, THE BAGHDAD RAILWAY CLUB 
    20. 4.7, THE EARTH HUMS IN B FLAT, Mari Strachan 
    21. 4.5, ORDEAL BY INNOCENCE, Agatha Christie 
    22. 4.8, STANDING IN ANOTHER MAN'S GRAVE, Ian Rankin 
    23. 4.4, THE LOST LIBRARY, A.M. Dean 
    24. 4.7, BRING UP THE BODIES, Hilary Mantel 
    25. 4.8, THE TOOTH TATTOO, Peter Lovesey 
    26. 5.0, THE LEWIS MAN, Peter May 
    27. 4.6, THE FROZEN SHROUD, Martin Edwards
    28. 4.2, A DECENT INTERVAL, Simon Brett 
    29. 4.3, CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS, Agatha Christie 
    30. 4.4, THE PALE HORSE, Agatha Christie 
    31. 4.5, BONES UNDER THE BEACH HUT, Simon Brett 
    32. 4.2, GUNS IN THE GALLERY, Simon Brett 
    33. 4.6, THE CORPSE ON THE COURT, Simon Brett 
    34. 4.4, SHORT SENTENCE: 10 stories of dastardly deeds, Parker Bilal et al 
    35. 4.7, THE MIRROR CRACK'D FROM SIDE TO SIDE, Agatha Christie 
    36. 4.7, GODS AND BEASTS, Denise Mina 
    37. 4.8, A DARK ADAPTED EYE, Barbara Vine
    39. 3.8, THE DEVIL'S MOON, Peter Guttridge 
    40. 4.2, THE CLOCKS, Agatha Christie 
    41. 4.7, WAITING FOR WEDNESDAY, Nicci French 
    42. 4.5, MISS MARPLE STORIES: SOLVING SIX, Agatha Christie 
    43. 4.6, THE MASTER OF THE MOOR, Ruth Rendell
    44. 4.5, M.O. CRIMES OF PRACTICE, Martin Edwards (edit) 
    45. 4.4, A CARIBBEAN MYSTERY, Agatha Christie 
    46. 4.5, REFUSAL, Felix Francis
    47. 5.0, THE CUCKOO'S CALLING, J.K. Rowling writing as Robert Galbraith 
    48. 4.5, NO MAN'S NIGHTINGALE, Ruth Rendell 
    49. 4.3, SHADOW OF THE SERPENT, David Ashton 
    50. 4.3, AT BERTRAM'S HOTEL, Agatha Christie 
    51. 4.7, FULL DARK HOUSE, Christopher Fowler 

    New Zealand authors
    At this stage a personal challenge:
    maybe 4-6 books, all crime fiction: still looking for an "official" challenge.
    1. 4.9, CAPTURED, Neil Cross
    2. 5.0, TRACES OF RED, Paddy Richardson
    This is a personal challenge more than anything else.

    It will be an overlapping challenge, and I aim to exceed 20 titles .
    1. 4.4, ANOTHER TIME, ANOTHER LIFE, Leif GW Persson  (Swedish)
    2. 4.3, BABYLON, Camilla Ceder (Swedish)
    3. 4.7, THE BAT, Jo Nesbo (Norwegian)
    4. 4.9, BLACK SKIES, Arnaldur Indridason (Icelandic) 
    5. 4.3, THE DEVIL'S SANCTUARY, Marie Hermanson (Swedish) 
    6. 4.0, SNOW WHITE MUST DIE, Nele Neuhaus (German)
    7. 5.0, THE GHOST RIDERS OF ORDEBEC, Fred Vargas (French)
    8. 4.6, BLACKOUT,  Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza (Portuguese) 
    9. 4.6, THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES, Eduardo Sacheri (Spanish) 
    10. 4.7, I CAN SEE IN THE DARK, Karin Fossum (Norwegian)
    11. 4.6, THE STONE BOY, Sophie Loubiere (French) 
    12. 5.0, ALEX, Pierre Lemaitre (French) 
    13. 4.7, POLICE, Jo Nesbo (Norwegian)
    2012 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge

    I'm aiming for Out of Breath: 6-10 more books than in 2012 when I read 142

    My aim is 150 and will include all books read in all formats include audio books.

    You can see how I am going on the 2013 Reviews Page 
    Current count: 137

    Again, another personal challenge.

    In 2012 I read 48 new-to-me authors and I'll be keeping count in 2013 to see if I can exceed that total, even by 1.
    1. 4.4, ANOTHER TIME, ANOTHER LIFE, Leif GW Persson
    2. 4.8, GONE GIRL, Gillian Flynn 
    3. 4.9, THE DARK WINTER, David Mark
    4. 4.0, MURDER IN A BASKET, Amanda Flower 
    5. 4.3, AN ARTISTIC WAY TO GO, Roderic Jeffries
    6. 4.0, REVENGE OF THE TIDE, Elizabeth Haynes
    7. 4.4, DARK CITY BLUE, Luke Preston 
    8. 4.5, GHOST MONEY, Andrew Nette 
    9. 3.9, THE PRICE OF FAME, R.C. Daniells 
    10. 4.4, SHADOW OF THE ROCK, Thomas Mogford 
    11. 4.2, MRS QUEEN TAKES THE TRAIN, William Kuhn - NOT crime fiction
    12. 4.5, TURN OF MIND, Alice LaPlante 
    13. 4.4. AGENT 6, Tom Rob Smith 
    16. 3.6, MURDER ON DISPLAY, Reece Pocock 
    17. 3.8, JENNIFER SHOT - THE FIRST SHOT, Patricia Kristensen 
    18. 5.0, THE ROBBERS, Paul Anderson
    19. 4.0, MURDER WITH THE LOT, Sue Williams 
    20. 4.4, THE CARRIER, Sophie Hannah
    21. 4.1, MANLY MURDERS: A MOTHER WITHOUT A CHILD, Gunilla Haglundh 
    22. 4.8, THE HIGHLAND WITCH (aka CORRAG), Susan Fletcher
    23. 4.4, THE RICHMOND CONSPIRACY, Andrew Grimes  
    24. 4.7, IN HER BLOOD, Annie Hauxwell 
    25. 4.3, BAY OF FIRES, Poppy Gee
    26. Martin, Andrew: 4.1, THE BAGHDAD RAILWAY CLUB 
    27. 4.8, THE MARMALADE FILES, Steve Lewis & Chris Uhlmann  
    28. 4.8, SUFFICIENT GRACE, Amy Espeseth
    29. 4.7, THE EARTH HUMS IN B FLAT, Mari Strachan 
    31. REFLECTION OF EVIL, Bridget Powell  
    32. 4.4, THE LOST LIBRARY, A.M. Dean
    33. 4.7, BRING UP THE BODIES, Hilary Mantel 
    34. 4.3, PROMISE, Tony Cavanaugh
    35. 4.3, THE DEVIL'S SANCTUARY, Marie Hermanson 
    36. 4.8, ROTTEN GODS, Greg Barron
    37. 4.5, MIDNIGHT PROMISE, Zane Lovitt 
    38. 3.7, BAMBOO AND BLOOD, James Church 
    39. 4.0, SNOW WHITE MUST DIE, Nele Neuhaus
    40. 4.8, PEOPLE OF THE BOOK, Geraldine Brooks 
    41. 5.0, THE LAST POLICEMAN, Ben H. Winters 
    42. 4.4, SHORT SENTENCE: 10 stories of dastardly deeds, Parker Bilal et al
    43. 4.6, THE MADONNAS OF LENINGRAD, Debra Dean
    44. 4.3, PAGO PAGO TANGO, John Enright
    45. 4.5, PRIMAL, D.A. Serra 
    46. 4.5, BURIAL RITES, Hannah Kent 
    47. 4.6, THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES, Eduardo Sacheri 
    49. 4.6, GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS, Maggie Groff 
    50. 3.8, THE DEVIL'S MOON, Peter Guttridge
    51. 5.0, CLOUDSTREET, Tim Winton 
    52. 4.6, NORWEGIAN BY NIGHT, Derek B. Miller
    53. 5.0, TRACES OF RED, Paddy Richardson
    54. 4.6, THE STONE BOY, Sophie Loubiere
    55. 5.0, THE CUCKOO'S CALLING, J.K. Rowling writing as Robert Galbraith 
    56. 5.0, ALEX, Pierre Lemaitre 
    57. 4.2, THE BIG SLEEP, Raymond Chandler 
    58. 4.7, THE MIDNIGHT DRESS, Karen Foxlee 
    59. 4.3, SHADOW OF THE SERPENT, David Ashton  
    Not Crime Fiction

    This personal challenge is based in the idea that occasionally it would be "good for me" to venture outside the genre.
    I'm not setting myself any target here, just seeing what happens.
    1. 4.2, MRS QUEEN TAKES THE TRAIN, William Kuhn
    2. 4.3, TAMAM SHUD, Kerry Greenwood
    3. 4.8, THE HIGHLAND WITCH (aka CORRAG), Susan Fletcher 
    4. 4.7, BRING UP THE BODIES, Hilary Mantel
    5. 4.8, PEOPLE OF THE BOOK, Geraldine Brooks 
    6. 4.6, THE MADONNAS OF LENINGRAD, Debra Dean 
    7. 4.5, BURIAL RITES, Hannah Kent 
    8. 5.0, CLOUDSTREET, Tim Winton 
    9. 4.2, THE RIDERS, Tim Winton


    Bev Hankins said...

    Kerrie: Thanks for considering the Vintage Mystery Challenge! I'll be very glad to have you along in 2013!

    Sarah said...

    Welcome to the British Books Challenge! I hope you enjoy taking part and find some fabulous new authors :o)

    Kathy D. said...

    This is an amazing list of books read, and the categories; it's daunting.

    Want to say that I completed the Global Book Challenge for 2013, read at least 3 books per category, substituting historical crime fiction for Antartica.

    And I read books from 21 countries, and will go past that by year's end.

    I haven't read as many books as in past years, just seem to be too bus and am reading at a slower pace.

    But I've read a lot of new authors and a lot of interesting books.


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