

Bill Gates is the latest billionaire to invest in the freight start-up.

World's two richest men back Uber rival

As Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos jockey for the designation of world's wealthiest man, the two billionaires are united behind at least one local venture - an Uber for trucking.

An image released by Tesla Motors, is a conceptual design rendering of the Hyperloop passenger transport capsule.

Elon Musk claims approval to build world's longest tunnel

With a tweet and very little else by way of detail, entrepreneur Elon Musk has raised the prospect of building the world's longest tunnel for an ultra-high-speed train line to connect New York to Washington.

Fast-food companies may be among the winners in selfdriving cars, analysts say.

Punt on chicken wings if you believe in driverless cars

When analysts at Morgan Stanley were trying to handicap the driverless car race, their thoughts kept turning to chicken wings. And the Disney film "Frozen." And beer. All the things you can do when you're not spending your time locked behind the steering wheel anymore.

The question is not whether electric cars will take off - they will. But are carmarkers ready for the stark changes?

Is the car industry ready for a revolution?

Almost fifty years ago, science fiction author John Brunner wrote about a world filled with electric cars... rising investment, as evidenced by Volvo's landmark decision this week, suggests that may well be about to happen.

Your suitcase has taken on a life of its own. It can now tell you if it has strayed too far, or if you've packed too ...

Did you pack too much? Your suitcase knows

Your suitcase has taken on a life of its own. It can now tell you if it has strayed too far, or if you've packed too much, and it may soon be able to call you an Uber car.

Amazon's Echo Show is well on the way to becoming the operating system for suburbia.

Amazon's computer vision: A home appliance for suburbia

One measure of the power of Amazon 's vision is how quickly its rivals are racing to copy it; both Apple and Google have their own takes on the Echo Show. But Amazon's device is well on the way to becoming the operating system for suburbia.