How 'father of broadband' Justin Milne became ABC chairman

Justin Milne became ABC chairman in March.
Justin Milne became ABC chairman in March. Dominic Lorrimer


In one week, Justin Milne will see the sun rise more than most people do in an entire year.

The ABC chairman is up at 4.30am six days a week and is out on the water by 5.15am, powering through the waterways of the harbour city of Sydney.

I've come in slightly late to our lunch at Tokonoma up the road from Sydney's Circular Quay after missing the door, tucked in a laneway, and doing a full circle around the block.

Milne picked up rowing after walking past a club on Sydney's Bay Run. Here, he is at the Leichhardt Rowing Club. He ...
Milne picked up rowing after walking past a club on Sydney's Bay Run. Here, he is at the Leichhardt Rowing Club. He likes to go rowing in Iron Cove. Dominic Lorrimer

Light cracks into the Japanese restaurant via windows sitting above lunch-goers' heads showing the footpath and busy feet walking by. Tokonoma is bustling with men in suits chatting away and I worry about the quality of the audio I will be able to record for my interview with Milne.

Fortunately, our table is positioned in a back corner. Milne is already waiting.

He picked up his morning ritual nearly eight years ago and hasn't done too badly out of it, picking up three gold medals, one silver and one bronze at the recent NSW rowing state championships.

"You see the sun come up, which is somehow kind of nice and spiritual," Milne tells me over a glass of sake.

"It's not that I'm particularly spiritual at all, but it's nice to watch. You're on the water. Often, the water is like a mirror. Often, the stars are pinpricks reflected in the water. The moon is a shaft, coming down. But it's really gorgeous, and when it's absolutely dead calm and you're rowing with people that you like, and you actually get the boat going properly, then it's just a great way to start the day. It's extremely peaceful."

ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie has come under fire for her focus on digital - and a re-organisation in the ...
ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie has come under fire for her focus on digital - and a re-organisation in the religious affairs department. Milne is a fan: "She's bright, really thoughtful." Peter Braig

Milne's first choice of sake was delivered late and not quite chilled enough to drink, our waiter says. Instead, he apologetically brings us what he describes as the sake that got him into sake – on the house. The unfiltered Moromi Nigori sake has a slightly bitter taste rather than sweet, and "a little bit of a spritz to it, too", Milne says.

Having never had sake, or being a "sake virgin" as Milne calls me, it wasn't a bad place for me to start.

Milne and I choose some small dishes to share, half a dozen of Tokonoma's signature oysters, with a Japanese vinegar sauce known as tosazu, and horseradish for a bit of a kick, and the yellowfin tuna tataki, which is briefly seared over a hot flame mixed with pistachio, radish, shiroita kombu, which is a seaweed with vinegar, and pickled fennel.

Nothing ordinary

Milne rejects fears the ABC is shifting too far to digital and leaving behind its core TV and radio business.
Milne rejects fears the ABC is shifting too far to digital and leaving behind its core TV and radio business. Dominic Lorrimer

Former Telstra chief executive and NBN chairman Ziggy Switkowski describes Milne - a kid from Adelaide who was just interested in media and technology - as "the father of broadband" in Australia.

There's nothing ordinary about the 64-year old's résumé. After graduating from Flinders University in Adelaide in 1974, he briefly worked for the South Australian Film Corporation before starting his own film production business, which he ran for 17 years. A "mini mid-life crisis" in the early 90s saw him move to computers, interactive CD-ROMs and, eventually, the internet.

By 1995, he was tasked with running Microsoft in Australia – not a bad progression – before moving to OzEmail in the late 1990s. From OzEmail he moved to Telstra before retiring from executive life in 2010 to begin building a portfolio of board positions.

On the road to becoming ABC chairman, Milne - via the usual headhunter process and vetting by an independent panel - had to write essay on why he wanted to be chairman, before he was finally appointed by Communications Minister Mitch Fifield.

Milne rings the bell at the 2015 listing of MYOB, where he is chairman.
Milne rings the bell at the 2015 listing of MYOB, where he is chairman. Daniel Munoz

Milne recalls an anecdote from his essay from when he was a boy. His grandfather had a small farm in the Adelaide Hills and he recalls sitting on a pile of fleece in the shed, listening to ABC Radio in the mornings before tuning in for The Argonauts Club, a children's show based on Jason and Argonauts, later in the afternoon.

"The sort of stuff I covered was my regard for the ABC, which was easy to write about because I do regard the ABC as a national treasure. It's been a part of my life all the way through."

Milne has made a lot of good friends through his career, including Switkowski, who he describes as "the best chairman in Australia at the moment" and to whom he looks to for advice and tries to use as an example.

Along with the ABC, Milne is chairman of accounting software business MYOB and NetComm Wireless, and is a director on boards at NBN, Tabcorp, ME Bank and SMS Management & Technology.

Justin Milne when he was managing director of OzEmail in 2002.
Justin Milne when he was managing director of OzEmail in 2002. Phil Carrick

Switkowski says his friend  is sought after for his knowledge and isn't afraid of communicating his views.

"The most distinctive thing about Justin is he's very technology literate. Not just from the point of view of being a commentator, but a user of devices and understanding how technologies operate. In particular, he understands the technology of media. That puts him into a category where you would have few peers," he says.

While Milne isn't stepping into the spotlight his with role as ABC chairman, the government broadcaster is far different from most other businesses and each decision it makes is put under the microscope.

"Some people say it's all rubbish, and it should be banned, and it should be more to the left or more to the right, it's full of controversy all the time, but that's part of the interesting part as well because it's part of democracy," he says

Milne is an avid Radio National listener and never misses an episode of investigative journalism program Four Corners. However, he notes he does most of his ABC TV viewing on the broadcaster's catch-up service iView.

"Unlike 20 years ago, I don't come home, watch the 7pm news and settle in for a night of viewing," he says.

Through iView Milne discovered Anh Do's Brush With Fame where the comedian does in-depth and personal interviews with Australian celebrities while painting a portrait of them. One particular episode that has stuck in his mind is an interview with Paralympian Kurt Fearnley.

"Something like Anh Do penetrating the life of Kurt Fearnley, it's tremendously useful for Australians to be able to see that," Milne says, noting it's the kind of programming commercial broadcasters no longer do.

Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, rightly or wrongly, is one of the ABC's biggest critics. Recently it has bemoaned the appointment of a religion editor who is "not a specialist in the genre". The move has also drawn criticism from Christian and Islamic community leaders.

"The religion controversy is no controversy at all. There is no intention on the ABC's part to scale back on religion. That's core territory for us," Milne says.

Milne has experience when it comes to government-owned entities which are highly political being on the board of NBN. Complaints are rising as more users move onto the NBN, but it's unclear who is at fault. Retailer service providers aren't buying enough bandwidth to give users fast speeds and are not marketing those plans, but many in the industry believe the wholesale access charge on the NBN is too high and telcos can't grow profits.

"The RSPs market the slowest plans available, and they do that because they choose to fight for market share - based on price. So, they think that 'if I can offer you the lowest price - even if it's slow - then you'll be happy, and at least you're my customer, not some other RSPs'," Milne says.

"What's interesting to contemplate is: when does the consumer market shift so that it really becomes more sophisticated and says, 'I don't want a 12-meg service; I want 100-meg service?' The problem we have right now is that a lot of people are saying, 'Oh, gee, the NBN is a big disappointment because it's not very fast.' It's as fast as you want it to be. What you're buying is a plan which has been choked by the RSP to make it as cheap as they can make it."

Core intact

ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie has ruffled feathers at the government broadcaster since she took up the job in May 2016. The former Google and News Corp executive has looked to restructure the ABC with an increased focus on digital that has included a significant management redundancy round earlier this year to free up $50 million a year to invest in TV, radio and online content.

"I've only come to know Michelle over the last few months, we've got on extremely well. I really like Michelle, she's bright, really thoughtful, and she's got great experience in traditional and new media. We're charting the next five to 10 years for the ABC and it's a privilege."

Milne says fears the ABC is shifting too far to digital and leaving behind its core TV and radio business are unfounded.

"I think it's a fair safe bet, over the next five to 10 years, our audience will become more and more digital and they will want us to serve up to them material which is immediately relevant to them. But, also material which is interesting to them which they haven't quite thought of," he says.

Milne says a combination of identity, customer databases and machine learning will help the ABC, and other media companies better understand what is the best next choice for audience consumption.

"We will move to that progressively over time - I think all media organisations will - but that doesn't mean we'll dismantle anything."

Milne's first choice of sake is ready. Sato no Homare (Japanese for Pride of the Village) from Sudo Honke, run by 55 generations of the Sudo family since 1141.

We both go for the sashimi omakase, a selection of fresh raw fish on ice. The tuna, in particular, melts in my mouth.

Gorilla warfare

Milne is a long-time friend of Malcolm Turnbull back when the Prime Minister made his fortune investing in internet service provider OzEmail.

Milne says he was simply a "wage slave" when Turnbull famously made $57 million from the sale of OzeMail to WorldCom in 1999. He later became chief executive under the American phone company's ownership.

"After the OzEmail years, our paths sort of crossed a bit, so essentially we just became friends. It's not like Malcolm and I were bosom buddies who go to the club every Friday night together. We've never been. We're very good friends, and our families are friends, but I'm not claiming to be one of Malcolm's closest friends.

"But who sees Malcolm these days anyway because he's too bloody busy?"

Not long after buying OzEmail, running into its own troubles, WorldCom was already looking for the exit, but along came the dotcom crash, which smashed the US telco and the value of OzEmail.

OzEmail was still growing and considered one of Australia's best internet service providers. With Milne at the helm, the ISP was taking on the 500-pound gorilla in Telstra and moving at a rate it could not.

"I had a secret plan to buy the business, so I had a management buyout pretty well organised. But WorldCom went broke, and when they went broke, the US courts froze all of their assets, so it was going to be three years before they could sell the business," Milne says.

Net future

From OzEmail, Milne moved to Telstra after receiving a phonecall: "Would you come and talk to us about running our ISP?"

Switkowski tasked him with Telstra's broadband strategy. He wanted Milne to build OzEmail, but inside Telstra.

It's hard to imagine Telstra not being the market dominator of broadband, but Milne uses the metaphor of a virus to describe what it was like to build out a new business – BigPond – inside a former government enterprise.

"It was really interesting because the idea is you create the virus, and the virus grows and ultimately takes over the host, which actually it pretty much did at the end of the day, but in the process, there's a very strong auto-immune reaction to get rid of the virus," he says.

"In the very early 2000s, there was a strong view from many people at Telstra that the internet was still probably a hoax, and whatever it was, it was a bloody nuisance."

Switkowski was adamant the internet was the future for Telstra and insulated Milne so he could push ahead with the strategy.

"The execution was truthfully a lot of fun and, in some ways, not that hard because we had the giant bank book of Telstra behind it. We [BigPond] built an attacker, but our investor was extremely well off and, as it turned out, supported us very well, so we were able to spend shitloads of money, much to the irritation to our competitors," Milne says, referring to moves by Telstra's competitors to convince the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission it was engaging in predatory pricing, after slashing BigPond access from $50 to $29.95, to push them out of business.

During Milne's eight years at Telstra, its internet customer base surged from 200,000 to 2.5 million.

Still a bit peckish after mains, we both opt for dessert, Milne the lavender panna cotta with lychee sorbet and raspberries, while I go with the sundae with coffee mousse, chocolate sorbet and honeycomb.

Milne takes an honest interest when it comes out I have a 12-week-old daughter who, like most newborns, isn't the best at sleeping during the night.

"Now, I want to give you a piece of advice," Milne says with glee as he explains the technique of settling newborns he was taught by Tresillian nurses when his children were young.

The talk turns to family and holidays – his wife Anna is Italian and they often head to the north-east of Italy for family Christmas.

"It's not an especially big family but Anna's father was an engineer, so they're a sophisticated, nice, professional, Italian family – just like we are except they're Italian – and it's great.

"They've got a really big beach house. We're going to take over the beach house, have fires and do all that kind of stuff, and then we're going skiing in the Dolomites, which is great! I don't know. I can't believe how lucky I am."



44 Bridge St, Sydney NSW 2000

Voss sparking water, $10

Oysters, $30

Yellowfin tuna Tataki, $24

2 Small Omakese sashimi, $68

1 Piccolo, $4

1 Macchiato, $4

1 Lavender panna cotta, $15

1 Sundae, $17

Sake $80

Total incl GST: $256.16