Digital health's 'feature creep' is being watched by authorities

'Feature creep' has many fitness trackers on the verge of being treated by users as medical devices.
'Feature creep' has many fitness trackers on the verge of being treated by users as medical devices. Fitbit
by Antony Scholefield

In Australia, a patient with cancer can track symptoms on their smartphone, then use the same phone to access medical records held on their GP's software. Later, their oncologist can use a different smartphone to calculate medication dosages.

And all three phone apps in this scenario – CancerAid, MediTracker and DoseMe – would be Australian inventions.

Future patients could use an Australian invention to diagnose respiratory diseases by merely breathing into their smartphone's microphone. ASX-listed company ResApp is researching this, supported by millions of dollars from investors.

Many outback patients drive long distances to see a doctor or pick up a prescription. Imagine a patient who could consult with a doctor over video or track their symptoms with wearable devices that stream data back to the clinic.

App Dr Mole allows you to measure and monitor moles but the conclusions of such apps often differ from flesh-and-blood ...
App Dr Mole allows you to measure and monitor moles but the conclusions of such apps often differ from flesh-and-blood dermatologists. Jessica Sier

Yet despite the potential upside and the individual success stories, Australia is nowhere near the vanguard of any digital health revolution.

The most notable foray into digital health is the taxpayer-funded My Health Record, launched as the PCHER in 2012. It was designed so multiple doctors could work off the same, shared patient record and has signed on 5.5 million patients so far.

Five years, one rebrand and $1 billion later, doctors remain unconvinced that it has any clinical value. They cannot use it to look at test results. It has no complete medication list, even though one of its main goals was to reduce medication errors.

Another sticking point for Australian digital health is the cornerstone of the healthcare system, Medicare. Patients cannot claim rebates for Skype consultations, for example.

A market exists for privately-billed digital health, such as NZ app Firstcheck, which recently arrived in Australia and charges patients $19.95 for remote dermatology consultations. But the explosion of "dial a doctor" video consultation technology, notable in the United States, is unlikely to occur in Australia unless the Medicare Benefits Schedule is revised.

Cautious approach

Patients or app developers might complain about this apparent conservatism. Australian doctors, though, would say caution is necessary when lives are at stake.

A study of mole-checking apps including the Australian app Dr Mole, published in the Australasian Journal of Dermatology, found that, about 50 per cent of the time, the apps' conclusions differed from flesh-and-blood dermatologists. The authors warned that false negatives could put off patients from seeking treatment for serious conditions such as melanoma.

In theory, apps that function as medical devices should be regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). In practice, the majority of "medical" apps skip regulation and assessment.

A 2016 TGA presentation warned that developers were engaging in "feature obfuscation", de-emphasising the medical features of apps to avoid regulation. The disclaimer "not a substitute for medical advice" remains common, buried in the terms and conditions, where customers rarely see it.

Another problem is so-called "feature creep". A simple fitness tracker does not require the same regulation as medical devices. Imagine it then adds a BMI calculator. Next, health advice based on the patient's BMI. At what point should regulators treat it as a medical device, requiring strict assessment?

Dr Smartphone's place in Australia remains unclear. It seems unlikely to replace human doctors any time soon.

Antony Scholefield is a reporter at Australian Doctor Group

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