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Teacher passed on his passion for science

Graham Miller explains combustion in one of the first of a series of science programs broadcast direct from the studio ...

Graham Miller's love of teaching science made him a natural choice to be the presenter of the first television science series to be broadcast directly from the studio to the classroom.

The great Australian voice falls silent

A music giant: Dr G Yunupingu.

The blind singer-songwriter who took Indigenous music to the world has died after battling health problems for most of his life.

Actor played Culkin's dad in Home Alone

John Heard brought a mixture of flustered charm and self-assurance to his acting roles.

John Heard, an actor who played pained characters in dramas but was probably best known for his role as the father who mistakenly left his youngest son behind on a family trip to Paris in the comedy Home Alone, has died in Palo Alto, California aged 71.

Fun-loving lawyer left an enduring legacy

Michael Adams, barrister and former Chief Magistrate of Victoria.

Despite his unconventional appearance and love of hospitality, barrister Michael Adams showed throughout his career a concern for vulnerable people in the justice system and his determination to provide an environment where equality of treatment might be possible.

Child migrant became a community leader

John Ulrik, estate agent and community leader

John Ulrik, who fled a Hitler-threatened Europe in 1934, became an outstanding leader and organiser "out in the sticks" in Melbourne's east.

Minister guided his church through union

Ronald Blackwood, minister of the Presbyterian and Uniting churches.

Presbyterian minister Ron Blackwood provided wise advice and leadership to his church through the difficult times leading to union in the Uniting Church.

In Passing

In Passing

Yuri I. Drozdov, Elsa Martinelli, Captain "Tubby" Crawford

Ms Sheila Michaels, who brought 'Ms' to prominence

Sheila Michaels, in the 1960s, changed the way modern women are addressed.

Sheila Michaels, who half a century ago, wielding two consonants and a period, changed the way modern women are addressed, has died in Manhattan. Ms Michaels, who introduced the honorific "Ms" into common parlance, was 78.

War bride loved to celebrate Canada Day

Nell Charlwood, primary school teacher and librarian.

Nell Charlwood, a farm girl from the prairies, lived in Melbourne for 72 years as a Canadian citizen, and may have been the last of Melbourne's Canadian war brides.

In passing

In Passing

Michael Nyqvist​, a Swedish actor who starred in the original The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and the 2004 cult hit As It Is In Heaven has died of lung cancer at the age of 56. Raised in a Stockholm orphanage, he  discovered acting while an exchange student in the US. He studied theatre but fame in Swedish film and television did not come until he was 39 when he starred in Together, a movie about a leftist commune in suburban Stockholm in the 1970s. Nyqvist tracked down his biological parents after he became a star. He spoke with his Swedish mother just once and found his pharmacist father in Venice. He also discovered two half-sisters.