What local councils do or don’t do on January 26 has burst into the national political debate, and what a good thing that is, writes Socialist Alliance councillor Sam Wainwright.

The pro-market, anti-people policies of all the major parties at the local, state and federal levels has placed shelter — a vital human need — in second place to profits.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s surprise decision on July 27 to abandon plans for more local council mergers is a win for communities who strongly protested this undemocratic decision say Socialist Alliance candidates.

This week is Homelessness Week. It's also the week when the 76 homeless people sleeping in Martin Place are being threatened with forcible removal by the NSW Liberal government.

Students say report "confirms what we’ve known for decades: that a culture of rape has become endemic through the inaction of universities."

It is clear that Venezuela is experiencing a right-wing destabilisation campaign that not only seeks to remove President Maduro but to roll back the important gains of the country’s Bolivarian Revolution.

The legal system is failing Aboriginal people and exposes the depths of a racism that remains the bedrock of mainstream Australian culture.