Taking on the City2Surf at 27 weeks pregnant

 Photo: Instagram: @sarahmcgilvray

Not many people can say they completed a City2Surf before they were born - but Sarah McGilvray's first child will be able to claim that honour.

MGilvray, co-host on Nova's Fitzy & Wippa show, will be 27 weeks pregnant on the day of the race next month. She will be joining a Nova City2Surf team along with Wippa and three other radio buddies.

"I love doing things with the team outside work," she tells Essential Baby. "It's so nice to have conversations with colleagues that don't revolve around work."

Every August, thousands of people take to the streets of Sydney to participate in the 14km fun run that starts in the CBD and finishes at Bondi Beach. Elite runners at the start of the pack have been known to cross the finish line in less than 41 minutes. 

But there isn't any hurry, in fact, according to some; it's the walkers at the back of the pack who have the most fun.

Sarah says that she enjoys exercise and has tried to maintain her fitness during her pregnancy. In addition, she believes that consistent exercise is part of a healthy pregnancy.

"Sticking with exercise during my pregnancy has been good for my state of mind as well as my physical health," she says. "It's good to open up the lungs and get the blood flowing! I try and get out everyday to do something."

Although there is a huge competitive side to the City2Surf, Sarah says that it is an enjoyable event no matter what pace you set for yourself.

"Last year my partner finished City2Surf before I'd even started it," she says. "I definitely prefer to take it slow and steady."


This year, Sarah will be even more mindful not to push herself too hard.

"I'm going to attempt to do the whole course without stopping, but I know that if I have to slow down that Wippa won't argue – he'll probably need a rest too and he can use me as an excuse," she jokes.

On a more serious note, Sarah believes that while it's good to push yourself, it's important to know your limits. "Don't push yourself so hard that you don't enjoy it," she says.

Although the City2Surf is famous for heartbreak hill, it is also Australia's biggest fun run – and according to Sarah it's the event's electric atmosphere that makes it special.

"People dress in costume, there are bands at the side of the road and all sorts of things going on. It is really entertaining," she says.

In preparation for race day Sarah, who lives in hilly Balmain, in Sydney's Inner West, says that she has upped the ante in terms of her training. "I'm trying to take on more hills. In the past I've avoided them or taken them more slowly, but now I am powering up them!" she laughs.

But not everyone is happy about the hill training. "My dog is suffering! He is only little and he doesn't love power walking," she says.

On race day, Sarah says that she will have a light breakfast of toast and frit and will take some snacks to munch on during the walk. She notes that staying hydrated is also important "there are plenty of water stations along the route," she says.

Anyone finishing the City2Surf can expect to experience a bit of a high, but Sarah will be feeling even better. "I'm expecting to feel a greater sense of satisfaction with a baby bump on me!" she says.

Don't forget to talk to your doctor or midwife before starting a new exercise regime.

For more information about the upcoming City2Surf go to: www.city2surf.com.au. Register before August 1 to save $10.