- published: 03 Mar 2017
- views: 3390
RH, Rh, rH, or rh can stand for:
Rh Negative Blood Mystery | Explained in 5 Minutes
5 Reasons People with RH Negative Blood are Different #MKultra #nephilim
Why are TPTB Tracking People with Rh-negative Blood so Closely?
Rh- 혈액형의 성격과 특징
Whats the deal with Rh - Blood? Testimony of a Registered Nurse
What you need to know about TARGETED INDIVIDUALS and the RH FACTOR
Rh- Negative Blood and Antediluvian Civilizations
Actors: Jonas Skelterwijk (writer), Jonas Skelterwijk (producer), Jonas Skelterwijk (editor), Jonas Skelterwijk (director), Jonas Skelterwijk (composer), Rolf Jarl (actor), Madeleine Barwén Trollvik (actress), Nils Olsson (actor), Anna Nevander (actress), Emil Skelterwijk (actor), Maths Andersson (actor), Staffan Andersson (actor), Fredrik Jönsson (actor), Oscar Skelterwijk (actor), Helena Andersson (actress),
Plot: Junkie Doc has been manufacturing a drug that gives him the gift to predict which numbers will come in "The Big Bet". The Boss uses the situation and with his greedy allies and a drugged Doc, they will win all the money. The scam was a failure. All the money is gone so Boss is organizing a vengeance for the huge loss ... Now The Doc has to die!
Keywords: casinoThe mystery surrounding those with Rh- blood...explained in five minutes. Greenbaum Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRSOwc4WwSI The Outer Dark, 5 Reasons People with RH Negative Blood are Different #MKultra #nephilim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVLXq-6c9SU Support my channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4621074 OR Paypal: http://bit.ly/2hH8k8V GAB: https://gab.ai/reallygraceful snapchat: franseenwrites https://www.facebook.com/authorfranseen Or here: https://twitter.com/FranSeenWrites Instagram: https://instagram.com/franseenwrites My Books: http://www.franseenwrites.com
Music video by RH performing JUNGLE. Find sangen på følgende links: Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/2V3Ju4diQKsoooypQHtiIE Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jungle-single/id1220142064 Filmet af: Andreas Runge & Abboud Haydar Klip og redigering: M. Idrisi Vokal/Master: Tau Mau Beat: RJacksProdz Sponsor: No Limits, Palé Volu & Brand 47 Booking & Management: RhBooking@hotmail.com
Why are TPTB Tracking People with Rh-negative Blood so Closely? ~~ Links: 1) http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=65408 2) Thumnail image - RH Negative Blood map, http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=65408 3) Music - Youtube Audio Library "Ambient Ambulance" https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
Music video by RH performing REGNER. Afspil på Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1n49crnzwzMhpR0aMG3S7h. Afspil på Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/dk/album/regner-single/id1193998294?l=da Lyrik: https://genius.com/Rh-regner-lyrics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rhfalastin/ Tekst og musik af RH Beat mix & mastering af MTMG Video af Bvce Visuals Kontakt: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005562856411
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Nestled in the mountains between France and Spain, there is a semi-isolated population of native European people that have long puzzled anthropologists, linguists, and historians, because although they are Caucasoid, they do not fit in with the rest of the European populations. Robert Sepehr is an author, producer and anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, and paleobiology (archeogenetics). http://amazon.com/Robert-Sepehr/e/B00XTAB1YC/ The Antediluvian (alternatively Pre-Diluvian or Pre-Flood or even Tertiary) period—meaning "before the deluge"—is the time period referred to in the Bible between the Fall of man and the Noachian Deluge (the Genesis Flood) in the biblical cosmology. Gods with Amnesia: Subterranean Worlds of Inner Earth https://www.createspace.com/6159364...
Todo mundo já assistiu como funcionam os interrogatórios no cinema e na TV. Há sempre o policial ‘bom’, que só quer te ajudar, e o ‘mau’, louco para te descer a porrada. Mas pouca gente sabe que essa dinâmica existe em outra situação. Só que uma mais tensa e onde não existe resposta errada… ou certa. Elenco: Gregorio Duvivier João Vicente de Castro Rafael Infante Rafael Portugal MAKING OF: https://youtu.be/SU-7eXEK0rI ERROS DE GRAVAÇÃO: https://youtu.be/pYvXOFb32_c APPS E GAMES: http://bit.ly/appsporta CAMISAS E PRODUTOS: http://loja.portadosfundos.com.br Esse é o canal "Porta dos Fundos". Lançamos vídeos todas as segundas, quintas e sábados às 11h.
Dentro de un cajón
vivía Gualdo Opositor
se inventaba uno distinto
a cada afirmación.
"Hay más calles que bloquear
hay más huelgas por hacer
hay mucho más porque pelear".
El solía rezar a Dios
pidiendo un pan o dos.
El ahora no reza más
quiere ser dios.
"Hay más calles que bloquear
hay más huelgas por hacer
hay mucho más porque pelear".
El solía participar
en cada decisión,
el ahora prefiere ser
la oposición.
Si esta vivo hay que ahogarlo
si está arriba hay que hundirlo
si esta a un lado a empujarlo
si no esta?