Berlin: Riot cops around Teppich Fabrik Squat

Riot cops are patrolling around the squatted Teppich Fabrik (Carpet factory) in the Friedrichshain district in Berlin. A spokesperson of the cops told German daily that they want to prevent that supporters come to the squat. In Rigaer Strasse tension is high after authorities allowed to block the street for the coming 18 months for another gentrification project.


The old Teppich Fabrik in the  Friedrichshain district was quietly squatted several months ago. Owner of the building is Bernd Freier, founder and owner of the fashion company S.Oliver. The 2.2 billion strong owner wants the cops to evict the building but a planned eviction on August 3 didn’t take place. According to German media reports Freier did not go to court yet. Police authorities said they need a court decision before they can evict the building. [Read More]

Italy: To the international anarchist movement

Florence, April 21, 2016: someone attacked the carabinieri barracks in Rovezzano, the Florentine suburbs, with a molotov.
Florence, January 1, 2017 an explosive device placed outside the bookshop “Il Bargello” near Casa Pound explodes in the hands of a policeman who is severely injured.
Following these two anonymous attacks, on the morning of August 3, 2017, eight comrades are imprisoned. The anarchists: Marina Porcu, Micol Marino, Pierloreto Fallanca (Pasca), Giovanni Ghezzi, Roberto Cropo, Salvatore Vespertino, Sandro Carovac, Nicola Almerigogna.
These comrades have been notified of accusations of attempted murder because of the wounding of the bomb disposal engineer Mario Vece, fabrication, detention and transportation of explosive devices, aggravated damage for the throwing of incendiary bottles against the Carabinieri barracks.

The names of the main inquisitors to have coordinated the investigations are:
Spina Eugenio (senior executive of the State police, head of counter-terrorism).
Pifferi Lucio (head of the D.I.G.O.S. in Florence).
Creazzo Giuseppe (chief prosecutor of Florence).

As anarchists we are not interested in knowing who did these actions, valid, concrete, alive. The Italian State after the continuation of Op. Scripta Manent, again strikes refractory comrades, who believe that direct, non-mediated and destructive action is a fundamental means of anarchist revolutionary struggle. [Read More]

Lecce: Police operation against La Caura

On Thursday 3rd August at 6:30am the Digos of Lecce and an antiterrorism special squad (UOPI) wearing balaclavas and armed with machineguns stormed La Caura (Roca-Lecce). The police forced those present to lie face down on the floor, then took a comrade, Paska, away who is now being held in the Lecce prison.
The episode occurred at the same time as that at La Riottosa in Florence, where another 7 comrades were arrested, while one was arrested in Rome. The police operation refers to an explosive attack on ”Il Bargello” [neo-nazi] bookshop, a Casapound place, in Florence (1st January 2017), when an incompetent bomb disposal expert was injured, and to an incendiary bottle against the carabinieri barracks in Rovezzano, Florence (21st April 2017).
The police chief of Lecce immediately took the chance to threaten the new squat (La Caura), opened just ten days ago, with eviction, as happened with La Riottosa.
At around 2pm about thirty people went outside the prison in Lecce in solidarity for a quick greeting to the prisoners. And another gathering is to take place today 4th August at 6pm.

Solidarity with Micol, Marina, Sandro, Nicola, Roberto, Paska, Giovanni, Vespertino. [Read More]

South Africa: The ‘Boiketlong Four’ and the Criminalisation of Poverty and Protest


In February 2015, four community activists from Boiketlong in the Vaal, south of Johannesburg, were sentenced to 16 years in prison each following a community protest. This is a very severe sentence and the conviction was based on shaky evidence. The ‘Boiketlong Four’ were arrested for allegedly attacking the local ANC ward councillor and setting fire to her shack and two cars during a community protest. They were convicted of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, arson and malicious injury to property. This is an example of a terrible injustice perpetrated against black working class activists and could have dangerous repercussions for future struggles of the black working class and poor in South Africa if it is not fought. People need to be aware of the facts and take action to demand justice and to fight the criminalisation of poverty and protest.
[Read More]

Italy: squats and houses raided and evicted, anarchist comrades arrested…


This Thursday 3rd of August, 2017, in the morning, the cops have broken the doors of several rented and squatted houses in Florence, Rome and Lecce, to arrest eight anarchist comrades from Florence.

La Repubblica (Italian mainstream newspaper) says it’s the result of an investigation made by the DIGOS (Division of General Investigations and Special Operations) and the antiterrorist Italian police, regarding two events. [Read More]

Hamburg: Rote Flora prepares for house search


The Rote Flora squat in Hamburg published a message on their website that they have information that it looks like police authorities want to search the building in the coming weeks.

In a statement, the Rote Flora writes: “At present there is coming more and more information that the Rote Flora could be searched. We are calling to come to a general assembly in the Flora on day X at 08:00pm (20.00). Keep your eyes and ears open. Solidarity against their repression!” [Read More]

Amsterdam: Urgent appeal from ADM


Send your opinion to the municipality about the ADM and the threat of eviction !
The deadline is on tomorrow 02.08.2017 @ 16:30 !

Last week we received a letter of the municipality of Amsterdam in which they summoned us to ‘stop making infringements against the zoning plan’.Like living in an industrial area. If we do not comply with this request before August 5, the municipality ‘will end the violations by means of administrative enforcement’. We protest against this decision and we submit a well-founded view. They are obliged to reply it .We ask all of you to do the same. Hit the link below, explain in some sentences why the ADM is important to you and than just hit send !

Act NOW / SHARE this message !!!

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Calais: Recent police attacks on distributions


In the last weeks the police have started to include attacks on support infrastructure in their campaign of violence and intimidation against people on the move in this city. Volunteers and supporters in Calais have been reporting police attacks during food distributions, traffic stops and fines when going out in association vehicles to do distributions, threats to seize vehicles, poisoning of water supplies, and the destruction of donations. This is in addition to the police violence which takes place daily in the jungles, at the parkings, and in the streets for which volunteers are not often present.

Image: Water containers contaminated with CS gas
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Roca (Lecce): La Caura, new squatted space

We liberated a space situated on the coastline in the Roca Vecchia area (Lecce).
There will be an info point with materials where we can discuss, talk, make presentations and projections on the issues we care most about. We’ll be talking about nocivities, the struggle against exploitation, against the different faces of imprisonment and repression, against the fury imposed on those who come here from the ‘wrong’ countries.
There’s a great deal of interest on what’s going on in this territory, to understand what kind of harmful and devastating work they want to build up by trampling on the environment and the people, for the struggle against the new monster TAP, which has already had very intense moments and will need strength in the long run.
The space will welcome those who come from distant areas and are interested in knowing more and self-organizing in the opposition against the TAP. We decided to do it without submitting ourselves to the prices and rules of the tourism market.
You are all invited on Friday 28th July from 7pm to have aperitifs together and start knowing one another better.

La Caura [Read More]

Call for defending the occupation of the Hambach Forest

The Hambach Forest has been occupied for five years. For five years people have been building and defending tree houses in order to protect the trees they are living on. For five years diggers, cops, and secus have kept coming closer. Officially, the forest is owned by RWE, a multinational energy company that does not only want to kill the thousands-of-years-old forest, destroy habitats, dispossess and displace residents from the surrounding villages to generate power. With it’s production of lignite in the Rhineland along it is responsible for 30% of Germany’s CO2 emissions. A company that does not shy away from exploiting the entire world in order to maximise its profits. It is a company that significantly contributes to generating situations forcing people to leave their countries of origin. Because the people who first have to deal with the consequences of global warming are not those profiting from coal, but people from the global South. This makes our struggle part of the struggle against imperialism, against oppression and racism. What happens here does not happen by accident. It is a symbol of the capitalist system. And we are working on means of attacking it.
[Read More]

Solidarity statement from Rosa de Foc Squat in Athens, Greece, to anti-airport struggle ZAD in France


As an international housing squat we think solidarity is our weapon, and as we all know weapons have categories, from handguns to nuclear bombs. Revolutionary solidarity doesn’t have boundaries and can only benefit the struggle. We are already starting to try our theories in practice about this.

International solidarity means bringing and taking ideas from one place to another, placing priorities and supporting the place that needs our help the most. Help is not only texts, supplies and solidarity demonstrations in our territory, but also our physical presence there. Working with the people, learning their language and their culture. Basic ingredients if we want to be effective and helpful, because every battle ground is different. [Read More]

Durban (South Africa): Abahlali are under armed attack from the eThekwini Mayor

Thursday, 6 July 2017 – Abahlali urgent press statement

Abahlali are under armed attack from the eThekwini Mayor

On 26 June we marched, in our thousands, on the Mayor of the eThekwini Municipality and the KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance. The Mayor and the MEC refused to present themselves to the thousands of people who had marched on the City Hall.

The memoranda that we handed over gave them seven days to respond to our demands. We made it clear that if there was no response we would engage in further protest action. [Read More]